Do tourists' gastronomic experiences differ within the same geog战地2联机平台
raphical region? A comparative study of two Mediterranean destinations 期刊名称: British Food Journal
作者: Gurkan,Akdag,Ozan,Guler,Ali,Dalgic,Sercan,Benli,A.,Celil,Cakici
年份: 2018年
期号: 第1期
关键词: Gastronomy;Food consu高考报名信息查询
mption in tourism;Gastronomic
iterranean cuisine;Typology of gastronomy tourists;
摘要:The of this paper is to d庶福晋
iscover the common and differentiating food factors that affect tourists' gastronomy satisfaction by comparing tourists' gastronomic experiences at two culinary destinations in蛇虫
the Mediterranean
region.Design/methodology/approach A total of 396 usable questionnaires were collected using a conv
enience sampling method from Cordoba (Spain) and Hatay (Turkey). The data were analyd through descriptive and multivariate analysis methods, including frequency analysis, multiple independent samples t-tests, 2 analysis and multiple regression analys.Findings The results indicate that b心理论文
oth of the destinations primarily attract existential type gastronomic tourists; however,
they also attract recreational and diversionary types of tourist, particularly in Cordoba. From the perspective of Mediterranean cuisine,