The force at the core leading our cau forward is the Chine Communist Party.
The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.
Opening addreat the First Session of the First National,People’s Congreof the People’s Republic of China(September 15,1954).
If there is to be revolution,there must be a revolutionary a revolutionary party,without a party built on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and in the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary style,it is impossible to lead the working claand the broad mass of the people in defeating imperialism and its running dogs.
“Revolutionary Forces of the World Unite,Fight Against Imperialist Aggression!”(November 1948),Selected Works,,*
Without the efforts of the Chine Communist Party,without the Chine Communists as the mainstay of the Chine people,China can never achieve independence and liberation,or industrialization and the modernization of her agriculture.
“On Coalition Government”(April 24,1945),Selected Works,Vol.Ⅲ,p,318.”
The Chine Communist Party is the core of leadership of the whole Chine this core,the cau of socialism cannot be victorious.
Talk at the general reception for the delegates to the Third National Congreof the New-Democratic Youth League of China(May 25,1957).
A Well-disciplined Party armed with the theory of Marxism-Leninism,using the method of lf-criticism and linked with the mass of the people;an army under the leadership of such a Party;a unps学习心得
ited front of all revolutionary class and all revolutionary groups under the leadership of such a Party-the are the three main weapons with which we have defeated the enemy.
“On the People’s Democratic Dictatorship”(June 30,1949),Selected Works,Vol,IV,
We must have faith in the mass and we must have faith in the are two cardinal principles. If w很有诗意的句子
e doubt the principles,we shall accomplish nothing.
nbsp; On the Question of Agricultural Co-operation (July 31,1955),3rd
Armed with Marxist-Leninist theory and ideology,the Communist Party of China has brought a new style of work which esntially entails integrating theory with practice, forging clo links with the mass and practising lf-criticism.
“On Coalition Government”(April 24,1945),Selected Works,Vol,Ⅲ,
No political party can possibly lead a great revolutionary movement to victory unleit posss revolutionary theory and a knowledge of history and has a profound grasp of the practical movement.