prep是什么词性Amend ction 1971.5, title 13, California Code of Regulations, to read as follows:
(Note: The propod amendments are shown in underline to indicate additions and strikeout to indicate deletions from the existing regulatory text. Various portions of the regulations that are not modified by the propod amendments are omitted from the text shown and indicated with “* * * *”)
§ 1971.5. Enforcement of Malfunction and Diagnostic System Requirements for 2010 and Subquent Model-Year Heavy-Duty Engines.
(a) General.
* * * *
(3) Definitions.
The definitions applicable to the rules include tho t forth in Health
and Safety Code ction 39010 et q. and in Cal. Code Regs., title 13,
ction 1900(b) and ction 1971.1(c), which are incorporated by
reference herein. The following definitions are specifically applicable to
ction 1971.5 and take precedence over any contrary definitions.
* * * *
“Deficient Emission Threshold Monitor” means a component/system monitor certified with a deficiency (in accordance with Cal. Code Regs.,
title 13, ction 1971.1(k)) for not detecting a malfunction before
emissions exceeded the malfunction criteria defined in Cal. Code Regs.,
title 13, ctions 1971.1(e) through (g) that are bad on a multiple of, or
an additive to, a tailpipe emission standard or an absolute measurement
from an applicable emission test cycle (e.g., 1.5 times the applicable
Federal Test Procedure (FTP) emission standards, particulate matter (PM) standard plus 0.02 grams per brake horpower-hour (g/bhp-hr), PM level of 0.03 g/bhp-hr as measured from an applicable emission test cycle).
“Deficient In-U Performance Monitor” means a component/system monitor certified with a deficiency (in accordance with Cal. Code Regs.,
title 13, ction 1971.1(k)) for not meeting the minimum acceptable in-u monitor performance ratio specified under Cal. Code Regs., title 13,
ction 1971.1(d)(3.2).
* * * *
“OBD Emission Testing” refers to testing conducted to determine compliance with the malfunction criteria in Cal. Code Regs., title 13,
ctions 1971.1(e) through (g) that are bad on a multiple of, or an
additive to, a tailpipe emission standard or an absolute measurement from an applicable emission test cycle (e.g., 1.5 times the applicable federal
沉没度test procedure (FTP) emission standards, PM standard plus 0.02 g/bhp-hr,
PM level of 0.03 g/bhp-hr as measured from an applicable emission test
* * * *
(b) Testing Procedures for ARB-Conducted Testing.
(1) Purpo.
To assure that OBD systems on production engines comply with the
requirements of Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1, ARB may
periodically evaluate engines from an engine class. For OBD systems
that fail to meet requirements of Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1
and for which the noncompliance has been granted a deficiency pursuant to the provisions of Cal. C
ode Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(k), ARB may evaluate engines with such OBD systems to confirm that the details of the noncompliance are the same as tho disclod by the manufacturer at
the time the deficiency was granted.
* * * *
(3) Engine Selection for ARB-Conducted Enforcement Testing.
(A) Determining the Engine Class.
* * * *
(iv) Except for testing to determine if an OBD system has been
designed to deactivate bad on age and/or mileage (Cal. Code
Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(1.3)), the Executive Officer may
not conduct testing of an engine class who engines, on average,
exceed the defined full uful life of the engine class. For purpos
of the determination of this average, the Executive Officer shall u
the accrual rates appropriate for engines in the engine class
considering the vehicle weight class, usage type, and other
subcategories as defined and ud by EMFAC2007EMFAC2014,
which is incorporated by reference herein.
* * * *
(D) Engines to be included in a Test Sample Group.
* * * *
(ii) In lecting engines to be included in a test sample group for enforcement OBD ratio testing, the Executive Officer shall include
only engines that:
* * * *
b. Have collected sufficient engine operation data for the monitor to
be tested. For monitors required to meet the in-u monitor
performance ratio and to track and report ratio data pursuant to
Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(3.2), sufficient
engine operation data shall mean the denominator meets the
criteria t forth in ctions (b)(3)(D)(ii)1. through 5. below. For
monitors required to meet the in-u monitor performance ratio
but not required to track and report ratio data pursuant to Cal.
Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(3.2), sufficient engine
operation data shall mean that engines that have a denominator
that meets the criteria t forth in ctions (b)(3)(D)(ii)1. through
5. below after undergoing testing as t forth in ction
(b)(4)(C)(ii) below. Specifically, the denominator, as defined in
Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(4.3), for the monitor
to be tested must have a value equal to or greater than:
* * * *
4. 150 for diel monitors utilizing a denominator incremented inmy friend
accordance with Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction
1971.1(d)(4.3.2)(D), (E), or (F) (e.g., cold start monitors,
comprehensive component output component monitors, etc.)
and not covered in ction (b)(3)(D)(ii)b.3. above, or
5. 300 for all other diel monitors not covered under ctions
(b)(3)(D)(ii)b.3. and 4. above.
* * * *
(iii) In lecting engines to be included in a test sample group for enforcement testing of any other requirement of Cal. Code Regs.,
title 13, ction 1971.1 (not covered by ctions (b)(3)(D)(i) or (ii)
above), the Executive Officer shall include only engines that:
* * * *
d. Except for testing to determine if an OBD system has been
designed to deactivate bad on age and/or mileage (Cal. Code
Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(1.3)), Hhave mileage and age
that are less than or equal to the certified full uful life mileage
and age for the subject engines.
* * * *
(4) Enforcement Testing Procedures.
(A) Prior to conducting any testing under ction (b)(4), the Executive
Officer may replace components monitored by the OBD system with
components that are sufficiently deteriorated or simulated to cau
malfunctions that exceed the malfunction criteria established pursuant
to Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(e) through (g) in a properly operating system. The Executive Officer may not u components
deteriorated or simulated to reprent failure modes that could not
have been foreen to occur by the manufacturer (e.g., the u of
leaded gasoline in an unleaded gasoline engine, etc.). Upon request
by the Executive Officer, the manufacturer shall make available any of the following:
(i) aAll test equipment ud by the manufacturer in development,
calibration, or demonstration testing (e.g., malfunction simulators,
deteriorated “threshold” components, etc.) necessary to duplicate
testing done by the manufacturer to determine the malfunction
criteria ud for major monitors subject to OBD emission testing.
(ii) Complete software design description documentation,
specifications, and source code of the engine control unit and any
other on-board electronic powertrain control unit (e.g., transmission
control unit, aftertreatment system control unit). The manufacturer
shall provide the descriptions and specifications in English.
(iii) A complete list and description of all control unit variables available for real-time display and data logging, as well as all calibration
maps, curves, and constants ud in the software.
(iv) A data acquisition device with real-time display and data logging capability of any and all control unit variables ud in calibration.
The variables shall be provided in the same engineering units
ud during calibration (e.g., the units as documented in the AECD
documentation provided to the Executive Officer). The data
acquisition device shall include, but may not be limited to, an
engineering and calibration tool ud during control unit software
development and calibration.
(v) A method to unlock any production or prototype control unit to allow real-time display and data logging of any and all variables ud
during calibration.
* * * *
(6) Finding of Nonconformance after Enforcement Testing.
After conducting enforcement testing pursuant to ction (b)(4) above, the Executive Officer shall make a finding of nonconformance of the OBD
system in the identified engine class under the respective tests for the
applicable model year(s) as follows:
(A) OBD Emission Testing.
* * * *
(ii) For 2013 through 2015 model year engines:
a. All engines classified as OBD parent and child ratings subject to
patientCal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(7.2.2) shall be
considered to be nonconforming if the emission test results
indicate that 50 percent or more of the engines in the test sample
group do not properly illuminate the MIL when emissions exceed
the following:
1. For deficient emission threshold monitors, the applicable
emission level for mandatory recall under ction
common files是什么2. For all other component/system monitors not mentioned in
ction (b)(6)(A)(ii)a.1. above,2.0 times the malfunction
criteria (e.g., 4.0 times the standard if the malfunction
criterion is 2.0 times the standard).
b. In determining compliance, the Executive Officer shall u only
the test cycle and standard determined and identified by the
manufacturer at the time of certification in accordance with Cal.
Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(6.1) as the most stringent
for purpos of determining OBD system nonconformance with
the applicable standard in ction (b)(6)(A)(ii)a.
c. All other engines and engine ratings may not be considered
nonconforming bad on the emission levels of the tests.
(iii) For 2016 through 2018 model year engines (except as provided for alternate-fueled engines in ction (b)(6)(A)(v) below):
a. PM filter monitors on engines subject to the malfunction criteria of Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ctions 1971.1(e)(8.2.1)(D) and (EF) shall be considered to be nonconforming if the emission test results indicate that 50 percent or more of the engines in the test sample group do not properly illuminate the MIL when emissions exceed the following
1. For PM filter monitors that are deficient emission threshold
monitors, the applicable emission level for mandatory recall
under ction (d)(3)(A)(ii).
2. For PM filter monitors that are not deficient emission threshold
monitors, 2.0 times the malfunction criteria (e.g., PM emission level of 0.06 g/bhp-hr if the malfunction criterion is 0.03 g/bhp-hr) on any of the applicable standards (i.e., FTP or SET).
b. Monitors on engines and engine ratings previously certified to Cal. Code Regs., title 13, ction 1971.1(d)(7.2.3) for extrapolated OBD in the 2013 through 2015 model years shall be considered nonconforming if the emission test results indicate that 50 percent or more of the engines in the test sample group do not properly illuminate the MIL when emissions exceed the following:
1. For deficient emission threshold monitors, the applicable
emission level for mandatory recall under ction (d)(3)(A)(ii).
2. For all other component/system monitors not mentioned in
ction (b)(6)(A)(iii)b.1. above, 2.0 times the malfunction
criteria (e.g., 4.0 times the standard if the malfunction criterion is 2.0 times the standard) on any of the applicable standards
(i.e., FTP or SET).
c. Monitors on engines not covered under ctions (b)(6)(A)(iii)a. and b. above shall be considered nonconforming if the emission test results indicate that 50 percent or more of the engines in the test sample group do not properly illuminate the MIL when emissions exceed the following:
1. For deficient emission threshold monitors, any of the
applicable following thresholds: (1) 20 percent of the NMHC,
CO, or NOx emission standard above the emission level at
which a malfunction was detected when the OBD system was approved by the Executive Officer, (2) 20 percent of the PM
malfunction criterion (e.g., 0.0060 g/bhp-hr if the PM
malfunction criterion is 0.03 g/bhp-hr) above the emission level at which a malfunction was detected when the OBD system
was approved by the Executive Officer, or (3) the applicable
emission level for mandatory recall under ction (d)(3)(A)(ii).
2. For all other component/system monitors not mentioned in
ction (b)(6)(A)(iii)c.1. above, the malfunction criteria on any of the applicable standards (i.e., FTP or SET).