Shipping Marks 箱唛
Style No. 款号
C/no. 箱号
Invoice 发票
Quantity(QTY) 数量
Country 国家
Origin 起源
Goods 货物
Packing list 装箱单
Size 尺寸(大小)
Color 颜色
Total 合计
Vesl 船名
From 从...
To 到...
Measurement / Dimensions 尺寸
Supplier 供货商
Company 公司
Summary 摘要
Breakdown 明细
Assortment 分类
Per 每,每一
Unit 单位
CBM 立方
Vendor 卖主
Contract No. 合同号
Market 市场
普京获诺贝尔奖提名Remarks 备注
Item No. 项号
Knitted 针织
Garment 衣服
Manufacturer 厂商
Destination 目的地
Date 日期
Address 地址
Information 消息
Final 最终
Order No. 订单号
Detail 详情
Retail 零售
Season 季节
Licence 许可证
Delivery 交货
Quality 品质
Specifications 规格
Descifications 说明
Standard;Type 标准
Catalogue 商品目录
Pamphlet 宣传小册
Literature 说明书le creut
Leaflet 宣传单页
Article No.(Art.No.) 货号
Sample 样品
Reprentative Sample 代表性样品
Original Sample 原样
Duplicate Sample 复样
Counter-Sample 对等样品
Reference Sample 参考样品
Sealed Sample 封样
Brand 牌号
Trade Mark 商标
Fair Average Quality(F.A.Q.) 大路货(良好平均质量)
Grade 等级
Assortment 花色(搭配)
Tolerance 公差
5% more or less 5%上下
5% Plus or minus 5% 增减
5% Plus or minus ±5%
5% maximum(max.) 5%最高
5% maximum(max.) 5%高大
two5% maximum(max.) 5%最多
5% minimum(min.) 5%最低
5% minimum(min.) 5%最小
5% minimum(min.) 5%最少
Range 幅度
Quantity 数量
Weight 重量
Number 个数
Area 面积
Length 长度
Capacity 容积
Volume 体积
Gross Weight 毛重
Net Weight 净重
Gross for Net 毛作凈
Tare 皮重
Actual Tare 实际重量
Quantity Tolerance 数量公差
More or Less Clau 溢短装条款
About;Appr;Approximately;Circa 约;大约
Package 件
Piece 个
Piece 只
Ca;Chest;Carton 箱
Piece 匹
Bale(Bales) 包
Drum;Barrel;Cask(Casks);Keg 桶
Bag;Sack(Sacks) 袋
Bundle 捆
Basket 篓
Basket 筐
Jar 甏
Pair 双
Dozen 打
Gross 罗
Great Gross 大罗
Sheet 张
Ream 令
Roll 卷
Box 合
Tin;Can 听
Tin;Can 罐
Bottle 瓶
Packing 包装
Bulk Cargo 散装货
Nude Cargo 裸装货
Packed Cargo 包装货
Outer Packing 外包装
Inner Packing 内包装
Small Packing 小包装
Immediate Packing 直接包装
Packed in Cas 箱装
Wooden Ca 木箱
Plywood Ca 三夹板箱
Fibre Board Ca 纤维板箱
Crate;Skeleton Ca 板条箱
Carton;Cardboard Ca 纸板箱
Packed in Drums 桶装
Iron Drum 铁桶
Wooden Keg 小木桶
Wooden Barrel 木桶
Plywood keg 三夹板桶
Packed in cloth-bales 布包装
Machine Press-packed Bale 机器紧压包、机包
Packed in Bags 袋 装
Gunny Bay;Jute Bag 麻袋
Cloth Bag 布袋
Kraft Paper Bag 牛皮纸袋
Plastic Bag 塑料袋
Polythene Bag 聚乙烯袋
Cardboard Box 纸板盒
Corrugated Paper Box 瓦楞板盒
Kraft Paper 牛皮纸
Cellophane 玻璃纸
Tarred Paper 柏油纸
Oiled Paper 油纸
Filling and Lining Material 衬垫物
Excelsior 木丝
Paper Wool 纸条
Straw 稻草
Saw Dust 木屑
Paper Scrap 纸屑
Packing Suitable for ocean transportation 适合海洋运输的包装
Usual Packing;Customary Packing 习惯包装
Price 价格
Trade Term(Price Term) 价格术语(价格条件)
Unit Price 单价
Total Value 总值
Amount(Total Amount) 金额(总金额)
Net Price 凈价
Commission 佣金
Price including Commission 含佣价
Return Commission 回佣
Discount,Allowance 折扣
FOB--Free on Board 离岸价(船上交货价)
C&F--Cost and Freight 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)
CIF--Cost,Insureance and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)
Feight 运费
Port of shipment;Port of loading 装运港
Port of discharge 卸货港
Port of destination 目的港
Wholesale Price 批发价
Retail Price 零售价
Spot Price 现货价格
Forward Price 期货价格
Current Price;Prevailing Price 现行价格(时价)
World(International)Market Price 国际市场价格
Wharfage 码头费
Landing Charges 卸货费(起货费)
Customs Duty 关税
Stanp Duty 印花税
Port Dues;Harbour Dues 港口税
Import Licence 进口许可证
contactsExport Licence 出口许可证
Delivery 交货
Shipment 装运、装船
Time of delivery 交货时间
Time of shipment 装运期限
Shipper;Consignor 托运人
neutral packing 中性包装
customary packing 习惯包装
cargo in bulk 散装货
nuded cargo 裸装货
shipment packing 运输包装
consumer packing 消费包装
packaging industry 包装工业
pack test 包装试验
package design 包装设计
2014北京高考英语答案package engineering 打包工程
package in damaged condition 破损包装
package materials (packing supplies) 包装材料
packing cost 包装成本
"packing extra" 包装费用另计
packing and prentation 包装装潢及外观
packing credit 打包放款,包装信用证
packing letter of credit 包装信用证,红条标信用证
packing list/note/slip 装箱单
packing specification 包装标准化
ller's usual packing 卖方习惯包装
aworthy packing 适合海运包装
ca 箱
carton 纸板箱,纸箱
wooden ca 木箱
crate 板条箱
chest 箱
casket 小箱
box 盒子
cask 桶
taking over me
keg 小桶
wooden cask 木桶
barrel 琵琶桶
drum 圆桶
iron drum 铁桶
to be packed in bag 用袋装支付结算
to be packed in paper bag 用纸袋装
gunny bag 麻袋
plastic bag 塑料袋
foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋
bal 包件
canvas 帆布
bundle 捆,束
can/tin 罐装,听装
coil 捆,盘装
glass jar 玻璃瓶装
container 集装箱
pallet 托盘
breakage-proof 防破损
shakeproof 防震
leakage-proof 防漏
water-proof 防水
sound-proof 隔音
metal strap 铁箍
Consignee 收货人
Shipping Space 舱位
Clearance of goods 报关
to take delivery of goods 提货
Shipment during January / January shipment 一月份装船
Shipment not later than Jan.31st / Shipment on or before Jan.31st 一月底装船
Shipment during Jan./Feb. / Jan./feb. Shipment 一/二月份装船
...in two lots 在...(时间)分两批装船
...in two equal lots 在...(时间)平均分两批装船