Distribution of caffeine levels in urine in different sports in relation to doping control before and after the removal of caffeine from the WADA doping list.
期刊名称: International Journal of Sports Medicine
作者: Van Thuyne, W.,Delbeke, F.
年份: 2006年
期号: 第新学期新气象板报
关键词: Sport;power lifting;cycling;doping analysis
摘要:Caffeine concentrations were measured in the urine of 4633 廉洁自律证明模板
tested for doping control in the Ghent Doping Control Laboratory in 2004. Determination of the concentrations was done using an alkaline extraction 哭泣的近义词
with a mixture of dichloromethane and methanol (9 : 1; v/v) followed b北京奥运会奖牌榜
y high performance liquid chromatography and ultraviolet detection (HPLC‐UV). T
he method was validated according to ISO 17 属猴的
025 standards (International Organisation for Standardisation). Quantification小鲫鱼
was done by using a linear calibration curve in the range from 0 to 20 g/ml. The limit of quantification (L蓝色水果
OQ) was 0.10 g/ml. Becau the results were not normally distributed, transformation of the data was done to evaluate the difference in detected concentrations in veral sp房屋拆除协议
orts. This resulted in 印度圣河
an overall average concentration of 1.12