
更新时间:2023-05-06 03:41:25 阅读: 评论:0

抽样量化和编码:sampling quantizing and coding
话路:speech channel
幅值:amplitude value
抽样频率:sampling frequency
抽样速率:sampling speed rate
脉冲流:stream of puls
重复率:repetition rate
编码过程:coding processs
模拟信号:analog signal
传输质量transmission quality
数字通信digital communication
数字传输digital transmission
含噪声的环境noisy environment
传输路由transmission path
信号比signal-to-noi ratio
信号电平signal levels
地面系统terrestrial system
噪声功率noi power
二进制传输binary transmission
反向操作rever operation
8位码序列8-digit quence
接收端receiving terminal
帧格式frame format
同步字synchronization word
the schemes for performing the three function 实现这三项功能的方案
a ries of amplitude values 一串幅值
a speech channel of telephone quality 质量的话路
a quence of 8-binary digits 一个8位二进制码的序列
a minimum theoretical sampling frequency 理论上的最小抽样频率
a voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4KHz 占据着300Hz到3.4KHz 频率X围的话路
8-digits per sample value 每个样值8位码
the sparking of a car ignition system 汽车点火系统的大火
the stream of the pul with a repetition rate of 64KHz 重复率为64KHz的脉冲
the relationship of the true signal to the noi signal 真实信号与噪声信号的关系
the signal received from a satellite 由卫星上收到的信号
the complete information about a particular message 一条特定消息的全部信息
the shape of the transmitted signal 被传信号的波形
the attenuation introduced by transmission path 由传输路由引入的衰减
the unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a t of puls 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元
a quence relating to channel 1,2 and son on涉与到第一路、第二路与其他各路的序列
a unique quence of puls called synchronization word 被称为同步字的独特的码序列
terrestrial system 地面系统
the prence or abnce of the pul 脉冲的"有〞或"无〞
a high-speed electronic switch 高速的电子开关
the time division multiplexer 时分多路复用器
Time Division Multiplexing 时分多路复用Unit2
串行接口rial interface
显示终端CRT terminal
发送器与接收器transmitter and receiver
数据传输data transmission
数据流data stream
闲置状态the idle state
传号电平mark level
空号电平space level
起始位start bit
停止位stop bit
T秒的持续时间duration of T conds
奇偶校验位parity bit
错误标志error flag
传输错误transmission error
下降沿falling edge
符号间的空格intersymbol space
接收机的定时receiver timing
本地时钟local clock
磁带magnetic tape
控制比特control bit
逻辑1电平logical 1 level
二进制数据binary data
明显的缺点obvious disadvantage
asynchronous rial data transmission 异步串行数据传输
The most popular rial interface 最为流行的串行接口
The transmitted data 所传送的数据
The clocks at the transmitter and receiver发送器和接收器的时钟
The era of teleprinter电传机的时代
The dots and dashes of a character一个字符的点和划
Three times the duration of intersymbol space符号间空格持续时间的三倍
The group of bits called characters 被称为字符的比特组
The invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元
A clock generated locally by the receiver 由接收机本地产生的时钟
The received parity bit following the character 在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位
The falling edge of the start bit 起始位的下降沿
The character-oriented nature of the data link 数据链路面向字符的特性
联网技术networking technology
国际标准化组织international Organization for Standardization <ISO>
参考模型reference model
数据分组packet data
应用程序application program
网络媒体network media
分层called layering
硬件和软件hardware and software
表示层the prentation layer
传输层the transport layer
数据链路层the data link layer
网络服务network rvices
文件接入file access
数据格式data format
逻辑地址logical addressing
Networking technology 联网技术
Proprietary networking system 专用联网系统
The international Organization for Standardization 国际标准规划组织
Compatibility between the various type of networks 各种网络之间的兼容性
Seven numbered layers 七层协议
Standardization of network components 网络部件的标准化Error recovery 纠错
Receiving host’s system 发方主机系统
Connection-oriented circuits 面向连接的电路
Information flow control 信息流控制
Network media access 网络媒体接入
Electrical specification 电气特性
Maximum transmission distance 最大传输距离
Uint 4
传输控制协议transmission control protocol
互联协议Internet protocol
数据通信data communication
高层协议higher-level protocol
流量控制traffic control
互联层Internet layer
分组交换packet switching
超文本传输协议hypertext transfer protocol
transmission control protocol传输控制协议
Internet protocol互联协议
satellite links卫星链路
the Standard On which the internet has grown互联网发展所基于的标准
Network access layer网络接人层
connection-oriented protocol面向连接的协议
file transfer protocol文件传输协议
hypertext transfer protocol超文本传输协议
domain name system域名系统
developer of software软件开发人
ur datagram protocol用户数据报协议
packet -switched technology分组交换技术
Unit 5
局域网local area network
网络接口卡network interface card
印刷电路板printed circuit board 主板motherboard
网络适配器network adaptor
并行数据parallel data
电脉冲electrical impuls
联网介质networking media
local-area network局域网
logical topology逻辑拓扑
devices that connect directly to a network gment直接连到网络段的部件
network interface card网络接口卡
process of the encapsulation打包的过程
standardized symbol标准化的符号
printed circuit board印刷电路板
expansion slot of a bus on a computer’s motherboard在计算机母板上总线的扩展槽
network adapter网络适配器
parallel signal produced by the computer由计算机产生的并行信号
transmltting station发送站
the specifications for Category 5 twisted-pair Ethernet五类双绞线以太网的规X
Unit 6
无源集线器passive hub
可用带宽uable handwidth
地址表addressing table
光纤optical fiber
无线介质wireless media
铜线copper wire
the device that rves as the center of network作为网络中心的部件
multi-port repeater多端口中继器
reliability of the network网络的可靠性
passive or active hubs无源或有源的集线器
protocol address or network address地址或网络地址network administrator网络管理者
switching of packets to the best route交换分组到最佳路由network gment网络段
Unit 7
网络资源network resource
信息服务information rvices
远程终端remote terminals
互连的系统interconnected systems
电子electronic mail
无线信道wireless channels
用户界面ur interface
文本信息textual messages
超文本协议hypertext protocol
giant network of computers located all over the world分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络
backbone system主干系统
nationwide network全国X围的网络
electronic conferences电子会议
remote terminal远程终端
live conversation实时的对话
world wide web万维网
arching tool搜寻工具
the largest repository of information 最大的信息库
network facilities resources网络设备资源
the vast majority of the computers on the net在网上的绝大多数计算机
the Unix operating system UNIX操作系统
textual message文本信息s
a way to move data between the internet and your PC 在因特网和你的PC机之间传送数据的方法
the convenient arching tools方便的搜索工具
the networked hypertext protocol 联网的超文本协议
Unit 8
optical fiber communications 光纤通信
light source 光源
wavelength 波长
lar 激光器
dispersion 色散
transmission medium传输介质
multi-mode fiber 多模光纤
long-haul trunks 长途干线
single-mode fiber 单模光纤
bandwidth 带宽
wideband subscriber 宽带用户
fiber-optics 纤维光学
commercial technology 商用技术
threshold current 门限电流
photodetector 光检测器
wavelength multiplexing 波分复用
fiber-optic networks 纤维光网络
video bandwidth 视频带宽
长途传输long distance transmission
中继距离. repeater spacing
商用技术. commercial technology<
光纤通信. optical fibre communications
已装光纤的总长度. the total length of installed fibre
长途通信系统long-haul telecommunication system
低衰减的石英纤维the low-loss silica fibre
衰减逼近瑞利极限的光纤fibers with loss approaching the Rayleigh limit
室温下的门限电流. room temperature threshold currents
较长波长区the longer wavelength region
用户接入工程. subscriber access project
部件性能和可靠性的改进improvements in component performance and reliability<
已安装的光纤系统的数据速率data rates for installed fibre optic system
每秒吉比特gigabit per cond range
波分复用. wavelength multiplexing
宽带用户环路系统. wideband subscriber loop system
多纤连接器. multifibre connectors
设计寿命. projected lifetime
光源. light source 单模光纤. single-mode fibre
分布反馈式激光器distributed-feedback lar
信息容量information capacity
交换体系. switching hierarchy
宽带业务.broadband rvices
Unit 9
cellular mobile telephone 蜂窝式移动
rvice perfor mance 服务性能
frequency band 频带
microprocessor 微处理器
mobile unit 移动手机
broadcast rvice广播业务
antenna 天线
subsystems 子系统
mobile subscriber 移动用户
rvice capability 服务能力
untiliaztion 利用率
bandwidth 带宽
single-sideband 单边带
spread spectrum 扩频
large scale integrated circuits 大规模集成电路
cellular site 蜂窝点
cellular switch 蜂窝交换机
radio cabinet 无线机架
call processing 呼叫处理
rvice area 服务区
frequency spectrum untiliaztion 频谱利用率
the limited assigned frequency band 有限的指定频带complicated features and functions 复杂的特性和功能
large-scale integrated circuit technology 大规模集成电路技术developmental cellular system 实验性的蜂窝系统
central coordinating element 中央协调单元
cellular administration 蜂窝管理
operational limitation of conventional mobile telephone system 传统移动的运行限制
limited rvice capability 有限的服务能力
radio communication industry 无线通行行业
available radio frequency spectrum 可用的无线电频谱
the allocated frequency band 所分配的频带
mobile transceiver 移动收发器
technological feasibility 技术上的可行性
rvere spectrum limitation 严厉的频谱限制
FM broadcasting rvice 调频广播业务
propagation path loss 传播路径衰耗
multipath fading 多路径衰耗
telephone company zone officee 公司地方局
unit 10
personal communications 个人通信
communication standards 通信标准
fixed telephone rvice 固定业务
network capacity 网络容量
mobile switching center 移动交换中心
international roaming 国际漫游
broadband rvices 宽带业务
interface converon 接口转换
frequency allocation 频谱分配
analogue mode 模拟方式
cellular communication principle 蜂窝通信原理
jamming 拥塞
cell splitting 蜂窝裂变
ba station 基站
register 寄存器
billing function 收费功能
access method 接入方法
burst transmission mode 突发脉冲传输方式
overhead information 开销信息
handover algorithms 切换算法
short message vice 短消息服务
technical specification 技术规X
total acess communication system 全接入的通信系统
global mobile communication system 全球移动通信系统
time division multiple acess 时分多址
facsimile and short message rvice 和短消息服务
fixed communicateon networks 固定通信网络
a more personalized system 更个人化的系统
the cost and quality of the link 链路的价格与质量
marker growth 市场的发展
coaxial cable 同轴电缆
frequency reu and cll splitting 频率再生和蜂窝裂变cochannel interference 共信道干扰
theroretical spectral capability 理论上的频谱容量
micro-cellular system 微蜂窝系统
ba station transceiver 基站收发器
subscriber register 用户寄存器
advanced handover algorithms 先进的切换算法
the GSM technicall specifications GSM的技术规X
unit 11
circuit switching 电路交换
packet switching 分组交换
message switching 报文交换
subnet 子网
header 信头
destination address 目的地
error control误差控制
store-and-forward manner 存储转发方式
bursty 突发性
transmission delay 传输时延
intermediate switching equipment 中间交换设备
switching technique 交换技术
return signal 返回信号
message processor 报文处理机
given maximum length 给定最大长度
information transfer 信息转移
random 随机性
dedicated circuit 专用电路
channel utilization 电路利用率
the capability of storing and manipulating ur’s data 存储和处理用户的能力
the special signaling message 特定的信令信息
a well defined block of data called a message 被精心定义的称为报文的数据块
the information regarding the source and destination adderss 涉与源和目的地址的信息
the computer referred to as a message processor 叫做报文处理器的计算机
the store-and-forward transmission technique 存储转发传输技术
the dynamic allocation of the bandwidth 带宽的动态分配
the overall transmission delay of the message报文整个的传输时延switching technique 交换技术
total path of connected lines 连线的整个通路
source-destination pair 源到目的地的一对
communication parties 通信各方
transmission unit 传输单元
initial connection cost incurred in tting up the circuit 在建立电路时产生的起初连接成本
low delay constraint requited by the ur 用户所需的短时延的限制
the fixed dedicated end-to-end circuit 固定专用的端到端电路low channel utilization 低的电路利用率
unit 12
asynchronous transfer mode 异步转移模式
logical channel 逻辑信道
virtual circuits 虚电路
virtual paths 虚路径
recommendation 建议
network level 网络层
rvice and application level 业务和应用层
virtual connection 虚连接
information superhighway 信息高速公路
vedio-on-demand 点播电视
statistical multiplexing 统计复用
digital information 数字化的信息
identifier 标识符
protocols 协议
network node 网络节点
broadband network 宽带网
ATM forum ATM论坛
future-proofed 面向未来的
image encoding 图像编码
virtual private network 虚拟专用网
data processing 数据处理
short packets called cells 被叫做信元的短的分组
bit rates of veral hundred megabits a cond 每秒几百兆比特的速率
unique multiplexing method 独特的复用方法
the physical connection between any to terminals 任何两个终端之间的物理连接
interactive video rvices 交互式的视频业务
a nature vehicle for multimedia rvices 多媒体业务的自然载体
the crrent and future requirements of both operators and urs 运营者和用户当前和未来的要求
the technique for switching high bit rate channel 高比特率信道的交换技术
multiplexing and switching technique 复用和交换技术
the underlying type of transmission 所承载的传输类型
dual identification 双重标识
the transfer of cells to the network nodes 信元在网络节点上的转移
hundreds megabits a cond 每秒几百兆比特recommendation I.121 I.121建议
the quality of rvice 业务质量
in proportion to the exact requirement 与实际需求成比例
the application and rvice transported over a network 网络所传送的应用和业务
the ability to construct virtual network 构成虚网络的能力cost-effiective u of infrastructure 低价高效的利用网络设施coordinating different networks carrying different rvices 协调
esntial components of future information superhighways 未来的信息高速公路的基本部件
optimum u of resource 资源的最佳使用
unit 13
public telecommunication network 公众电信网
local loop 本地环路
switching node 交换节点
twisted pair 双绞线
external call 外部呼叫
end office 端局
digital data system 数字数据系统
two wire connection 二线连接
toll center 收费中心
circuit-switched network 电路交换网
telephone subscriber 用户
data traffic 数据流量
link 链路
trunk 中继线
half-duplex 半双工
full-duplex 全双工
voice-frequency circuit 音频电路
trandem switch 汇接交换机
topology 拓扑
internode 节点间的
route 路由
full-duplex connection 全双工的连接
the function of concentrating traffic 集中话务量的功能
the switching nodes called tandem itches 被称为汇接局的交换节点
a fraction of subscriber 一小部分用户
the interface between the station and the network 在站和网络之间的接口
the subscriber that transmit digital signal 发送数字信号的用户national networks 国家网络
architectural components 结构部件
the branches between nodes 节点间的支路
tree topology 树状拓扑
transmission facilities 传输设备
multiple voice-frequency circuit 多条音频电路synchronous TDM 同步时分复用
adjacent end offices 相邻的端局
full connectivity 全连通性
isolated subnetworks 被分离的子网
high usage trunks 高效中继线
basic order of lection 路由选择的基本次序
backbone hierarchical network 主干体系网络
two subscribers attached to different end offices 连接到不同端局的两个用户
exchange area 交换区
Unit 14
global communications 全球通信
flexibility 灵活性
end-to-end digital connectivity 端到端的数字连接
open network 开放网络
voice encoding 语音编码
integrated rvices digital network综合业务数字网infrastructure 系统结构
International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织communication carriers 通信载体transmission medium 传输媒体
interface equipment 接口设备
bandwidth limitation 带宽限制
switching equipment 交换设备
pul code modulation 脉冲调制
basic access 基本接入
degradation due to the transmission medium 由于传输媒体导致的质量下降
bandwidth limitations inherent in a 4 kHz voice channel 4 kHz 路中所固有的带宽限制
standardized ports 标准化的接口
pul code modulation 脉冲编码调制
digital communication 数字通信
ISDN standards and system architecture ISDN的标准和系统结构
progressive application of digital technology 数字技术的逐步应用
public communication carriers 公共通信载体
enhanced quality 高质量
substantial quantity of interface equipment 大量的接口设备flexibility in the transmission of voice ,data ,video and other rvices 在传送话音、数据、视频和其他业务上的灵活性voice encoding techniques 语音编码技术
pul coding modulation脉冲编码调制
basic access signaling rate 基本接入信令速率
universal access 统一的接入
experimental technology 实验性的技术
unit 15
X.25 protocol X.25 协议
television signals 电视信号
narrowband rvices 窄带业务
basic access 基本接入
telervice 电信业务
telex 用户电报
radio waves 无线电波
ground antenna 地面天线
coaxial 同轴的
direct broadcast system 直接广播系统
end-to-end delay 端到端的时延
jitter 抖动
peak hours 繁忙小时
chip technology 芯片技术
high definition television 高清晰度电视
operations and maintenance 运行与维护
the existing public network 现有的公用网络
classical two-way voice conversation 传统的双向对话
packet switched data network bad on X.25 protocols 基于X.25协议的分组交换数据网络
the ur access to the network 对网络用户接入
a circuit switched rvice with a channel rate of 70 Mbit/s 信道速率为70 Mbit/s的电路交换业务
the rvice-independent network 与业务无关的网络
the optimal statistical sharing of the resources 对资源的最佳统计共享
telecommunication rvice 电信业务
telex network 用户电报网
messages of characters 文字报
two-way voice conversation 双向对话
X.21 protocols X.21协议
coaxial tree network 同轴数状网络

本文发布于:2023-05-06 03:41:25,感谢您对本站的认可!



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