Chine antique furniture glossary(术语表;:难懂或专门性的词汇表,具有解释,) - A
矮老: Pillar-shaped strut.
矮面盆架: Washbasin stand.
矮桌展腿式: Low table with extended legs. Low waisted table which is transformed into a high table by adding round extensions to the square legs.
案: Recesd-leg table.
暗抽屉: Hidden drawers, opened by raising from underneath
rather than with a pull.
凹面: Concave moulding
Chine antique furniture glossary - B
拔步床: Alcove bedstead.
百宝嵌: One-hundred- precious-material inlay.
半槽地: Half-and-half relief. The most common type of relief carving with relief and ground occupying about the same amount of space.
半桌: Half table, slightly larger than half an eight Immortals [9ImR:`tel] table.
抱鼓: Embracing drums. The drum-shaped elements at the top of a shoe-foot ud to hold the spandrels of screens, clothes racks and lampstands in position.
抱肩榫: Embracing-shoulder tenon. A mitred joint ud in waisted furniture of the corner-leg construc-tion to attach the leg and apron. A concealed triangular-shaped tenon in the apron fits into a morti in the leg. Simultaneously a concealed long and vertical dovetailed tenon slides into a morti in the apron.
宝塔纹: Pagoda pattern. Term ud in Suzhou to describe the natural grain of beech.
包镶: Complete veneer, a hardwood veneer covering the entire piece of furniture.
宝座: Throne, for emperor or god.
宝座式镜台: Throne-type mirror platform.
霸王枨: Giant's arm brace, extending from the leg to the underside of the table top at a 45° angle.
八仙桌: Eight Immortals table. Square table suitable for ating eight people.
边簧: Tongue, on four sides of the floating panel of a table top.
边框: Frame.
边抹: Square or rectangular frame, consisting of two sides with tenons and two sides with mortis (.榫眼matou).
鳔胶: Fish glue, the best cabinetmaker's glue made from the air bladder of the yellow croaker fish. 冰盘沿: Ice-plate edge. General term for allinward-sloping mouldings.
波纹: Wave lattice. Term found in Yuan ye (The Art of the Garden) and also ud for furniture.
步步高 赶枨: Stepped chair stretchers. Chair stretchers which are arranged with the front
one lowest, the side ones higher, and the back one highest, so that the joints do not overlap.
Chine antique furniture glossary - C
踩: Lowering the surface of the wood. General term popular among craftsmen.
草龙: Curling limbed dragon. Stylized dragon pattern in which the legs and tail turn into curls, derived from the curling tendril design.
侧脚: Splayed legs. Term borrowed from ancient architecture (where it describes the splay of pillars at the ba) to describe the slight splay of furniture legs at their ba.
茶几: Tea table. High table derived from the Ming incen table and popular in Qing times.
插肩榫: Inrted shoulder joint. One of the esntial joints of the recesd-leg construction. The upper part of the leg is split to form two tenoned pieces; the front one is
made shoulder-like so that it can be inrted into cavities in the apron. When the joint is in place the surfaces of leg and apron are flush.
铲地浮雕: Relief carving on smoothed ground.
长凳: Long bench, general term.
长方凳: Rectangular stool.
缠枝莲纹: Scrolling lotus design.
朝衣柜: Court costume cabinet. Compound wardrobe in four parts with side panels. A kind of sijiangui with panels between the doors and outer frames which make the wardrobe wide enough for court costumes to be placed inside without being folded.
插屏式座屏风: Removable-panel screen t in a stand, the panel having tongues which can be slid in and out of grooves in the vertical pillars.
枨子: Stretcher. Member ud mainly to connect two legs.
螭虎闹灵芝: Hornless dragons inter-twined with Iingzhi fungus.
螭纹: Stylized hornless dragon design.
抽屉架: Drawer frame, put inside a cabinet or shelf to hold the drawers.
抽屉脸: Front of a drawer.
抽屉桌: Narrow table with drawers.
橱: Cabinet, southern term for gui, which is more current in the north.
穿带: Penetrating transver brace, which fits into a groove in the floating panel.
床: Bed, which in China is ud for daytime sitting as well as sleeping. General term for both large and small beds.
床围子: Railing on Luohan and canopy bed.