Chapter One Language
1. Define the following terms
1) discreteness 2) design features
3) arbitrariness 4) duality
5) displacement 6) cultural transmission
7) the imaginative function of language 8) the personal function of language
9) the heuristic function of language 10) language
2. Multiple Choice
Directions: In each question there are four choices. Decide which one would be the best answer to the question or to complete the ntence best.
1) Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?
A. tree
B. crash
C. typewriter
D. bang
2) The function 大曾语文
of the ntence “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade” is ________.
A. interrogative
B. directive
C. informative
D. performative
3) 明朝嘉靖皇帝
In Chine when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people prent are
likely to say sui sui ping an (every year be safe and happy) as a means of controlling the
forces which the believers feel might affect their lives. Which function does it
A. Interpersonal.
B. Emotive. C Performative. D. Recreational.
4) Which of the following properties of language enables language urs to overcome the
barriers caudby time and place, due to this feature of language, speakers of a language
are free to talk about anything in any situation?
A. interchangeability.
B. Dual成年英语
C. Displacement.
D. Arbitrariness.
5) Study the following dialogue. What function does it play according to the functions of
—A nice day, isn’t it?
—Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.
A. Emotive
B. Phatic.
C. Peformative.
D. Interpersonal.
6) Unlike animal communication systems, human language is .
A. stimulus free
B. stimulus bound
C. under immediate stimulus control
D. stimulated by some occurrence of communal interest.
7) Which of the following is the most important function of language?
A. interpersonal function
B. performative function
C. informative function
D. recreational function
8) In different languages, different terms are ud to express the animal “狗”, this shows the nature of --- of human language.
A arbitrariness
B cultural transmission
C displacement
D discreteness
9) Which of the following disciplines are related to applied linguistics?
A. statistics
B. psycholinguistics
C. physics
D. philosophy
10) has been widely accepted as the father of modem linguistics.
A. Chomsky
B. Saussure
C. Bloomfield
D. John Lyons
3. Word Completion
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.
1) Design features, a framework propod by the American linguist Charles Hockett, refer
to the ________ properties of human language that distinguishes it from any animal
system of communication.
2) ________ refers to the phenomenon that the sounds in a language are meaningfully
distinct. For instance, the difference between the sounds /p/ and /b/ is not actually very
great, but when the sounds are part of a language like English, they are ud in such a
way that the occurrence of one rather than the other is meaningful.
3) In any language words can be ud in new ways to mean new things and can be
combined into innumerable ntences bad on limited rules. This feature is usually
termed p_______ or c________.
4) Language has many functions. We can u language to talk about language itlf. This
function is m________ function.
5) Cultural transmission refers to the fact that language is c________ transmitted. It is
pasd on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by
6) One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of ________ over writing.
7) The ________ function refers to the u of language to communicate春分三候
knowledge about
the world, to report events, to make statements, to give accounts, to explain relationships, to relay messages and so on.
8) The ________ function refers to language ud to ensure social maintenance. Phatic
communion is part of it. The term phatic communion introduced by the anthropologist
Bronislaw Malinowski refers to language ud for establishing an atmosphere or
maintaining social contact rather than for exchanging facts.
9) Language is a system of arbitrary symbols ud for human Communication.
10) Language has two levels. They are ______ level and ______ level.
11) Language is a ________ becau every language consists学案导学
of a t of rules which