Electrolyte im猫咪图片卡通
Fluid replacement
. HO, kai leung Kelvin Honorary Consultant in Nephrology Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital
Electrolyte imbalance
•Sodium (Na):
–Hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia •Potassium (K):
–Hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia •Calcium (Ca):
–Hypocalcaemia and hypercalca青春的誓言
emia •Phosphate (PO4):
mia and hyperphosphataemia
•Under physiological conditions: plasma Na concnetration is kept in a very range between 138 –142 mmol/l(mEq per L).•It is the predominant cation in extracellular fluid (ECF) contributing to osmolality.•Equally narrow range of osmolality of body fluid between 280 –290 mOsm per kg
–P(osm)= 2[Na] + [blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL)/2.8]+[gluco (mg/dL)/18]
Plasma sodium
•Serum Na concentration and plasma osmolality are maintained by an osmoreceptor which controls the
cretion of antidiuretic hormone(ADH)
•ADH controls the water excretion in renal tubules by allowing urinary dilution in its abnce, and urinary
concentration in its prence.
•Hyponatraemic disorders superv手机做ppt
ene when the intake of water exceeds the patient’s renal diluting capacity •Hypernatraemia supervene when斑马螺
there are renal concentrating defects accompanied by inadequate water intake
Hyponatraemia •Definition : when < 135 mEq per L •Frequently found in 10% -15%
hospitalid patients
•Prence in chr雷锋的故
onically diad out-patients