xxxxx有限公司 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
供应商考核与评价控制程序 Supplier asssment evaluation procedure | 文件编号 | XX-IMP-XX | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文件版本 | A/0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文件编号 : XX-IMP-XX 发行版次 : A/0 生效日期 : 2011年12月1日 总页数 : 5(包括本页) 制 定:_____________________ 日 期:_____________________ 确 认:_____________________ 日 期:_____________________ 审 批:_____________________ 日 期:_____________________ 印有受控印章为受控文件, 请参阅受控版本 受控印章 受控印章 1.目的Purpo 规范公司对供应商的选择、评价及管理,确保供应商之生产能力、配合度,及其所提供之产品质量、交期符合本公司要求。 To Standardize the lection, asssment and management of the suppliers, and ensure their production capacity, cooperation, product quality and delivery comply with the company requirements. 2.范围Application scope 凡本公司生产所需的原料、辅料、包装材料、模治具、机械设备之供应商,或委外加工商均适用本程序 It is applicable to the supplier or the outsourcing subcontractor of the company required raw material, auxiliary material, packaging material, mold tooling/jigs and machine/equipments. 3.定义Definition 无 N/A 4.权责Responsibility 4.1供应链管理部Supply chain management dept. 4.1.1负责选择供应商之信息收集、筛选,适当时组织一个评审小组实地评审供应商。 4.1.1 To lect the information for the supplier collection and screening, and organize the asssment team for the supplier asssment. 4.奶油蘑菇汤的做法
1.2负责对供应商的机器设备、生产能力、财务能力、品质状况及配合度的考核。 4.1.2 To asss the machine and equipment, the production capacity, financial capacity, quality conditions and the degree of coordination of the supplier. 4.2货仓部:负责对供应商之交货期配合度的考核。 4.2 Warehou Dept. : To asss the coordination of the supplier delivery. 4.3品管部:负责对供应商的品质及配打一字谜语大全及答案
合度的考核,适当时对供应商进行品质辅导。 4.3 Quality Control Dept. : To asss the quality and the coordination fo the supplier and make the quality training for the supplier when it is appropriate. 4.4体系管理部、制造工程部:参与评审供应商。 4.4 System Management Dept., Manufacturing Engineering Dept.: To take part in the supplier asssment. 4.5总经理:对供应商资格的纳入或撤销批准。 4.5 General Manager: To approve the log-in or cancel the qualification of the suppliers. 5.作业程序Operational procedure 5.1供应商开发原则The principle of supplier development 5.1.1原有供应商 5.1.1 the existing suppliers供应链管理部应建立现有供应商基本资料、记录等。 Supply Chain Management Dept. should establish the basic information, records and etc. of the existing suppliers.须经过定期评估,考核来评定等级标准,而决定是否继续采用供应商。 Should conduct the regular asssment and evaluation to define the rating standards, and decide whether to continue the u of suppliers. 5.1.2新开发的供应商必须附合以下原则: 5.1.2 Development of new suppliers must meet the following principles:供应商必须具有品质保证能力。 The supplier must have the capability of quality assurance.生产设备必须满足本公司的技术要求 The equipment must meet the technical requirements of the Company生产技术要达到本公司的要求。 The production technology should meet the company's requirements.价格成本要低于现行价或最少不高于现价。 The cost price is lower than the current price or at least not higher than current prices.资金状况须良好,财务结构须健全,要有承受付款方式月结60天的能力。 To be a good financial status and the good financial structure and have the capacity of monthly payment under 60-day.通常情况,应从“就近不就远”的原则考虑选择供应商。特殊供应商例外。 In general, we should lect the supplier under the principle " U the near one not far" except for some special suppliers. 5.2供应商信息收集Collect the supplier information 5.2.1供应链管理部通过查询或市场调查,初步获取供应商信息,与之合作前,供应链管理部发出《供方调查表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-01,附件一),要求其填写,建立供应商资料档案; 5.2.1 Supply Chain Management dept. initially gets the supplier information by checking or market rearch , before the cooperation and nds out the “supplier survey form” (XXX-IMF-IMP14-01, Annex I ) to the supplier and then establish the supplier information folder accordingly; 5.2.2供方资料档案(具体视供方性质定)可包括,但不限于以下: 5.2.2 The supply information folder should include but limit the followings(depending on the characteristics of the supplier): a).品管组织结构图、品管职责表; a). QC organization structure chart , quality control responsibilities table ; b).抽样标准、品检报表; b). sampling standards , inspection reports c).重要工序检验规范,技术保证能力; c). the inspection specification for the key process and the technical assurance capability; d).生产工艺流程,工序控制能力; d). the production process , process control capability; e).紧急或一般交货期能力; e). emergency or normal delivery capabilities; f).供方质量管理体系、环保管控运行信息; f). supplier quality management system and environmental management and control operation information ; g).供方主要生产设备、检测设备以及客户; g). the main production and test equipment of the suppliers and their customer; h).提供的原材料必须符合环保要求,且有相应资料; h). Provided the raw materials must meet environmental requirements and the relevant data ; i).特种行业类的供应商(如化工产品的生产、销售、运输、生产)务必将该企业营业资质证明的复印件交供应链管理部审核资质是否合格。 i). the special industrial suppliers (such as chemical production, sale, transportation, production) must be evaluated their business qualification through their copy of qualification of business enterpri by the supplier chain management 5.3实地评审the on-site asssment 5.3.1由供应链管理部组织品管部、生产部、制造工程部、体系管理部有关人员,依据《供应商审核清单》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-02,附件二)项目共同对供应商进行实地考核、评价。国外供应商除外(实施网上信誉度评估) 5.3.1 Supply chain management dept. organize the related staff from QC dept., production dept., manufacturing engineering dept., and system management dept. to make the on-site asssment and evaluation of the supplier according to item in the “the supplier asssment checklist” (XXX-IMF-IMP14-02, Annex II ), except for the foreign suppliers(to implement the online credibility asssment). 5.3.2由上述部门对供方之品质保证、生产能力、变更管理、改进能力、技术创新、有害物质管控、供应链管理能力、应急交付能力、价格以及付款期实施综合评估。进行评分确定供方资格。 5.3.2 To asss the supplier in the fields: quality assurance, production capacity, management of change, improvement capacity, technical innovation, hazardous substances control , supply chain management , emergency delivery capacity , price and payment by the above depts. And to give the score and determine the qualification of supplier accordingly. 5.3.3评分方法按《供应商审核清单》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-02,附件二)备注中的说明,评价结果记录于《供应商评价报告》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-03,附件三)内。 5.3.3 The score method should refer to the remarking of the “supplier asssment list” (XXX-IMF-IMP14-02, Annex II) and the evaluation results are recorded in the “Supplier asssment Report “(XXX-IMF-IMP14-03, Annex III ). 5.3.4新供应商经现场评审结果,分级如下: 5.3.4 The rating of new supplier on-site asssment result as following: A、综合评价得分:≥90分,列为优秀供应商(A级); A, the asssment score: ≥90, rank as the good supplier(Class A); B、综合评价得分:80—89分,列为合格供应商(B级); B, the asssment score: 80~89, rank as the qualified supplier(Class B); C、综合评价得分:70—79分,待改善供应商,限期一个月改善后复评;(C级) C, the asssment score: 70~79, need improving and should reasss after improving within one month(Class C); D、综合评价得分:<69分,不接受供应商,一年内不予复评。(D级) D, the asssment score: <69, unqualified supplier and will not reasss within one year(Class D); 《供应商评价报告》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-03,附件三)由供应商管理部经理审核,管理者代表复核,报总经理批准。 "Supplier asssment Report” (XXX-IMF-IMP14-03, Annex III ) should be reviewed by the supplier management manager, checked by the Integrated management reprentative and approved the general manager. 5.3.5评定合格,供应商管理部将其列为合格供应商,登录到《合格供应商一览表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-04,附件四),确立合作关系,建立合格供方档案, 5.3.5 When qualified, the supplier management dept. should mark it as a qualified supplier and log in the “qualified supplier list” (XXX-IMF-IMP14-04, Annex IV ); then establish the partnership and the qualified supplier folder accordingly. 5.3.6 《合格供应商一览表》中,应注明供方录入时间、合作时间。如为客户指定供方,该表内应注明指定客户名称及客户指定供方的授权书。 5.3.6 Should mark the entry time and cooperation time in the “Qualified Supplier List ", and also should indicate the customer name and the authority notice for the customer specified supplier. 5.3.7对于一些代理/贸易商行评审,须提供营业执照,签订环保协议,供应商管理部须对该代理/贸易商行信誉度,供应能力,环保风险等进行评估,不需进行现场审核。 5.3.7 For the asssment of some agents / trading company, should provide the business licen and the signed environmental agreements, and the supplier management dept. should asss their credibility, supply capacity, environmental risks and etc.; no requirement for the on-site asssment. 5.3.8对于不接触、不构成公司产品的辅助性材料,可不需到供方现场进行评估。如设备配件供方,可以直接询价、比价后,按《采购控制程序》/5.3.5条款要求执行采购。 5.3.8 For the auxiliary material which not directly related or constituted to the company’s products, on-site asssment is not required. For the supplier of the equipments spare parts should follow the clau 5.3.5 of the “Purchasing control procedure” for purchasing after the price inquiry and the price comparison. 5.5考核Asssment 5.5.1供应链管理部每年底(12月25-30日)主导组织品管部、货仓部对供应商在过去一年来的绩效表现,进行统计考核、评定。并建立《供应商考核记录表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-05,附件五)。 5.5.1 Supply斜刘海
Chain Management dept. organizes QC dept. and warehou dept. to asss/evaluate the supplier performance of the past year in the end of each year(25th~30th Dec) and keep the record “Supplier asssment record” (XXX-IMF作文结尾怎么写
-IMP14-05, Annex V ) . 5.5.2考核部门的分配 the allocation of the assment activity a)供应链管理部负责对供应商的配合度及价格的波动情况进行考核。 a) Supply Chain Management Dept.: to asss the degree of cooperation and the price change b)品管部负责对供应商的品质及品质异常处理方式及预防措施进行考核。 b) Quality Control Dept.: to asss the handling of quality conformity and the corrective preventive action. &亲人的作文
nbsp; c)货仓部负责对供应商交期的准时性及配合度进行考核。 c) Warehou Dept.: to asss the on-time delivery and the degree of cooperation. 5.5.3 考核等级标准,参照本程序5.3.4条款,如下: 5.5.3 The rating of supplier asssment according to clau 5.3.4, as following: A综合评价得分:≥90分,列为优秀供应商(A级); A, the asssment score: ≥90眼睛英文发音
, rank as the good supplier(Class A); B综合评价得分:80—89分,列为合格供应商(B级); B, the asssment score: 80~89, rank as the qualified supplier(Class B); C综合评价得分:70—79分,待改善供应商,限期一个月改善后复评;(C级) C, the asssment score: 70~79, need improving and should reasss after improving within one month(Class C); D综合评价得分:<69分,不接受供应商,取消供应资格,一年内不予复评。(D级) D, the asssment score: <69, unqualified supplier and will not reasss within one year(Class D); 5.5.4扣分标准The reference for score deduction
5.5.5考核分计算公式Asssment points formula 品质得分40%+交期得分40%+(采购配合度实得分+仓库配合度实得分+品保配合度实得分)320%=考核分 Quality points40%+Delivery points40%+(Purchasing cooperation points+warehou cooperation points+QC cooperation points)320%=the asssment points 5.6处理方式Disposition method 5.6.1经考核为A级供应商者,应优先订购,并增加订购量。 5.6.1 For the class A supplier, give the first priority and increa the purchasing qty. 5.6.2经考核为B级供应商者,则以现有订购量订购。 5.6.2 For the class B supplier, keep the current purchasing qty. 5.6.3经考核为C级供应商,降低订购量5%,并发出限期改善通知,逾期不改善者,则降为D级处置。 5.6.3 For the class C supplier, reduce 5% of the purchasing qty. and issue the deadline improvement request notice; if no improvement action within the deadline, degrade the supplier to the class D supplier. 5.6.4经考核为D级供应商者,原则上应取消供应商资格,一年内不予复评,但必要时供应链管理部可有针对性的安排相关人员去辅导、督促改善。改善后可继续合作。 5.6.4 For the class D supplier, should be cancelled the supplier qualifition in principles and not be re-assd within one year; But if necessary, the supply chain management dept. can arrange the relevant staff for the improvement action training and monitoring; Can continue the cooperation after improved. 5.6.5如为独卖供应商,其考核结果为D级供应商者,须经一再辅导至改善为止。 5.6.5 For the sole suppliers with D-class asssment result, should be trained until improved. 5.6.6供应链管理部应保存好供应商的考核记录,并将考核结果并分发到各相关部门,也知会供应商。 5.6.6 Supply Chain Management dept. should keep well the supplier asssment records and distribute them to related dept. and the supplier accordingly. 5.7供应商评审计划The su爱情诗
pplier asssment plan 5.7.1供应链管理部每年初(1月份内)依据上年度的考核结果,更新《合格供应商一览表》。 5.7.1 Supply Chain Management Dept. should update the “qualified supplier list” according to the asssment result of last year in beginning of each year ( in January ). 5.7.2供应链管理部根据《合格供应商一览表》及以往供货业绩,制订《____年度供应商评审计划》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-06,附件六)。 5.7.2 Supply Chain Management dept. establish the "____ annual supplier asssment plan "(XXX-IMF-IMP14-06, Annex VI ) accordingly the "qualified supplier list" and the past supplier performance. 5.7.3该《供应商评审计划》经管理者代表确认后,由供应链管理部组织实施。 5.7.3 The " Supplier asssment plan" should be implemented by supply chain management dept. after confirmed by our integrated management reprentative. 5.7.4 超过一年未采购之供应商,在恢复合作关系前,按新供应商开发处理; 5.7.4 The supplier without purchasing for more than one year should be handled as a new supplier for development before the resumption of cooperation. 5.8供方资格撤销Cancel the supplier qualification 5.8.1当供应商出现以下情况时,由供应链管理或品管部申请取消供方资格,及时更新《合格供应商一览表》。 5.8.1 The supply chain management dept. or QC dept. apply for the cancellation of the supplier qualification and update the “qualified supplier list” during the supplier situation as followings: a)供方同一产品同月连续出现三批质量不合格,且有一次严重不合格。 a) for the same product, three concutive batches with quality nonconformity within one month and there is on major nonconformity. b)供应商所提供之产品质量不能满足本公司要求,交货批合格率连续三个月未达成,经本公司辅导无改善意愿的。 b) the products offered by suppliers cannot meet our quality requirements, the delivery accepted rate can not reach the target for three concutive moths and No improvement activity after the training. c)供应商产品不能满足本公司的技术标准及成本需求或产品环保、交期配合度的。 c) The supplier’s product does not meet the technical and cost requirements or the product environmental protection and the cooperation degree of delivery. d)由于供方材料原因引起重大质量事故,给本公司造成5万元以上损失,经辅导无改进的。 d) Due to the supplier raw material caud big quality issue caud more than 50 thousands RMB loss, and not improvement after the training. e)供应商现场审核过程中发现的不符合项,对复评不合格又无改进能力、意愿的供应商。 e) The nonconformity findings of the supplier on-site asssment does not be improved during the re-asssment and the supplier has no capability or willing to improve. f)供应商自动提出中止合作关系的。 f) The cancellation propod by the supplier themlves. g)供应商采取不正当手段或在合作中有弄虚作假等不诚信表现。 g) The supplier does some improper things or is dishonest during the cooperation. 5.8.3供方资格被取消后,供应链管理部同时更新《合格供方清单》,再分发到各适用部门。被取消的供应商资料保留1年。 5.8.3 Supply chain management dept. should update the "qualified supplier list" and then distribute it to the relevant dept. after cancelling the supplier qualification; and the folder for the cancelled supplier should be kept for one year. 5.9供应商更换方式the supplier exchange method 5.9.1当本程序5.8.1之情形发生时,供应链管理部应先与供应商联络, 进行通报警告,如果仍然没有效果时,则提出申请取消合格供应商资女的图片
格。 5.9.1 If the situation of clau 5.8.1 ari, the supply chain management dept. should contact the supplier to inform the warning; and if there is still no action, then apply for cancelling the supplier qualification. 5.9.2经供应链管理部、品管部、制造工程部、货仓部共同提出,或至少其中的两个部门提出,并填写《供应商资格撤销申报表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-07,附件七),交总经理批准后取消其资格,供应链管理部通知供应商,宣布终止合作关系; 5.9.2 The supplier exchange should be propod by the supply chain management dept., quality control dept., manufacturing engineering dept., and warehou dept网络安全资料
. together or at least two of them; the “supplier qualification cancellation request note” (XXX-IMF-IMP14-07 , annex VII ) should be filled and nt to General manager for approval. The supply chain management dept. informs the related supplier to announce the熊猫英语怎么说
termination of cooperation with supplier after the approval. 5.9.3客户指定供应商符合以上更换条件时,由供应链管理部、品管部、货仓部、制造工程部、体系管理部共同提交该供应商绩效数据,由客户处理;供应链管理部要从客户处获取书面处理结果。 5.9.3 For the customer designated suppliers if meets the above exchanging conditions, the supplier performance data should be provided to the customer for further handling by our supply chain management dept., QC dept., warehou dept., manufacturing engineering dept. and system management dept.; and the supply chain management dept. should get the formal paper result from the customer for the related supplier handling issue. 6.相关文件Reference documents 6.1《采购控制程序》(XXX-IMP-13)Purchasing control procedure 7.相关记录Related records 7.1 本程序衍生记录The record from this procedure 7.1.1《供方调查表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-01,附件一) 7.1.1 Supplier survey form (XXX-IMF-IMP14-01, Annex I) . 7.1.2《供应商审核清单》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-02,附件二) 7.1.2 Supplier asssment checklist (XXX-IMF-IMP14-02, Annex II) . 7.1.3《供应商评价报告》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-03,附件三) 7.1.3 Supplier asssment report(XXX-IMF-IMP14-03, Annex III ) . 7.1.4《合格供应商一览表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-04,附件四) 7.1.4 Qualified supplier list (XXX-IMF-IMP14-04, Annex IV ) . 7.1.5《供应商考核记录表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-05,附件五) 7.1.5 Supplier asssment record(XXX-IMF-IMP14-05, Annex V ) . 7.1.6《____年度供应商评审计划》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-06,附件六) 7.1.6 ____ annual supplier asssment plan (XXX-IMF-IMP14-06, Annex VI ) 7.1.7《供应商资格撤销申报表》(XXX-IMF-IMP14-07,附件七) 7.1.7 supplier qualification cancellation request note (XXX-IMF-IMP14-07 , annex VII ) 7.2 本程序沿引记录The record quoted in the procedure : 无 N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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