Layout of Inpatient Building
大厅 Lobby
卫事中心 Patient-aid center
小卖部 Buffet
出院病人领取费用清单 List of expens for discharged patients
普通病人出院结帐 Check-out for common discharged patients
住院登记收费 Check-in for inpatients
医保社保出院结帐 Check-out for patients with medical / social insurance
病区药房 Ward dispensary
输血科 Transfusion ction
急诊化验 Emergency lab
急诊手术室 Emergency operating theatre
门诊手术室 Clinic operating theatre
出入院病人接待处 Reception of inpatients
(二病区)重症监护 ICU ( Area 2 )
外科示教室 Surgery demo room
妇科示教室 Gynecology demo room
仓库 Warehou
特殊感染病室 Special infection dias
主任办公室 Director office
治疗室 Therapeutic room
护士长办公室 Head nur office
医生办公室 Doctor office
护士站 Nur station
(三病区)儿科Pediatrics Dept (Area 3)
电脑中心 Computer center
更衣室 Change room
儿科教研室 Pediatrics teaching & rearch ction
婴儿洗澡间 Infant bathroom
新生婴儿监护室 Neonatus wardship
新生婴儿室 Neonatus room
重症室 ICU
诊疗室 Consulting room
(四病区)产科Obstetrical Dept (Area 4)
机房 Machine room
婴儿抚触中心 Infant-stroking center
(五病区)产房 Obstetrical Ward (Area 5)
分娩室 Delivery room
隔离分娩室 Isolation delivery room
陪伴分娩室(一)Delivery room with companion (1)
陪伴分娩室(二)Delivery room with companion (2)
护士值班室 Nur on duty
医生值班室 Doctor on duty
单床间 Single-bed room
(六病区)妇科 Gynecology ( Area 6)
妇科教研室 Gynecology teaching and rearch ction
换药室 Dressing room
(七病区)骨科 Orthopedics Dept ( Area 7)
General Surgical Dept (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Anorectum (Area 8)
外科教研室 Surgery teaching & rearch ction
Cardiothoracic Surgery (Tumor) ( Area 9)
General Surgical Dept (Urinary system) (Area 10)
(十一病区)耳鼻咽喉科、眼科、口腔科 ( Area 11)
E.N.T. Dept, Ophthalmo白菜土豆汤
logy Dept, Stomatology Dept
眼科暗房 Ophthalmological da枸杞西洋参泡水喝的功效
rk room
(十二病区)神经外科Surgical Dept of Neurology (Area 12)
麻醉科 Anesthesiology dept
示教室 Demo room
麻醉医生办公室 Office of anesthesia doctor
医生休息室 Doctor rest room
女更衣室 Change room (F)
男更衣室 Change room (M)
有菌手术室 Non aptic operating theatre
手术取材室 Operation material room
麻醉器械储藏室 Storeroom of anesthesia琅琊榜全部演员表
非限制区 Unrestricted area
半限制区 Semi-restricted area
换鞋处 Shoe-changing
配电室 Distribution room
手术室 Operating theatre
石膏房 Gypsum room
手术准备室 Operation preparation
清洗间 Cleaning room
室 Anesthesia preparation
麻醉器械室 Anesthesia instrument room
限制区 Restricted area
精密仪器室 Precision instrument room
无菌室 Apsis room
护士登记室 Nur registration room
复苏室 Anabiosis room