Penetration gland cretion by hexacanths of
Hymenolepis diminuta
期刊名称: Parasitology
作者: R C Lethbridge,M F Gijsbers
年份: 1974年
期号: 第3期
关键词: Linkage;helicity;magnetohydrodynamics;solar magnetism
摘要:The rate of expulsion of penetration gland material was determined from photomicrographs ofHymenolepis diminutahexacanths stained with neutral red dye at intervals after hatchingin vitro. Identical cretory rates were recorded for hexacanths incubated in either Tyrode's solution or Tyrode's solution plus an extract of the midgut ofTenebrio molitor. In both media the reduction in stained material
obrved in the glands after 135 min incubations was equivalent to that obrved for hexacanths that had had opportunity to penetratein vivoduring the same time period. The results were interpreted as indicating that thein vivocretory pattern was similar to that obrvedin vitro, and that chemical stimuli from the tissue extracts were not required to initiate cretion. Microdensitometric readings also demonstrated a quantitative