技术文件编号Technical document No.:120G -SS WZ-120/3.8-T 蔗 渣 锅 炉 Bagas Boiler 设 计 说 明 书design description 图号Drawing No.: 120G-00 编制Prepared by: 校核Checked by: 审核Reviewed by: stalker审定Accredited by: 批准Approved by: 广西梧锅锅炉制造有限公司GUANGXI WUGUO BOILER MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD 梧州市莲花山路55号No.55, Lianhuashan Road , Wuzhou, Guangxi, China 2011年10月October 2011 |
目 录 Contents
一、锅 吸血鬼日记第三季剧情炉 概 述Ⅰ, Overview of the Boiler---------------------------------2
二、设 计 参 数 Ⅱ, Boiler Design Parameters ------------2
三、锅 炉 主 要 设 计 依 据 Ⅲ, Main Basis for Boiler Design-----------------------3
四、主 要 技state是什么意思 术 经谈论的英文 济 指 标Ⅳ, Boiler Main Technical and Economic Index--------------------3
五、主 要 尺 寸 Ⅴ, Boiler Main Dimensions-----------------------------4
六、结 构 简 述 Ⅵ, Brief Description of Boiler Structure--------------4
1.炉 膛 1, Furnace:------------------------------4
2.锅 筒2, Drum:----------------------------------4
3.燃 烧 器3, Burners: ---------------------------5
4.过 热 器 及 减 温 器4, Superheater and desuperheater: ------------5
5.省 煤 器 5, Economizer: ------------------5
6.空 气 预 热 器6, Air preheater: ----------------5
7.钢 架 及 炉 墙 7, Steel frame and furnace wall: --------------------5
七、锅 炉 安 装 Ⅶ, Boiler Installation-------------------------6
八、辅 机 参 数 Ⅷ, Auxiliaries Parameters---------------------7
九、锅 炉 受 压 部 件 水 容pip 积 表 Ⅸ, Boiler Pressure Parts Water Volume Table---------7
十、锅 炉 水 汽 质 量 Ⅹ, Boiler Water and steam Quality--------------7
十一、锅 炉 仪 表 配 置 要 求 Ⅺ, Boiler Instrumentation Configuration Requirements---------8
十二、经 济 运 行 操 作 指 南(说明) Ⅻ, Economy Running Operation Guide (Instruction) --------9
一、 锅炉概述:Ⅰ, Overview of the Boiler
This boiler is a bagas boiler designed specifically for sugar refineries, the fuel is bagas, can mixed with sugar cane leaves ( but the ratio should be less than 27%) . 锅炉为室外布置,自然循环单锅筒锅炉,采用∏型布置,钢构架,炉膛部份悬吊,尾部烟道支承。The boiler is outdoor layout, single drum natural circulation, adopts Π -type layout, steel frame, partly furnace is top-supported, FG tail duct is bottom-supported. 炉膛前墙下部布置喷渣口,辅以倾斜固定炉排组织燃烧,利用蒸汽除渣。The lower front wall of furnace is equiped with bagas spray orifice, supplemented by fixed-tilt grate to combust, using steam to remove slag. 炉膛左侧墙布置液压装置推送蔗渣叶,配有独立固定炉排燃烧。The left side wall of furnace is equiped with Hydraulic actuator to push the bagas leaves. Separate fixed grate carries out combustion. 过热器分两级布置,高温过
热器和低温过热器之间布置喷水减温器,省煤器分上下级,空气预热器为单级布置。The superheater is two-stage layout, between the high temperature superheater and low temperature superheater, is equiped with spray type attemperator, the economizer is divided into upper and lower two stages, the air preheater is single stage layout.
各部分受热面积为:炉膛848m2、防渣管97.2 m预备役军官法2、高温过热器398.9 m2、低温过热器485.6 m2、省煤器2359.3 m2、空气预热器7412.9 m2。
The heating surface areas of all parts are: furnace 848m2, boiler slag screen 97.2 m2, high-temperature superheater 398.9 m2, low-temperature superheater 485.6 m2, economizer 2359.3 m2, air preheater 7412.9 m2.
蔗渣燃料特性:Bagas fuel properties :
CY=22.8% HY=2.86% NY=0.09% OY=21.23% SY=2%
WY=50% AY=1.02% VYdaf =44.4% QYDW=7650KJ/Kg
甘蔗叶水分≤30% Slemonadeugar cane leaves moisture ≤ 30%
二、 锅炉设计参数 Ⅱ, Boiler Design Parameters
蒸发量 evaporation capacity 120 t/h
过热蒸汽出口压力 superheated steam outlet pressure 3.8 Mpa
过热蒸汽温度 注册管理会计师superheated steam temperature 450 ℃
给水温度 feed water temperature 104 ℃
冷空气温度cold air temperature 30 ℃
热空气温度 hot air temperature 208 ℃
三、 锅炉主要设计依据 Ⅲ, Main Basis for Boiler Design
1、《蒸汽锅炉安全技术监察规程》(1996);1, “Steam Boiler Safety Technology Supervisory Regulations” (1996);
2、TSG G0002-2010《锅炉节能技术监督管理规程》; 2, TSG G0002-2010 “Supervision Regulation on Saving Energy Technology for Boiler”;
3、GB/T9222-2008《水管锅炉受压元件强度计算》;3, GB/T9222-2008 “Strength calculation of pressure parts for water tube boilers”;
4、JB/T6696-1993《电站锅炉技术条件》;4, JB/T6696-1993 “Specification for Power Station Boiler”
5、DL/T5047-1995《电力建设施工及验收技术规范》(锅炉机组篇);5, DL/T5047-1995 “The Code of Erection and Acceptance of Electric Power Construction” (Section of Steam Boiler Set);
6、GB/T12145-2008《火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽质量》。6, GB/T12145-2008 “Quality Criterion of Water and Steam for Generating Unit and Steam Power Equipment”;
四、 锅炉主要技术经济指标 Ⅳ, Boiler Main Technical and Economic Index
锅炉热效率 ironladyboiler heat efficiency ≥82 %