survival 翻译
1. The book provides valuable tips on survival in the wilderness.(这本书提供了在野外生存的有价值的技巧。)
2. The ability to adapt is esntial for survival in this fast-changing world.(在这个快速变化的世界中,适应能力对于生存至关重要。)
3. The survivors of the plane crash had to rely on their survival skills to stay alive in the jungle.(飞机失事的幸存者们不得不依靠他们的生存技能在丛林中求生。)
4. The company's survival is at stake if it doesn't improve its financial situation soon.(如
5. The harsh climate in the area makes survival for wildlife difficult.(该地区恶劣的气候使野生动物的生存变得困难。)
6. The plants have evolved unique survival mechanisms to cope with the harsh dert environment.(这些植物已经演化出独特的生存机制,以应对恶劣的沙漠环境。)
7. The survival rate of premature babies has greatly incread thanks to advances in medical technology.(得益于医疗技术的进步,早产儿的生存率大大提高。)
8. The soldiers' survival instincts kicked in as soon as they found themlves under enemy fire.(当士兵们遭遇敌人火力时,他们的生存本能立即发挥作用。)
9. The tribe's traditional knowledge about hunting and gathering is vital for their survival in the remote wilderness.(该部落对于狩猎和采集的传统知识对于他们在偏远荒野中的生存至关重要。)
10. The company had to implement drastic measures to ensure its survival amidst the fierce competition.(公司不得不实施激烈的措施以确保在激烈竞争中生存。)