Views on the construction of a green park city
A green park city improves the 一般将来时
environment, ensures rich biodiversity, reduces air pollution, ensures water storage, dampens noi and help 新生儿嘴唇发紫
cooling down in warm periods. Green is also esntial for a climate-proof and sustainable environment.
Physical health benefits from green park city are often a result of residents spending more time interacting with the outdoors and engaging in recreational activities like biking, running, or going on nature walks .The benefits are not inherent to the green spaces themlves as people must apply themlves and have the access and desire to partake in the activities. Social health benefits can al代东
so result from access to green space. Green spaces may rve as a meeting space, which leads to stronger social ties and social cohesion within a community.
Clearly, green spaces provide a great rvice and benefit to both the city which invests in them and the people who u them. However, it is important to acknowledge the harm done to communities by establishing the spaces and unequal access that can prevent tho w
ho need the benefits most from receiving them. Thus, no matter where in the cit逐梦青春
y you are, you can access a green space, albeit of varying quality. When building sustainable cities for the future, green spaces play a vital role. However, it is necessary to acknowledge the shortcomings in current green spaces in order to make the benefits of the spaces available to all.