Adjoining Rooms 相邻房 | Rooms located next or opposite to each other but not rviced by a connecting door. 房间紧连着下一间房间或者对面,但不是通过连通门进行服务。 |
Amenity 备品 | An assortment of supplies for guest shampoo, etc. 可提供客人使用的各种类别客用品如洗发水等。 |
Arrival 预抵 | Time of day guest is expected to check-in: Early Arrival Late Arrival 当日期望抵店入住的客人: 早到 晚到 |
Bed Size / Type 床的尺寸/类型 | King Bed - W 200cm X L 220cm (Mattress : W200 x H29cm) Twin Bed - W 120cm X L 220cm (Mattress : W120 x H29CM) Mattress (29cm) Ba (20cm) Leg/roller (12.5cm) = 61.5cm (Bed Height) Extra Bed - W100cm x 197cm (Mattress : 185 x 95 x 31cm) 大床 - 200厘米x 220厘米(床垫:宽200厘米 x高29厘米) 小床 - 120厘米 x 220厘米 (床垫:宽120厘米 x 高29厘米米) 床垫(29厘米) 床架(20厘米)床腿/轮(12.5厘米)=61.5厘米(床高) 加床 - 100厘米 x 197厘米(床垫:185 x 95 x 31厘米) |
Block (Blocked Room) 锁房 | A room that is being held for a certain guest on a certain date. 根据特定日期提前为客人准备的房间 |
Check-In, Guest 客人入住 | Process of guests’ registration upon arrival. 客人抵店后的登记过程 |
Check-Out, Guest 客人离店 | Process of guests’ ttling their hotel bills and departing the hotel: 客人结账离店的过程 Early: Departure early in the morning. Late: Departure after designated check-out time. 早退房:清晨退房 迟退房:在规定时间以后退房 |
Check-Out Time 退房时间 | Time designated by the hotel for guest to vacate the room at completion of stay. Check-out time is normally 1200 hrs. 酒店在规定时间内为结束下榻的客人办理退房手续。退房时间通常为12:00点 |
Confidential Stay 保密入住 | An in-hou guest’s request for his stay to be “unlisted” or “not registered”. 某一住店客人要求他的信息不出现在住客名单上或登记记录上 | |
Connecting (Inter-connecting) 连通房(内部连通) | Adjacent rooms that are rviced by connecting doors. 相邻的房间通过内部连通门进行服务 | |
Crib / Cot 婴儿床/小床 | A baby bed. 婴儿床 | |
Day U Room 日用房 | A guest room that is ud during the day but not overnight (until maximum 2000 hrs). 客房在一天之内使用但不过夜(最迟20:00之前) | |
Discrepancy 差异 | Refer to Skip / Sleep. 涉及住客房但房内无人无行李/显示空房但房内有人睡觉 | |
DND (Do Not Disturb) 请勿打扰 | Abbreviation indicating that the guest does not want his/her room to be entered nor does he/she want to be disturbed. Do not knock on door if DND is displayed. 缩写,指客人不希望他/她的房间被打扰。如果显示DND则不要敲门。 | |
Double-locked 双锁 | Guest room door is bolted from the inside and cannot be opened with a key. Before knocking on any guest room door, Service Associate must first test the door lock button, which indicates if the door is double-locked. (Note: Do not knock on double-locked doors after 2100 hrs for turndown rvice.) 客房门从内部用门链锁住,用钥匙无法开门。服务员在敲门之前要测试门锁开关以确认房门是否被双锁。 (注解:提供夜床服务时,如果超过21:00,不要敲双锁的房门) | |
Due In 预抵 | Expected check-in today. 当日预期抵店 | |
Due Out 预离 | Expected check-out today. 当日预期离店 | |
Extension of Stay 延住 | Authorized extension of departure dates. 被授权的延迟离店日期 | |
Extra Bed 加床 | See Rollaway Bed (RWB). 见可移动床(RWB) | |
Guest History 客史 | Records showing guests’ information as well as details of guests’ previous visits to our hotel. 记录显示客人的信息及客人之前在酒店的入住记录 | |
Guest Request 客人需求 | A rvice or item requested by guest. 客人需要的服务或物品 | |
Hou U Room 自用房 | Rooms ud by employees or staff. Rooms ud permanently for hotel storage. Rooms ud as offices for the hotel. 员工使用的客房 酒店临时用作库房的客房 酒店用作办公室的客房 | |
HSKP 客房部 | Abbreviation for Houkeeping Department. 客房部的英文缩写 | |
In-Hou Guest 住店客人 | A guest registered with the hotel and has not checked out yet. 已登记入住并未退房的客人 | |
Linen / Uniform Room 布草/制服室 | A central area from which the Houkeeping Department operates uniform issue and allocated space for linen supplies is usually contained in the same area. 一个整体区域,客房部用来发放制服,布草的运转及操作通常在同一区域。 | |
Logbook 工作交接本 | A record of all calls, requests and other important information received and recorded by the coordinator. 办公室文员用来记录接收到的电话,客人需求和其他重要信息 Guest Request Items Uniform / Linen Discard Lost and Found – PMS Over / Balance Rooms Interdepartmental Communication Pest Control 客人的物品需求 报损制服/布草 遗漏房 内部沟通 虫害消杀 | |
No Show, Employee 员工未到岗 | An employee who does not come to work when scheduled and who does not call in to report abnteeism. 员工未按排班表到岗上班,并且未打电话汇报缺席原因 | |
No Show, Guest 客人未抵店 | Guest who did not arrive when accommodation was rerved. 客人未按预定抵店 | |
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