2008年美国国家选举研究,时间序列研究(American National Election Studies, 2008, Time Series Study )
The ANES 2008 Time Series Study is the 28th study in a ries of biennial election studies conducted since 1948 (the "ANES Time Series"). The main goal of the study is to allow a broad cross-ction of scholars and citizens analyze survey data pertinent to important questions about vote choice, turnout and related matters in the context of the 2008 federal election. In addition to content on electoral participation, voting behavior, and public opinion, the 2008 ANES Time Series Study contains questions in other areas such as media exposure, cognitive style, and values and predispositions. Special-interest and topical content provided significant covera佛罗里达鳄龟
ge of foreign policy, including the "war on terrorism" and the war in Iraq. In addition, the study carried expanded instrumentation on organizational membership, unemployment, the federal budget, modern xism, an夜晚简笔画
d race and gender politics. The post-election interview also included Module 3 from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES).
The ANES 2008 Time Series Study contains veral questions 担当者行动
on religion, including religious affiliation, views of the Bible, church attendance,
frequency of prayer and spou's religious affiliation. Detailed information on all the questions that were asked can be found in the report "Background Information on the 2008 ANES Time Series Questionnaires."
American,national election,time ries,electoral participation,media exposure,
The data can be ud for time ries analysis.
American National Election Studies, 2008, Time Series Study The ANES 2008 Time Series Study is the 28th study in a ries o背心英文
f biennial election studies conducted since 1948 (the "ANES Time Series"). The main goal of the study is to allow a broad cross-ction of scholars and citizens analyze survey data pertinent to important questions about vote choice,
turnout and related matters in the context of the 2008 federal election. In addition to content on electoral participation, voting behavior, and public opinion, the 2008 ANES Time Series Study contains questions in other诗篇第一篇讲章
areas such as media exposure, cognitive style, and values and predispositions. Special-interest and topical content provided significant coverage of foreign policy, including the "war on terrorism" and the war in Iraq. In 超高清美女
addition, the study carried expanded instrumentation on organizational membership, unemployment, the federal budget, modern xism, and race and gender politics. The post-election interview also included Module 3 from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES).
The ANES 2008 Time Series Study contains veral questions on religion, including religious affiliation, views of the Bible, church attendance, frequency of prayer and spou's religious affiliation. Detailed information on all the questions that were asked can be found in the report "Background Information on the 2008 ANES Time Series Questionnaires."
Data File
Cas: 2,323
Variables: 1,956
Weight Variable: V080101, V080102, V080101A, V080103
Data Collection
Date Collected: Pre-election survey: September 2 - November 3, 2008 Post-election survey: November 5 - December 30, 2008
Funded By
This material is bad upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants SES-0535334, SES-0720428 and SES-0840550. Additional funding from NSF was made available in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security as part of grant SES-0651271. ANES is also supported by the University of Michigan and Stanford University.
Collection Procedures
Field operations were conducted by RTI International (). All interviews were administered face-to-face using Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) technology, which also incorporated, for the first time in an ANES study, an interview gment in each wave that was lf-administered. The lfadministered module in the pre-election survey was administered by Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI), for which respondents ud headphones and looked directly at the laptop computer screen out of view of the interviewer so they could answer audio-played questions confidentially.
A total of 2,323 pre-election and 2,102 post-election interviews were
successfully completed during the field period, including 512 Latino interviews and 577 interviews by African American respondents. The counts are computed from the racial/ethnicity identifications in the Houhold Screener, which was ud to roster eligible houhold members and randomly lect a survey respondent. In the Houhold Screener application, "Latino" can designate persons of any race and "African American" designates tho respondents not identified in the Houhold Screener as Latino who identified a single race of black/African American in respon to the Screener race question. Sampling Procedures
The target population for the ANES 2008 Time Series Study constitutes English-speaking or Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens of voting age residing in the 48 coterminous United States and the District of Columbia. For the purpos of this study, voting age was defined to be
18 years or older as of October 31, 2008. Since the eligible-age cutoff
date was necessarily conveyed to one or more houhold members as part of the roster/lection process, this October 31st date was ud in place of the actual November election date in order to avoid the suggestion of overtly political or election-related survey content, so that potential respondents without strong interest in politics and elections might be more motivated to participate.
The ANES 2008 Time Series Study was designed with a target of 2,470 total pre-election interviews, including a ba target of 1,810 interviews羊肉汤的做法及配料
plus 350 supplemental Latino interviews ("Latino oversample") and 310 supplemental African-American interviews ("African-American oversample"). Completion of 507 total Latino interviews and 527 total African-American interviews in the pre-election wave, including both ba and supplemental interviews, were additional sample objectives.
Differential sampling rates among race/ethnicity groups were needed to achieve the target distribution of survey participants.
Principal Investigators
Jon A. Krosnick, Arthur Lupia, and Vincent Hutchings
Note on Weight Variables
Unlike oversamples prent in previous ANES Time Series studies (1964, 1968 and 1970), the oversamples in the ANES 2008 Time Series Study are integral to the cross-ction, which can only be reprented with the u of the sample weights provided in the datat. The inclusion of the "oversample" cas when reprenting the 2008 Time Series cross-ction provides improved estimates for the Latino and African American populations of eligible voters.
There are two ts of sample weights. The first t of weights is centered at a mean of 1.0; the are variable V080101 (pre-election) and V080102 (post-election). The cond t of weights reprent population V080101a (pre-election) and V080102 (post-election). The pre-election sample weights are the product of the houhold non-respon adjustment factor by age and education. The post-election sample weights are adjusted for attrition. The houhold weight (V080103) ud in creation of the sample weight is also available. Analys intended to generalize to the target population should be weighted. The unweighted data are not reprentative of the target population, so unweig
hted estimates of population percentages and means are wrong. Also, due to the complex sample d升仙坊
esign of the ANES, sampling errors and related statistics (including confidence intervals, p-values, t-tests, and all other tests of statistical significance) should not be calcu包装设计图
lated using methods intended for simple random samples.