Unit 18 Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society
1. Difference as the central value of the Australian society (差异性是澳大利亚社会的中心价值观)
2. The Washminster form of polity (英美政治体制相结合的政治制度)
3. Three-tier system of government (三级政府)
4. Two hous of Parliament (议会的两个院)
5. The Governor-General (总督)
6. Political parties (政党)
7. Advantages of the pluralist form of government (多元形式的政府的优势)
8. Australian government’s role in the national economy (澳大利亚政府在国民经济中的角色)
9. Interventionist government (政府干预) and Economic rationalism (经济理性主义)
1. Difference as the central value of the Australian society (差异性是澳大利亚社会的中心价值观)
Australians understand and conduct life upon a basic commitment to difference. 澳大利亚人在生活中和对生活的理解是以承认相互差异为基础的。
2. The Washminster form of polity (英美政治体制相结合的政治制度)
The "Washminster" form of polity is adopted by the Australian government. It is a mixture of the US Washington system of government and the British Westminster system. This means that the political structure of the government is bad on a Federation of States with a three-tier system of government. However, the chief executive is a Prime Minister, instead of a President as in the US system.
Washminster是Washington 和Westminster的缩写,分别是美国议会和英国议会所在地。澳大利亚的政治体制是英美政治体制的混合体。澳大利亚的政治结构采用的各州联邦制,并设有三级政府。但政府的首席执行官是总理,而不是总统。
3. Three-tier system of government (三级政府)
The Australian federation has three tiers in its government system: at the federal level, there are the Australian Parliament and the Government. In the cond tier are the state governments and their legislatures. In the third tier are the local government bodies at the city, town and shire levels. The Prime Ministe问路英语
r (总理) and his cabinet is the center of Australian parliamentary power. Laws of the State should be changed if they don’t agree
with the federal laws.
澳大利亚联邦有三级政府:最高层是澳大利亚议会和联邦政府,第二级是州政府和其立法机关,第三级是市、镇和郡级的地方政府机构。总理和他的内阁是澳大利亚议会权力的中心。如果州级法律与联邦法律不一致,州级法律就必须修订。(*澳大利亚现任总理凯文拉德(Kevin Rudd),中文名陆克文,工党领袖)
* Shadow Cabinet is made up of the members of the major party in opposition(影子内阁由主要在野党的成员组成).
4. Two hous of Parliament (议会的两个院)
The Hou of Reprentatives or the Lower Hou, and the Senate or the Upper Hou. The Lower Hou is responsible for initiating the bills(法案,方案) and enacting legislation, while the Upper Hou considers and propos amendments (修正案) to the Bills.
5. The Governor-General (总督)
The Governor-General is the formal head of the executive branch of the government. He is the reprentative of the Queen in Australia. However, as the British monarch has no real power in Australia, the Governor-General acts only on the advice of the Executive Council, which is made up of himlf and the Cabinet.
总督是政府行政部门的官方首脑,他是英国女王在澳大利亚的代表。然而,澳大利亚的总督象英国的君王一样没有实权,只能依照执行委员会的建议行事,执行委员会由总督和政府内阁组成). (*现任总督迈克尔杰弗里 (Michael Jeffery))
*The only exception to this rule was the 1975 dismissal of Gough Whitlam who was then the Labor Prime Minister of Australia. (唯一例外的是,1975年,工党总理高夫惠特拉姆政府被总督解散)
The constitutional crisis of 1975 was caud by the dismissal by the Governor-General
of the Whitlam government, which was elected by people. When the Senate refud to pass the Supply Bill (拨款草案) granting money for the operation of the government, Sir John Kerr(约翰克尔爵士), the Governor-General dismisd the Whitlam government. This dismissal was generally interpreted as a fl中国十大美景
outing of the uncodified conventions of government and caud political and popular animosity。
现问题,工党占少数派的参议院拒绝批准其拨款草案, 使得政府没有基本运作资金,形成对峙局面。当时的总督约翰克尔爵士解散了惠特拉姆政府一,结果引起轩然大波。 普遍认为,解散政府这一举动是对不成文的政府行为准则的嘲弄,耳聋左慈丸说明书
6. Two Political parties (政党)
The Australian Labor Party (ALP) (澳大利亚工党) and the Coalition(澳大利亚联盟党) or Liberal-National coalition(是自由党和民族党的联盟)
7. Advantages 硬笔书法内容
of the pluralist form of government (多元形式的政府的优势)
The advantages of the pluralist form of government are: it enables the citizens to exerci their 祖传秘方
political right to choo their own government; it cures transparency and accountability of the government; it provides for an alternative government which can competently take over the state affairs should any government collap; the citizens can exert their power through major interest groups.
8. Australian government’s role in the national economy (澳大利亚政府在国民经济中的角色)
By the last few decad澳大利亚地理
es of the 19th century the government was playing a very large part in the economy. It was a major employer. The federal government pursued a White Australian Policy of labour immigration in the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. 1901年的《移民限制法案》以法律的形式确立了白澳政策,限制非欧洲移民进入澳大利亚。19