Antibody Dilution Buffers
Primary Antibody Dilution Buffer:
1%BSA (stabilizer and blocking)
0.1% cold fish skin gelatin (blocking)
男士面部美白 0.05% sodium azide (prervative)
0.01M PBS pH7.2 (TBS pH7.6 ud in primary antibody dilution buffer produces weaker staining)
Note: 1) Antibodies diluted using this buffer can be stored at 4 ºC for 6 months without reducing binding activity. 2) This buffer can not be ud for diluting HRP conjugated antibodies since sodium azide is an inhibitor of HRP.
HRP-conjugated Primary Antibody Dilution Buffer:
1%BSA (stabilizer)英语改革
0.1% cold fish skin gelatin (blocking)
0.05% Thimerosal (prervative)
0.01M PBS pH7.2
Note: Antibodies diluted using this buffer can be stored at 4 ºC for 6 months without reducing binding activity.
Secondary Antibody Dilution Buffer:
0.01M PBS, pH 7.2
0.05% sodium azide (prervative)
Note: 1) Antibodies diluted using this buffer can be stored at 4 ºC for 6 months without reducing binding activity. 2) Do not u BSA or other rum containing reagents t
我的可爱宠物o dilute condary antibodies since they may bind to BSA or rum therefore reducing antibody affinity. 3) Using TBS to dilute condary antibodies often produces weaker staining. So u TBS only for the antibodies with high background staining or for alkaline phosphata conjugated antibodies since phosphate is a inhibitor of alkaline phosphata.
HRP-Streptavidin Dilution Buffer:
0.01M PBS, pH 7.2
henry lee 0.05% thimerosal (prervative)
Note: Antibodies diluted using this buffer can be stored at 4 ºC for 6 months without reducing binding activity.
AP-Streptavidin Dilution Buffer:
周思成 0.05M TBS, pH 7.6
0.05% thimerosal (prervative)
Note: 1) Antibodies diluted using this buffer can be stored at 4 ºC for 6 months without reducing binding activity. 2) PBS can not be ud to dilute Streptavidin-AP since phosphate inhibit alkaline phosphata activity.
Fluorescent Dye (Avidin-FITC, Avidin-Texas Red, Avidin-AMCA) Dilution Buffer:
0.01M PBS, pH 7.2
0.05% thimerosal (prervative)
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