The Special English of Land Management Part 1
The Introduction of Land resources Management in China
Ph.D Bao Liang
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0. General Introduction 3
1.The general Introduction of Land resources Management in China (中国土地资源管理概况) 4
1.1 Theintroduction of The Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C 7
1.1.1 Mission 8
1.1.2 Organization 10
1.1.3 History 12
2.China’s Land Market: Current Situation, Problem and Development Trends(中国土地市场现状、问题与发展趋势) 13
0. General Introduction
0.1 Introduce Mylf (5min)
0.2 Cur introduction(5min)
The special English of land management
《土地管理專業英語》课程重點介紹國內外土地资源管理的基本特点和发展规律。課程根据党和国家的方针政策、人民群众和社会发展对土地管理的需求,运用现代管理科学的理论、方法、技术,结合中国实际,討論中国土地资源管理的理论和方法、講解适应中国国情的土地政策; 通过本课程的学习,使学生了解國內外土地资源的现状和发展趋势,掌握土地管理的基本规律与基本理念,掌握土地事业管理的基本方法和基本技能,了解我国土地管理事业运行和发展机制,為进一步加强我国国土资源的管理和有效合理利用奠定基礎。
1. 课堂教学
2. 作业
序号 | 章节教学内容 | 学时 |
理论 | 实践 | 合计 |
1 | 第一章我國土地資源的基本狀況 §1 基礎狀況 §2 各類土地面積變化狀況 §3 存在主要問題 | 8 | 0 | 8 |
2 | 第二章我国土地管理的組織結構 §1國土資源部主要職責 §2國土資源部組織結構 §3國土資源部形成演變 | 8 | 0 | 8 |
3 | 第三章我國土地管理的市場化改革 §1我國土地市場現狀 §2土地價格行政管理系統 §3土地稅收分配系統 §4土地市場法律監管系統 §5土地市場中介服務系統 | 8 | 0 | 8 |
4 | 第四章 可持續土地利用管理(英國) §1英國土地管理制度 §2歐共體土地管理制度 | 8 | 0 | 8 |
5 | 第五章 美國土地資源管理現狀 §1美國土地管理局主要職責 §2美國土地管理局信息服務系統 §3美國土地管理局在線資源 | 8 | 0 | 8 |
6 | 第六章 日本土地資源管理現狀 | 8 | | 8 |
合计 | | 48 | 0 | 48 |
| | | | |
1.The general Introduction of Land resources Management in China (中国土地资源管理概况)
Cultivated land resources,as the primary production means and the most directly laboring subject of farmers, is one of the most basic element to form the comprehensive capacity of grain production, moreover, is the guarantee and basis to realize China's grain curity. To analyze the current situation of China's arable land resources, it was found that arable land in China has been decreasing since 1996. The further rearch points out that the main reason is disorder non-agricultural land conversion include blind urbanization, interest-driven, the weak law enforcement and supervision, and the legal system construction of land management is lagging behind etc..
China boasts(以…..为自豪) 9.6 million Km of land area, while arable land only accounts for 14% of the total; on per capita(每人的) basis, it is less than half of the world average. There is about 30% of cultivated land affected by soil erosion at varying degree; and rerve is insufficient. China's cultivated land is dwindling(缩减) owing to construction recently, leading to a rious contradiction(矛盾) between land and population.
The value of the known mineral rerve ranks(列于) the third in the world while the amount on per capita basis is less than half of the world average. This problem is especially rious for such major resources as oil, natural gas, copper(铜) and iron. China enjoys about 3 million Km "blue territory" surrounded by long and winding(缠绕,围绕) coastline and dotted (星罗棋布)with many islands. Although the marine resources is abundant in volume, its exploration and developments is far from satisfactory.
1. Land Resources
1.1 The Situation of Land Resources in China
According to a national survey of land utilization situation in 1996, the following are the areas of major land categories respectively:
Cultivated Land: 130.0392 million hectares (1.951 billion acres);
Garden Land: 10.0238 million hectares (150 million acres);
Forest Land: 227.6087 million hectares (3.414 billion acres):
Pasture Land: 266.0648 million hectares (3.991 billion acres);
Residency, Industrial and mining-Ud Land: 24.0753 million hectares (361 million acres);
Communications-Ud Land: 5.4677 million hectares (82 million acres);
The rest are water area and unud land.
(According to a communiqué(市政公告) issued by the Ministry of Land and Resources in May 2004, China in 2003 had 123.4 million hectares of cultivated land, 11.1 million hectares of gardens, 234 million hectares of forest land, 263.1 million hectares of grassland, 25.5083 million hectares of land for other agricultural us, 25.3542 million hectares of land for residential, industrial and mining us, 2.1 million hectares of land for communication and transportation us and 3.5653 million hectares of land for water conrvancy(水利工程)facilities. The rest was unud land.)