Blackbones Saves the School
It was the first day of term at Abbey Park School. Class 4 sat in neat rows.一排排整齐的
They sat up straight坐的直挺挺的. Nobody talked or picked their no掏鼻孔. The head校长, Miss Lupin, had told them to wait quietly for their new teacher.
Suddenly the door flew open猛地开了. The new teacher strode in大步走进来.
He had a black patch眼罩 over one eye and a sword at his belt腰带上佩着一把剑. His beard hung in thick dark curls浓密的黑胡子卷曲着垂下来.
‘Ahoy哎, mates!伙计们’ The name’s Blackbones, Captain Blackbones!’ he bellow致富创业项目
Blackbones sat down on top of his desk. He kicked off 踢飞了his black boots, showing a hole in one sock.
Class 4 gasped 倒吸了一口气as he pulled out his sword- and ud it to sharpen a pencil.
He pointed at Yasmin.
‘You, matey哥们, what lesson is it?’
‘Plea Captain报告船长, geography.’
Blackbones stroked his beard摸了摸胡子.
‘Ge-og-ruffy. Never heard of it. We’ll start with Art.’
Lessons began. They painted a skull and crossbones 骷髅旗on the classroom door. With their rulers, they practiced sword fighting.拼剑
Blackbones winked眨了眨眼睛. ‘Now you looks like proper pirates正经的海盗. Let’s sail for the a.起航出海’
‘The a’s miles away离这儿好几英里,’ said Adrian.
‘And Miss Lupin doesn’t let us go on trips出游,’ said Yasmin.
Tara had an idea.
‘What about the school swimming pool?’
‘Just the job正合我意!’ t sail起航 for the swimming pool!’ roared吼道 Blackbones. He was enjoying himlf自得其乐. Teaching was far more fun than he’d expected比他预想的要好玩的多.
Miss Lupin was in the swimming pool with Class 3 when the door burst open突然撞开了.
‘Captain Blackbones!’ she began. But it was too late. Blackbones ordered his pirates forward命令他的海盗们往前冲. ‘Enemy ahoy!’
Miss Lupin watched in horror恐惧地 as the pirates of Class 4 charged past her从他身边冲过去. They didn’t even stop to change into their swimsuits. They jumped straight into the pool直接跳进泳池 yelling高喊, ‘Yo ho ho吆呵呵!’
Class 3 threw rubber rings 橡皮救生圈at the pirates. The pirates threw back plastic floats塑料漂浮板. Blackbones was everywhere到处乱跑, waving his sword and shouting orders挥舞着剑发号施令. It was just like the good old days从前的好日子.
All of a sudden 突然Miss Lupin’s whistle split the air哨音划破空气. Most of Class 3 were up on the diving board跳板. The pirates were about to正要 make them walk the plank走踏板.
Blackbones pointed to his class. ‘Rattle me cutlass刷拉拉响起我的弯刀, Miss Lupin. Did I teach ‘em well or not?’
Miss Lupin turned to him with a face as black as thunder阴沉着脸.
‘Get tho children down this minute!立刻把孩子们弄下来’ she ordered. ‘And you, Captain, I want to e you in my office right away马上.’
Blackbones spent all afternoon in Miss Lupin’s关于拼搏的名言
office. When he came back he threw his hat on the door.
‘Barnacles真倒霉!’ he muttered嘟囔道.
Tara and Yasmin had waited behind to e him. ‘What happened? What did Miss Lupin say?’ they asked.
‘I’ve got to go, shipmates船员兄弟们,’ said Blackbones sadly.
‘You mean Miss Lupin has sacked解雇 you? After only one day?’
The girls couldn’t believe it.
Blackbones sighed. ‘I guess I’m no u as a teacher.我不是做老师的料’ ‘You’re the best teacher we’ve ever had,我们从没有过这么好的老师’ said Yasmin.
Blackbones put on his hat.
‘Kind of you to say so谢谢你好心这么说, maties. But I’ve got to go by the end of the week, right after school fair.在学校游艺会结束后’
Tara and Yasmin walked away sadly. If only 如果...就好了they hadn’t fought Class 3 跟3班打仗in the swimming pool. Now Blackbones was going要走了. And they would never get a teacher like him again.
As they pasd Miss Lupin’s office they heard voices inside, ‘We need 10,000 pounds-and that just to mend修理 the roof!’ sighed Miss Lupin..
‘This school was started创办 by my Great Aunt Amelia. It’s been here two hund摔倒英语短语
red years. Now I’ll have to clo it down.关闭’
‘Maybe the school fair will go well办得好 this year?’ said Miss Punter, the games teacher体育老师.
Miss Lupin shook her head摇了摇头. ‘It will take a miracle to 需要出现奇迹才能ma宁都三杯鸡
ke 10,000 pounds.’
The two girls were listening outside. Tara grabbed抓住 Yasmin’s arm. ‘That’s it!有了’ she said. ‘That’s how we’ll save the captain我们就这么拯救船长!’
Next day Tara explained解释了 her idea to the rest of Class 4.
All they needed was a way to make 10,000 pounds at the school fair. The school would be saved得救了. And Miss Lupin would be so plead, she would gi养胃早餐
ve Blackbones back his job把工作还给.
‘We could ll cakes. I can make them in cookery厨房,’ said Fiona.
‘Your cakes are like lumps of rock石块.’ said Mungo.
‘Let’s kidnap Miss Lupin. We could demand索要 10,000 pounds to t her free释放他,’ said Adrian.
But no one could e anyone paying 10p十便士 for Miss Lupin, let alone更不用说 10,000.