Miss Wen Hui Wang*01585617*
*01585617* Scheduled arrival at the
U.S. Embassy London Date: 28 Jan 2011Time: 11:00
feellifeREF NO:01585617
To ensure that your visit to the Embassy goes smoothly, you are required to review the information contained within the following paragraphs, clicking on the hyperlinks where appropriate for further detailed information.
Arrival at the Embassy: This letter confirms your interview date for submitting a nonimmigrant visa appli
cation. Applicants are required to queue outside even in inclement weather and as space is limited, we ask that you do not arrive at the Embassy more than 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment time. Only the visa applicant will be admitted into the Embassy except in the following circumstances: where the applicant is a minor (under 18); where the applicant needs an interpreter; or where the applicant is disabled and requires assistance and their name is on the appointment list.如何学日语
Visa application forms and documents that must be prented during the visa interview: You are required to print this letter and the attached MRV fee receipt and bring them with you to the interview. The visa application forms and a list of documents you are also required to prent is available by clicking on this hyperlink:
In addition, H, J-1 and B-1 (domestic employees) visa applicants must read the informational pamphlet provided through this link before they attend the interview -
confirmationSecurity at the Embassy: Do not bring mobile phones or any electronic devices, such as Blackberrie
s, IPods, key fobs, or PDAs as they are not allowed within the Embassy. Do not bring large bags, such as backpacks, suitcas or packages. Note: Tho who do not follow the instructions will experience considerable delays at the curity check point which could result in the interview being cancelled. Consider checking them at a transport station or leaving them
cet官网behind - v/cons_new/forms/Left_Luggage-Excess_Baggage.pdf.
Visa Processing Times: The average visa processing time for successful applicants is 5 business days, (the period is 5 - 10 business days for petition bad applicants - O, P, H, L, Q-1 and R) during which time the applicant's passport must remain with the Embassy. Applicants who are advid at the visa interview that their application requires additional processing should allow approximately 90 days for their application to be procesd. However, in some cas, processing can extend to six months or longer.
强壮的英文If you cannot view and print this letter with the bar code in the upper right hand
corner or with the link to instruction page, plea call 09042-450100 (calls cost
trueway£1.20/min); callers from within the United States should dial 1-866-3823589 (calls charged at $16 for up to 7 minutes) now.
Applicant Name:Miss Wen Hui Wang Appointment Date:28 Jan 2011 Receipt Date:07 Jan 2011 This receipt confirms payment of the United States Machine Readable Visa (MRV) application fee of $140.00. It will appear on your credit card statement as ‘US VISA APPLICATION GBC’. It is valid only for submitting a nonimmigrant visa application
for the above named applicant and cannot be transferred to another applicant. You are required to print this receipt, sign the acknowledgement below and submit it to the Embassy at the time of your v
isa application. If you do not bring the signed receipt you will be denied entry.
Important Notice: This is an application fee and is valid for one visa application
within twelve months from the date of payment. There can be no refund of the fee if you cancel the appointment and do not reschedule, or if your visa application is unsuccessful and denied by the interviewing consular officer.
Acknowledgment: Applicant must read and sign below.
I understand that this fee is an application fee required to submit an application for
a nonimmigrant U.S. visa, and that the fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable regardless of any action or inaction on the part of the U.S. government. I understand
重点院校that any misreprentation or malfeasance with regard to the U.S. Machine Readable
Visa fee can lead to life-long exclusion from the United States of America.
Applicant Signature:
Cardholder Name:Miss Wen Hui Wang Credit Card Number:************4610 Date Paid:07 Jan 2011 Payment Reference:25299VDT
Failure to prent this MRV Fee Receipt at the Embassy will result in cancellation of the appointment