10 Asssing Probability of Failure (POF)
10 Asssing Probability of Failure
10.1 Introduction to Probability Analysis
10.2 Units of Measure in the POF Analysis
10.3 Types of Probability Analysis
10.4 Determination of POF
10.1 Introduction to Probability Analysis 概率分析介绍
The probability analysis in an RBI program is performed to estimate the probability of a specific adver conquence resulting from a loss of containment that occurs due to a damage mechanism(s).
RBI 程序的概率分析是评估一个特点的因一或多个损伤机理, 造成受压设备溶液流失的逆向结果.
The probability that a specific conquence will occur is the product of the POF and the probability of the scenario under consideration assuming that the failure has occurred. This ction provides guida
nce only on determining the POF. Guidance on determining the probability of specific conquences is provided in Section 12. 将发生的特定结果的概率依故障概率与发生故障后正在审议的方案中的概率
Key words: Probability of specific conquence, POF, probability of the scenario.