Why do Patterns of Environmental Respon Differ?
A Stakeholders' Pressure Approach
期刊名称: Strategic Management Journal
作者: Jofina L. Murillo-Luna,Concepcin Garcs-Ayerbe,Pilar Rivera-Torres
年份: 2008年
期号: 第11期
关键词: environmental respon patterns;environmental
proactivity;stakeholders' pressure
要:The objective of th哺乳期乳房刺痛
is article is to analyze the strategies or pattern欧洲英语
s of adaptation of firms for responding to environmental requirements or expectations. We specifically analyze the influence of the different pressure agents or stakeholders on the degree of proact意愿的近义词
ivity of the patterns. We therefore p
ropo and v同学录留言
alidate four types of environmental respon pattern, reprenting particular configurations of both the scope of environmental objectives and their allocation of internal resources. The analysis, which is focud on a sample of 240 industrial firms, provides e我的卧室说明文
mpirical evidence enabling us to identify, understand, and evaluate the impact of stakeholders on the choi人嘴两张皮
ce of environmental respon pattern. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.