Respon letter的主要目的是回复你采纳了审稿人哪些有助于提高论文质量的意见,并表明做出了哪些修改。所以这意味着不必同意审稿人所有建议的更改,但是你需要知道如何以适当的方式说明为什么拒绝修改。
在本文中,小编将给大家分享如何有效地写好一封Respon letter。
公众号回复“respon letter”即可获得一些有用的表达和Respon letter模板
第一个部分:General Respon
除了开头要提到的基本信息(如编辑姓名,期刊名字,论文标题,Manuscript ID)之外,这个部分还需要总的表达一下对编辑和审稿人的感谢,表示已经解决了审稿人提出来的所有问题与建议,并表明下文回复审稿人意见的格式(加粗/斜体/字体颜色)。在感谢部分要注意的是,尽量不要说例如“Thank you for your comments, which have helped us to substantially/greatly improve the manuscript.” 的话,评论稿件质量是审稿人的工作,不要冒昧地夸赞自己做出的修改。
∙We appreciate all of the valuable comments from the reviewers of our work. We have revid our manuscript, according to the reviewers’ comments, questions, and suggestions.
∙We highly appreciate the reviewers for their insightful comments and criticism, which have helped us improve both the content and the prentation of our work. We believe that the revid version of our paper address all concerns by the referees in detail.
∙We greatly appreciate the thorough and thoughtful comments provided on our submitted article. We made sure that each one of the reviewer comments has been addresd carefully and the paper is revid accordingly.
∙In what follows the referees’ comments are in black and the authors’ respons are in red.
∙We have incorporated most of the suggestions made by the reviewers. Tho changes are highlighted within the manuscript.[修改的部分高亮] Plea e below, in blue, for a po
int-by-point respon to the reviewers’ comments and concerns. [回复的部分用蓝色字体]
We made three notable changes to the manuscript,...
第二个部分:Point-to-Point Respon
Respons to the comments of Reviewer #1
Respon: ...
Respon: ...
Respons to the comments of Reviewer #2
▪清晰明了:除了大量修改后的文本太长而无法引用,尽可能地把修改的具体内容在respon letter里面提出来,让审稿人或编辑不必阅读稿件即可找到所做的更改。并应该说明这些修改的位置(i.e., page number, paragraph, and/or line),但应确保指定是引用原始手稿还是修订稿中的位置。
值得注意的是,Respon letter是发给编辑看的,虽然其他审稿人也能看见你的Peer Review File,但还是应该在回复的过程中使用第三人称提及审稿人,如“We agree with the reviewer”而不是“We agree with You”。
We have added a comment in the ction “...” to point
we have inrted two new figures to provide clear
We added the two references and commented on them in Section 6.2.4 and Section 6.5.
The references have been added and discusd in the paper -- Sections 6.2.4 and 6.5.1
The paper is checked again to improve its Grammar.
The said ntence is rephrad to make the ntence easy to understand
We have corrected the grammatical issues pointed out in the manuscript and accompanying figures and tables;
The suggested key terms have been ud throughout the manuscript.
We mentioned there were 45 samples in total in the Methods (page 6, line 4), but we have now als绸字组词
o added the following to the start of the Results ction to avoid any potential confusion: 'Of the 45 samples tested, 9…' (page 8, lines 19-20).
There were 15 samples in each of the 3 groups (Methods, page 3, line 20). We have reworded the text to state the total of 45 samples explicitly.
The total sample number was 45, as mentioned in Table 1. We have now added this to the main text for clarity (Procedure, page 3, line 7).
We have mentioned the limitations in the paper. To reiterate(重复一下), ...
[提出冲突的地方]Reviewer 1 ,Reviewer 2, on the other hand, would like
[提出你的看法],so we are eager to know your perspective on the matter.
[两个版本都可以提供] In fact, we tried the revisions that way at first and would be happy to nd that version along as we朋友作文400字
ll if it might be helpful.
While we appreciate the reviewer’s feedback, we respectfully disagree. We think this study makes a valuable contribution to the field becau [描述您的研究或其结果所获得的知识、提供的见解、回答的问题等].