你好! Hello! | marhaba |
你好吗? How are you? | Kayf haalak?-man |
再见 Goodbye | Ma’ ‘is-salaama |
谢谢 Thank you (very much) | Mashkur (woo ma ghasart) |
别客气 You are welcome | al-afu |
对不起…… Excu me… | Afwan… |
是 Yes | aiwa |
不是 No | La’ |
谁? Who? | Mnu? |
什么? What? | Shnu? |
哪时? When? | Mata? |
哪里? Where? | Ayina? |
为何? Why? | Lematha? |
怎样? How? | Chayf? |
你会否说英语? Do you speak English? | Titkallam inglizi? |
你明白我的意思吗? Do you understand (me)? | Hal bitifhaam (alay)? |
我不明白 I don’t understand | Ana mu fahim (对男性说) Ana mu fahma (对女性说) |
可否重复一次? Could you repeat that plea? | Mumkin min fadhlak a’id Hatha? |
可否说慢点? Could you plea speak more slowly? | Mumkin min fadhlak takalam shwai shwai? |
早餐 Breakfast | futtoor |
午餐 Lunch | ghadha |
晚餐 Dinner | asha |
咖啡厅 Cafe | magha |
餐厅 Restaurant | Mata’am |
酒吧 Bar | Pub baar |
银行 Bank | bank |
邮政局 Post office | Maktab al-bareed |
我想兑换货币。 I want to change money. | Ureed asref beezat. |
最近的提款机在哪里? Where is the nearest automatic teller machine (ATM)? | Wayn aghrab alet s品种肉牛
arraf alee? |
哪里有邮政局呢? Where is the post office? | Wayn maktab al-bareed? |
我想寄明信片。 I want to nd a fax / postcard. | Ureed arell an faks / beetaga kart |
我想买信封 / 邮票 / 电话卡。 I want to buy an envelope / a stamp / a phone card. | Ureed ashtaree zaref / tab’eh bareed / kart telefon |
哪里有互联网咖啡厅? Where’s the local internet caf? | Wayn magHa al-internet? |
哪里有警局? Where is the police station? | Wayn marekaz al-shurta? |
市集 Bazaar | souq |
书店/文具店 Bookshop / Stationery | maktaba |
服装店 Clothes shop | Dukkaan malaabis |
店 Antique shop | Dukkann anteeqaat |
珠宝店 Jewellery shop | Dukkan jawaahir |
鞋店 Shoe shop | Dukkaan andheeya |
运动用品店 Sports shop | Dukkaan reeyaadeeya |
多少钱? How much? | Kam? |
这店营业中吗? Is this shop open? | Haadh ad-dukkaan maftooh? |
我预订了房间,我的名字是xxx。 I have a rervation, my name is XXX. | Aindee hajz, ismeeXXX |
我想要一间房。 I want a room plea. | Ureed ghurfa minfudluk |
我的房号是什么? What is the number of my room? | Aysh raqm ghurfatee? |
我想要计程车服务。 I want a taxi plea | Ureed taxi minfudluk |
我想租用一辆汽车(包括司机) I want to hire a car with a driver | Ure树像什么
ed asta ‘jiir saiyaara bi saa’iq |
机场 Airport | matar |
博物馆 Muum | mathaf |
沙滩 Beach | Il-shat’i |
公园 Park | bustaan |
寺院 Mosque | masjid |
巴士 Bus | il-bas |
船 Boat | Il-markab |
计程车 Taxi | Taxi |
护照 Passport | Jawaz safar |
入场券/票 Ticket | That karah |
哪里有巴士站? Where is the bus station plea? | Wayn mahattat al-baas minfudluk? |
我想到博物馆参观。 I want to visit the muum plea. | Ureed azoor al-mathaf minfudluk |
0 | Zero | sifr |
1 | One | waahid |
2 | Two | ithnayn |
3 | Three | thalaatha |
4 | Four | arba’a |
5 | Five | khamsa |
6 | Six | sitta |
7 | Seven | Saba’a |
8 | Eight | thamaania |
9 | Nine | tis’a |
10 | Ten | ashara |
11 | Eleven | ihda’shar |
12 | Twelve | itnaa’shar |
13 | Thirteen | thalaathaashar |
14 | Fourteen | arba’taa’shar |
15 | Fifteen | khamstaa’shar |
16 | Sixteen | sittaa’shar |
17 | Seventeen | saba’tashar |
18 | Eighteen | thamanta’shar |
19 | Nineteen | tis’ataa’ar |
20 | Twenty | ishreen |
100 | Hundred | meeya |
1000 | Thousand | alf |
星期一 | Monday | yom al-ithneen |
星期二 | Tuesday | yom al-thalath |
星期三 | Wednesday | yom al-arbaa’ |
星期四 | Thursday | yom al-khamis |
星期五 | Friday | yom al-jama’a |
星期六 | Saturday | yom al-sabt |
星期日 | Sunday | yom al-Had |
今天 | Today | al-yom |
昨天 | Yesterday | imbarah |
明天 | Tomorrow | bukra |
本文发布于:2023-05-03 10:48:55,感谢您对本站的认可!
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