牛津基础英汉词典pa-pe(Oxford basic English Chine
dictionary, pa-pe)
Pace, N. steps, speed, pace
Pacific n. Pacific
Packed in pack v. packed with N. backpacks
Package n. packs v. packs
Packaging n. packaging
Packet n. a box of small packages
Packing n. pack up and pack up
Pad, N. pad, pad
Page n. (Book) page
Pail n. pail
Pain n. pain, sorrow, V. pain
Painful adj. painful
Paint, N. paint, paint, V. paint br档案工作个人工作总结
Painter n. painter, painter
Painting, N. painting, painting (Art) 农村丧事对联
Pair n. pairs, double, couple
Palace n. Palace
Pale adj. pale, light
Palm n. palm, palm, palm tree Pamphlet n. Brochure
Pan n. pan
Panda n. Panda
Pane n. window (door) glass
Panel n. panels, dashboard, panels Panic n.
V. panic, panic
Panorama n. panorama
Panoramic adj. panorama
Pant n.
V. bre和平与战争
Panther n. leopard, Panther
Pantry n. food pantry, room
Pants n. pants, pants
Paper, N. paper, newspapers, documents Papercut n. paper cutting, paper cutting Papercutting n. paper-cut art
Papers n. file, certificate
Par n. (followed) is equal in price Parachute n. parachute
Parade n.
V. parade
Paradi n. heaven, Kingdom of heaven Paragraph n. paragraph, ction Parallel, adj., parallel, similar Paraly v. paralyzed, stu脑内革命
Parameter, N. parameter, parameter
Parasite, N. p四年级上册数学期末试卷及答案
arasites, parasites三年级语文书内容
Parcel parcel, N., parcel post
Pardon n.
V. forgive, pardon
Parent n. parent or parent
Paris, N., Paris
Parish n. dioce
Park n. Park v. parked vehicles
Parking n. parking vehicles
Parliament, N., Parliament, Congress Parlimental adj., parliamentary, parliamentary Parlor n. living room
Parrot n. Parrot
Part n. parts, parts, roles
Partial, adj., partial, biad
Partially adv. locally, partially
Participant n. participants, participants Participate, v., participate, share Participation, N., take part in
Particle, N. particles, particles, function words Particular adj. special n. project
Particularly adv. especially
Partition v.
N. partition
Partly adv. partially
Partner n. partners, partners, partners Partnership n. partnership, partnership
Part-time adj. timed (work)
Party n. party, party, Party
Pass v. pass and pass海贼王桌面壁纸
to the N. pass