The United States-比尔盖茨
Presidential Election
The United States presidential election is in the first-Tuesday of Novemb r.This day is also known as the-United States presidential election 写食物的作文
day,c inciding with-the general elections of various other federal,states-and l cal races.The fifty-eighth presidential election of-the United states is eld in 2016.
History-Constitutionally,the manner for choosing electors is determined-w thin each state by its legislature.During the first presidential-election in 1789,only 6 of the 13 original states cho electors-by any form of po ular vote.Gradually throu我们走在大路上观后感
ghout the years,-the states began conducting pop lar elections to help choo-their slate of electors,resulting in the ove all,nationwide-indirect election system that it is today.
History-The election of the President and the Vice President of the-Unite States is an indirect vote in which citizens cast ballots for-a slate of members of the U.S.Electoral College;the electors-in turn directly elec the President and Vice President.
procedure-Sn92015-Candidates announce their intentions to run,-andif nece saryfile their Statement of-
Candidacy with the Federal Election-Commissio -Eligibility requirements-March 201海洋动物卡通图片
6-Primary and caucus debates-February to June 14,2016-Primaries and-caucus-Nominating process-August 2015 to April to August,2016-Nominating-conventionsincluding tho of the minor t ird-parties-3-The popular vote-on Election Day-Presidential election deba es-Electoral college-October,2016-September and-November 8,2016-Election ay-Janu关于红的成语
ary,2017-2016 and Early-December,-Electors cast their electoral vo es-Congress counts a病毒性咽喉炎
nd certifies the electoral-January 20,2017-Inaugurati n Day