
更新时间:2023-08-11 01:21:18 阅读: 评论:0

E Noun Explanation 16memoirs
lou  pl.  Lice 虱子
ridicule  mock, scorn
wage        wer
suspen  feeling of tenness, worry, etc about what may happen
out-take  gment of film or tape, etc edited out before it is relead becau it contains a mistake  删减的片段
grand    sl  1000 dollars 1000美元
dirt  malicious gossip 流言蜚语
fling  short period of enjoyment in some, often irresponsible, activity check-up  thorough examination, esp a medical one 全身检查anecdote ['?nik,d?ut]
bug  any small inct 小虫子
measles  infectious dia, esp of children, with a fever and small red pots that cover the whole body 麻疹
camp-out  live in a tent 露营
John      a prostitute’s customer
DA  District Attorney
upshot  outcome; result 最终结果
apricot 杏
ho    軟管
llama['lɑ:m?] 美洲驼,无峰驼
peach thing that is exceptionally good or attractive of its kind; excellent, usu a person
thing that is very helpful or familiar Persistence has always been my friend.
limestone  石灰岩
Jacuzzi bath-tub with underwater jets of water that massage the body
bongo  用手指敲打的小鼓
exclusivity  独特性
17ward  patient room
custodian  person who take care of or look after sth
perimeter  boundary of an area 边界
barrack  any large ugly building
recidivism  persistent offending  屡犯
heart-to-heart  frank conversation about personal matters 谈心
omanibelfry    part of a church tower in which bells hang 钟楼
plea  statement made by or for a person charged with an offence in court
bargain  agreement
drape      curtain 窗帘
veneer [v?'ni?]  n. 1.    2. ;外饰
roots  ; 祖籍
blueprint  detailed plan or scheme  , 具体规划
contractor  person or firm that does jobs, esp construction, under contract sucker  gadget; thing 玩意儿
burrito [b?:'rit?u] () allowance
klutziness  foolishness; stupidness 愚蠢          klutzy  foolish; stupid
buggy  轻便马车
padre  ['pɑ:dri] priest
Electrolyte [i'lektr?u,lait]  电解质
baby是什么意思英文saint  unlfish or patient person
deodorant    odor  smell
moron  very stupid person 大傻瓜
nacho n. ()
jalapeno [,hɑ:l?'peinj?u] 墨西哥辣椒
hottie      a xually attractive person
lasik LASIK Lar in Situ Keratomileusis
stench  very unpleasant smell 臭味
con  convict
litigation  lawsuit
scratch-off  刮彩票的动作
18drink  alcoholic liquor 酒
pantyho (pantyho = panty + ho)
manslaughter  crime of killing a person unlawfully but not intentionally  过失杀人
term  条款amai
weed cigarettes 烟
gut  abdomen; stomach 腹部
shack  roughly-built hou
19etiquette ['eti'ket]  formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession 礼节;礼仪
freezer  冰柜
rosary  string of beads for keeping count of prayers ud in religion 念珠tombstone ['tu:mst?un]  墓碑
counling  advice, esp from a professional person 咨询
salsa kind of Latin American style of music and dance SALSA
ATM  automatic teller machine  自动提款机
guacamole[gwɑk?'mol?] 鳄梨色拉酱() batch
mandarin  official standard spoken language of China
chest  large strong box for storing or shipping things in 大皮箱bratwurst['br?tw?st]
refreshments snacks
flat A term for wine lacking a refreshing, tart or sour taste, or sparkling wines that have lost their bubbles. Flat: Wine lacking a refreshing slightly sour taste and sparkling wines that have lost most of their carbon dioxide.
bubbly  champagne 香槟
ministry 全体牧师
sodomy anal xual intercour between a man and esp another man sodomite  person practicing sodomy
bunion  painful swelling 胀痛
capper  ['k?p?] the climax or clincher of sth
When the butler tripped and rved Mr. Wilson the entire desrt, in his lap, that was the capper to an exciting evening.
pink-eye  红眼病
pharmacy drug store
piccolo['pik?l?u] 短笛
outpouring uncontrollable expression of strong feelings
complication new illness, or new development of an illness, that makes treatment more difficult  并发症
heteroxual[,het?r?'k?u?l] 异性恋的
20gravel small stones, as ud to make the surface of road, etc 小石子pebble
cornea['k?:ni?] 角膜
cocoon [k?'ku:n] 茧
dosage  amount of medicine to be taken at a time or over a period 剂量sabbatical[s?'b?t?k!] 休假;公休
boob  woman’s breast
sludge  wage 污水
ntiment  attitude or opinion, usu influenced by emotion
all-nighter      a person who often stays up all night
E Adjetive Explanation
16sordid (of people, behavior, etc) dirty, displaying lfishness, meanness, etc down  sad; depresd
borderline  between two different groups or categories 边缘性的
sluggish  slow-moving; not alert or lively
juicy  interesting, esp becau scandalous
high-profile    keep a low-profile
crappy  sl  bad; worthless; unpleasant
音标培训materialistic  excessively interested in material posssions, bodily comforts, etc while neglecting spiritual values
iffy  doubtful; uncertain
discreet  careful or showing good judgment in what one says or does; not too obvious 谨慎的
ud with abstract nouns all possible I have every intention of sleeping with him.
I have every chance of success.
I have every reason to punch him.
skanky  ugly; repellent, usually said of a woman 丑陋的cocky  conceited, arrogant 自大的
distasteful  unpleasant
creepy  causing or having an unpleasant feeling of fear or horror cold-blooded  without pity; cruel 冷血的
17thankless  (of an action) not likely to win thanks, appreciation, or reward for the person performing it准考证号忘了怎么查询
bleak    bare; expod 光秃秃的
hand-engraved  hand-carved  hand-painted far-fetched  (of a story, an account, etc) exaggerated; unbelievable orderly  well-behaved; peaceful
faux  (French) imitation; not genuine
wacky  loony; silly and giddy loony  sl  crazy or eccentric    giddy  having the feeling that everything is turning around and that one is going to fall
phony  fal, faked, faux 虚假的
perfect  total, absolute 完全的
hideous  very ugly; frightful
posssive  treating sb as if one owns him, demanding total attention or love sketchy  incomplete; rough
hypothetical  假设的
18dead  no longer effective; no longer of any conquence  That guy is dead—out of power.
common  (of people, their behavior and belongings) typical of the lower class of society, showing a lack of taste; vulgar    Don’t be common.
unsubstantiated not proved
blesd  fortunate
impeccable  free from mistakes; excellent or faultless 完美无暇的hollow  empty; not solid 空洞的
heated  angry; excited
vibrant  full of life and energy 活力四射的
19god-awful  extremely bad; terrible
stunning impressive; splendid
smallest in size, amount, extent, etc      That ‘s the least of my anxieties.
Arthritis is the least of my problems.
limber supple; flexible 灵敏的
blue sad; depresd
ungrateful not recognizing a kindness, rvice, etc; not grateful ,
gray  灰白的
righteous  morally justifiable
proactive taking charge of a situation and causing things to happen by intervention, rather than reacting after the event  /提前行动的
ticklish(of a person) nsitive to tickling 痒的crabby bad-tempered; irritable
20platonic [plei't?nik] of love or a friendship between two people clo and deep but not xual
tender  painful when touched; nsitive
achey  painful continuously 持续疼痛的
roomy  having plenty of space to contain things or people 宽敞的
torrid passionate; erotic
embittered filled with bitter feelings 痛苦的
dumb stupid
den stupid
rock-solid immovable; dependable
inviting tempting; attractive 吸引人的
hazy not clear; vague  so you'll forgive me if I'm hazy on the details. extensive  large in amount; wide-ranging
inattentive becau one is thinking of or worrying about sth el

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