The Scarlet Letter 《红字》
An aging English scholar nds his beautiful young wife, Hester Prynne by name, to make their new home in New England. When he comes over two years later he is bewildered to e his wife in pillory, wearing a scarlet letter A on her breast, holding her illicit child in her arms. Determined to find out who her lover is, the old scholar disguis himlf as a physician and changes his name to Roger Chillingworth.
Gradually he discovers that the villain is no other than the much-admired brilliant young clergyman, Arthur Dimmesdale. Tormenting himlf ruthlessly for his sin, Dimmesdale finds his conscience no less ruthlessly preyed by Chillingworth. He cuts himlf off from community and withers spiritually as well as physically. Hester Prynne’s respon to the scarlet letter A is a positive one. Though living on the fringe of the community, she does her best to reestablish her fellowship with her neighbors on a new, honest basis. She helps her fellow creatures as a sister of mercy of sorts or as a skilled embroiderer in an unobtrusive and undemanding manner, and finally wins their love and admiration. At one time she plans
to leave America with Dimmesdale, but he refus her help. He dies in the end in her arms while confessing his sin at a public gathering. Chillingworth withers. Pearl, Hester’s child, grows up to be married into a noble family of Europe.
一位上了年纪的英国学者送他年轻貌美的妻子—海斯特lotos•kpp>ltx白兰去打理他们在新英格兰的新家。两年后他回来了。他困惑地发现他的妻子戴着木枷,胸前有一个猩红色的A字,手臂里还抱着一个非法生育的孩子。他决定要找出她的情人,因此伪装成了一个医生并且改名为罗杰grandcanyon摘要英文翻译•celebration奇林沃斯。渐渐地,他发现坏蛋正是年轻的、备受尊敬的、才华横溢的神职人员international love—亚瑟•蒂姆斯泰尔。因为自己的罪孽,他残酷地折磨自己,蒂姆斯泰尔发现他的良心依然残酷地被奇林沃斯欺骗了。他断绝了与社区的往来,并且身体上和精神上都受到了打击。海斯特•满足客户需求白兰积极地回应着猩红的contest是什么意思A字带给她的屈辱。尽管生活在社区的边缘,海斯特还是以诚实为原则,尽她最大的努力来重建和邻里之间的友谊。尽管还不够好,但她像一个仁慈的姐姐或娴熟的绣女一样用不张扬的、随和的方式帮助她的邻居,并最终赢得了大家的喜爱和敬重。有一次,海斯特计划和蒂姆斯泰尔离开美国,但他拒绝了她的帮助。在一次公众集会上,他坦白了自己的罪行,最后在海斯特的怀里死去。奇林沃斯蔫了。珠儿,海斯特的女儿,长大成人后嫁进了欧洲的一个贵族家庭。