What is something you have never done that you would like to try? Why?
What is something you really like about yourlf? Tell why.
If you could be given another talent or ability, what would you want it to be? How would
you u it?
Talk about something you will never forget.
Talk about someone you really admire. Tell why.
Share something that no one here knows about you.
What would you like to receive for your next birthday?
Something I have daydreamed about is
Talk about the kind of exerci you enjoy the most.
Share your feelings about the future.
If you could change your body, what part would you like to change? Why?
Do you tend to have a positive or negative attitude? What do you think your friends
would say?
If you could be someone el, whom would you like to be? Why?
What would have to take place for your life to be easier?
Do you prefer being a leader or a follower? Explain.
What would you do with a million U.S. dollars? Why?
What do you like most about your home? Why?
What is something you feel too young to do? Why?
What is something you feel too old to do? Why?
Describe a favorite teacher and tell why he/she was special.
Say something about keeping a promi.
What school subject has been most difficult for you?
What would you do if your best friend forgot your birthday? How would you feel?
How do you react when someone crowds in front of you while waiting in line?
How do you feel about your health at this time in your life?
If you ha励志文章短文
ve ever been "phony剁椒鱼头怎么做好吃
" talk about it.
What do you think you will look like in ten years?
If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?
That is something you would do if you were younger?
What kind of reading do you like to do?
What age would you like to be. Tell why.
What kind of contest would you like to win? What would you do with the "winnings"?
k about your favorite kind of music. Why do you like it?
When do you feel happy and content?
Describe your favorite way to spend an evening.
What is somethi圆葱怎么做好吃
ng you dream of?
Talk about three things for which you are thankful.
Talk about your favorite pastime and tell why you enjoy it.
What are two things you look forward to doing? Why?
Describe the vacation you would like to take if money were no object.
Name two people with whom you would like to spend a whole day. What would you like
to do with them?
What do you think like will be like in one hundred years?
What is something you would like to do to improve your life?
Share any experience you had with a grandparent.
How do you react when things do not go as you planned?
What do you think when you look in the mirror?
What is your favorite day of the week, and why do you like it?
What is your favorite time of day, and why do you like it?
What is your favorite time of year, and why do you like it?
Talk about your favorite holiday and why you like it.
What caus you to laugh? Share a - personal experience.
What person from history would you have enjoyed know土豆丝图片
ing? Why?
If you could make a law that people would live by, what would it be?
In what way are you like your father? How do you feel about it?
In what way are you like your mother? How do you feel about it?
How do you feel about yourlf most of the time?
If you could relive on白玉兰花树
e year of your life, what year would it be? Why?
What do you like best about yourlf, your appearance, personality or wisdom? Tell why.
Talk about a time when you felt sad.