============================================================================================================= PART I GRAMMAR&VOCABULARY[60MIN](1x30=30POINTS)
T here are thirty ntences in this ction.B eneath each ntence there are four words or phras marked A,B,C,D.Plea choo the correct answer that best completes the ntence and mark your answers on the answer sheet.
1.The day is past when the country can afford to give high school diploma to all who______
six years of instruction.
A.t about
B.run for
C.sit through
D.make for
2.Anderson held out his arms to______the attack,but the shark grabbed his right forearm and
A.turn off
B.ward off
D.call off
3.Small children are often______to nightmares after hearing ghost stories in the dark.
4.Automation threatens mankind with an incread number of______hours.
5.It would be______their hospitality to accept any more from them.
6.We do not mean to be disrespectful when we refud to follow the advice of our______
7.A safety analysis______the target as a potential danger.Unfortunately,it was never done.
A.would identify
B.will identify
C.will have identified
D.would have identified
8.The proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the u and copying of digital
information than______in traditional media.
< exist
9.Despite the fact that over time the originally antagonistic respon to his sculpture has
lesned,to this day,hardly any individuals______his art.
10.The shortcomings of Mr.Brooks’analysis are______his clarity in explaining financial
A.alleviated by
B.offt by
C.magnified by
D.demonstrated by
11.Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian______later Greek civilization,it would be
incorrect to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely independent creation.
A.imitation of
B.ambivalence about
C.disdain for
D.influence on
12.Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the n that it is a collective attempt to
______experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.
13.Though science is often imagined as a disinterested exploration of external reality,scientists
are no different from anyone el:they are______human beings enmeshed in a web of personal and social circumstances.
14.Not until Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave had been completely explored in1972______.
A.when was its full extent realized
B.that its full extent was realized
C.was its full extent realized
D.the realization of its full extent
15.You should have known better than______your little sister at home herlf.
< leave
< have left
16.I cannot concentrate on my work with the prospect of the court ca______me.
A.hanging on
B.hanging over
C.hanging up
D.hanging on to
17.The fantastic achievements of modern technology and the speed at which scientific
discoveries are translated into technological applications______the triumph of human endeavor.
B.lead to
C.attest to
18.The new conflict between Man and Nature is more dangerous than the traditional one between
man and his fellow man,______the protagonists at least shared a common language.
19.Even if automakers modify commercially produced cars to run on alternative fuels,the cars
won’t catch on in a way______drivers can fill them up at the gas station.
20.Having been isolated on a remote island,with little work______them,the soldiers suffered
from boredom and low spirits.
< occupy
21.An institution concerned about its reputation is at the mercy of the actions of its members,
becau the misdeeds of individuals are often ud to______the institutions of which they are a part.
22.The newborn human infant is not a passive figure,nor an active one,but what might be called
an actively receptive one,eagerly attentive______it is to sights and sounds.
23.For him______,what is esntial is not that policy works,but that the public believe that it
A.being re-elected
< be re-elected
< re-elect
24.Mercury’s velocity is so much greater than the Earth’s that it completes more than four
revolutions around the Sun in the time______takes the Earth to complete one.
25.The mother would______her son doing his music practice if he could finish his assignment
before supper.
A.let down
B.let alone
C.let off
D.let out
26.When the streets are full of melting snow,you can’t help but______your shoes wet.
< get
27.She could sing the songs______a moment’s notice whenever she was asked.
28.As we e______political and national movements,language is ud as a badge or barrier
depending on which way we look at it.
A.in aspects of
B.in view of
C.in consideration of
D.in relation to
29.The emergence of mass literacy coincided with the first industrial revolution;______the new
expansion in literacy,as well as cheaper printing,helped to nurture the ri of popular literature.
A.as a result
B.in turn
D.in other words
30.The notion that a parasite can alter the behavior of a host organism is not mere fiction;indeed,
the phenomenon is not even______.
Section One Multiple Choice(2x10
Directions:In this ction there are two reading passages followed by multiple choice questions. R ead the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.
Passage A
On Aug.14,2007a computer hacker named Virgil Griffith unleashed a clever little program onto the Internet that he dubbed WikiScanner.It’s a simple application that trolls through the records of Wikipedia,the publicly editable Web-bad encyclopedia,and checks on who is making changes to which entries.Sometimes it’s people who shouldn’t be.For example,WikiScanner turned up evidence that somebody from Wal-Mart had punched up Wal-Mart’s Wikipedia entry. Bad retail giant.
WikiScanner is a jolly little game of Internet,but it’s really about something more:a growing popular irritation with the Internet in general.The Net has anarchy in its DNA;it’s always been about anonymity,playing with your own identity and messing with other people’s heads.The idea, such as it was,ems to have been that the Internet would free us of the burden of our public identities so we could be our true,authentic lves online.Except it turns out—who could’ve en this coming?—that our true,authentic lves aren’t that fantastic.The great experiment proved that some of us are wonderful and interesting but that a lot of us are hackers and pranksters and hucksters.Which is one way of explaining the extraordinary appeal of Facebook.
Facebook is a“social network”:a website for keeping track of your friends and nding them messag
es and sharing photos and doing all tho other things that a good little Web2.0 company is suppod to help you do.It was started by Harvard students in2004as a tool for meeting—at least discreetly ogling—other Harvard students,and it still has a reputation as a hangout for teenagers and the teenaged-at-heart.Which is ironic becau Facebook is really about making the Web grow up.
Whereas Google is a brilliant technological hack,Facebook is primarily a feat of social engineering.(It wouldn’t be a bad idea for Google to acquire Facebook,the way it snaffled YouTube,but it’s almost certainly too late in the day for that.Yahoo!offered a billion for Facebook last year and was rebuffed.)Facebook’s appeal is both obvious and rather subtle.It’s a website,but in a n,it’s another version of the Internet itlf:a Net within a Net,one that’s everything the larger Net is not.Facebook is cleanly designed and has a classy,upmarket feel to it —a whiff of the Ivy League still clings.People tend to u their real names on Facebook.They also declare their x,age,whereabouts,romantic status and institutional affiliations.Identity is not a performance or a toy on Facebook:it is a fixed and orderly fact.Nobody does anything cretly:a news feed constantly updates your friends on your activities.On Facebook,everybody knows you’re a dog.
Maybe that’s why Facebook’s fastest-growing demographic consists of people35or older: they’re refugees from the uncouth wider Web.Every community must negotiate the imperatives of individual
freedom and collective social order,and Facebook constitutes a critical rebalancing of
the Internet’s founding vision of unfettered electronic liberty.Of cour,it is possible to misbehave on Facebook—it’s just lf-defeating.Unlike the Internet,Facebook is structured around an opt-in philosophy;people have to connt to have contact with or even e others on the network.If you’re annoying folks,you’ll esntially cea to exist,as tho you annoy drop you off the grid.
Facebook has taken steps this year to expand its functionality by allowing outside developers to create applications that integrate with its pages,which brings with it expanded opportunities for abu.No doubt Griffith is hard at work on FacebookScanner.But it has also hung on doggedly to its core insight:that the most important function of a social network is connecting people and that its cond most important function is keeping them apart.
1.Which of the following is INCORRECT about WikiScanner?
A.It can change or revi some entries of Wikipedia.
B.It can trace the origin of some information on the Internet.
C.It express people’s irritation with the Internet.
D.It reveals people’s real lves on the Internet.
2.The advantages of Facebook are mainly prented by comparing the differences between
Facebook and
C.the Internet.
3.What does the last ntence of Paragraph Four really mean?
A.You are looked down upon by people on Facebook.
B.If you misbehave on Facebook,everybody will know.
C.You can pretend to be a dog on Facebook.
D.Everybody knows who you are on Facebook.
4.What is Facebook’s real appeal according to the passage?
A.Only well-educated people can be allowed to register.
B.People can do something different from what they do on the Internet.
C.It is cleanly designed and has very powerful and diver us.
D.Its real name registration system makes it difficult to misbehave.
5.If you misbehave on Facebook,you will be
A.forbidden to u Facebook forever.
C.dropped out of other people’s lists of friends.
D.cut network connections.
Passage B
Clancy Martin knows a lot about lying.He’s now an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri,Kansas City,specializing in19th-and20th-century continental philosophy and business ethics,and he wrote his disrtation on deception.But he really learned how to lie in
his youth,when he was a crackerjack jewelry salesman.Not as good as his brother,perhaps,but good enough to turn a fake Rolex into the real thing.“I do miss it,”Martin admits.“I miss that feeling of being on the edge.Say what you will,there is something fun about deceiving people.”
Talking to Martin about deception can be unnerving.His voice,sweetened with sincerity,has the compulsive tones of a convert.Sincere people make good salesmen.So what to make of Clancy Martin—a man who wants to ll his debut novel while reclaiming his soul?
When he was young,lling was simple—a matter of getting a customer to buy into his fictions.“He was a very gifted liar.”says his brother and former business partner,Darren.That much is still true,as Martin’s novel,How to Sell,makes clear.How to Sell is outrageous,theatrical and slicker than oil.It tells the tale of Bobby Clark,a high-school dropout who joins his older brother at a jewelry shop in Texas.It’s a festival of drugs,diamonds and x.Prostitution,a saleswoman turned hooker suggests at
one point,is a more honest kind of living than the jewelry trade(at least in this book).“With what I do now,”she tells Bobby,“I sleep well at night.”
Martin was born in Toronto,in1967.Like his protagonist,he left high school,moved to Texas and got a job at the jewelry store where his brother worked.“I would say that,unfortunately, most of the book is lifted directly from my life—with some exaggeration and lots of omission,”says Martin cheerfully.For a young man,the life had a kind of reckless glamour.“You ll a diamond,and boom,”he says.But Martin was a little different from most employees.He read,for example.Just as Bobby riffs on a Jorge Luis Borges story to ll a bracelet,Martin wove stories for customers from the plotlines of books,and he’d read Spinoza’s Ethics—between booze and bumps of coke.Bobby’s pain,too,comes from Martin’s life:his complicated relationships with his older brother and his charming but crazy father,Bill,who was never quite far enough out of the picture.“I think a lot of Clancy’s interest in lf-deception came from his interest in who his dad was,”says his ex-wife,Alicia Martin.
Martin tried to steer his life in another direction.He went to college,began graduate school in philosophy and married.Then,one day,when he was in Copenhagen working on a paper on Kierkegaard,his brother called and asked him to help with the business plan for expanding his jewelry store.Suddenly,Martin was out of school and back in jewels.Unlike the shop started by the br
others in the novel,the Martins’joint venture was clean,Darren insists.But the game,more or less,was the same:the process of turning a gem from a mass of matter into a narrative of possibility.
In the ven years Martin worked there,life was never boring,but it wasn’t much of a life.“I had all this experience,and no n of moral responsibility,”Martin says.His marriage broke up. He despaired.But he began writing,and that emed to offer the promi of something worthwhile.He returned to graduate school.He wanted to understand deception—and lf-deception—not practice it.Insofar as he could.
Martin remarried and became a professor.In addition to writing fiction,he translated Nietzsche and had edited veral collections on ethics(including the forthcoming Philosophy of Deception);his nonfiction book Love,Lies and Marriage comes out next year.When we spoke two months ago,he said his life was now“incredibly calm and domestic”.He did not say that he was undergoing one of the most trying periods of his life.
With How to Sell,Martin has written a gem of a story.Selling it probably won’t be hard.The bigger challenge for Martin might be to learn how to stop lling.