Passage two common muscle disorders and dias常见肌肉疾患
Muscles are subject to various disorders and dias, some as simple as muscle soreness or cramp, some as complicated as myasthenia gravis, but here we would like to start with the description of the simple ones. 肌肉常受到各种疾患的侵扰,有的症状很轻,如肌酸痛或肌痉挛,有的病可能很复杂,如重症肌无力。本文先从一些轻度的疾患谈起。
惊天魔盗团影评Muscle soreness is often caud by hard muscular work.. in vere cas, the soreness may last up to four days. The cau of muscle soreness is not completely understood, but it probably involves damage to muscle and connective tissue. With proper exerci, the muscles and body can adapt to strenuous muscle work and greatly reduce the risk of tissue damage. 肌酸痛常因过度的肌肉劳累所致。严重时,症状可能会持续上数日。导致肌酸痛的机理至今尚不完全清楚,但可能是因为肌肉和结缔组织受到损害所致。通过适当的训练,肌肉和身体是可以适应强体力运动的,从而极大地减轻肌组织损害的危险。
island fever4Cramp. Muscles function through an amazing coordination of many elements. Occasionally, however, the normal operation of muscles is disturbed. For example, a person may experience painful cramps of certain skeletal muscles if he or she exercis too hard or for a long time. Skeletal muscle cramps invol
ve spastic (sudden and violent) muscle contraction. No one knows exactly why such cramps occur. They probably result from having too much or too little salt in the fluids surrounding muscle fibers. With proper rest and nutrition, the body can correct the problem, and cramping stops. Cramps also may develop in smooth muscle organs, such as the stomach and intestine. Doctors u heat, message, and medicines in treating cramps. 肌痉挛肌肉的作用是通过人体许多部位之间一种绝妙的协调来实现的。然而,不幸的是这种正常的协调偶尔间会被打断,举例说,一个人可能会因为运动过量或运动时间过长而骨骼肌发生肌痉挛,这是一种非常痛苦的经历。骨骼肌痉挛是突然和剧烈的肌收缩,没人确切知道为什么肌痉挛会发生。也许是因为肌纤维组织周围的盐份过多或过少而引起的。通过适当的休息和营养,身体自身会进行修复,痉挛就会停止。痉挛也可能发生在平滑肌构成的器官上,如胃和肠。医生常通过热敷、按摩和药物来治疗痉挛。
Myositis. Inflammation of the muscles may be encountered in a variety of clinical ttings. Direct invasion by bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi may occur in the cour of systemic infections or, less commonly, the muscle involvement may be primary (e.g. trichinosis). Bacterial toxins, such as tho produced by Clostridium perfringens, may injure muscle cells in the abnce of direct bacterial invasion. Inflammatory myositis may also b
e encountered in many of the so-called connective tissue dias, most of which are believed to be
immunologic in origin. One such immunologic disorder, which affects muscles predominantly, is polymyositis-dermatomyositis.
Besides above mentioned disorders and dias, many other dias may also affect skeletal muscles. Two major class of muscle dias are muscular atrophy dias and myopathies. Atrophy dias attack and damage the nervous system, including nerves that stimulate muscles. As a result, muscles progressively shrink and become weak. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called ALS--- is an example of an atrophy dia. Muscular weakness also occurs in myopathies. In the dias, weakness results becau the muscle itlf does not function properly. Certain myopathies, such as various muscular dystrophies, are characterized by gradual wasting away of skeletal muscles. 除了上述的疾患外,可能影响骨骼肌的疾病尚有许多,可分为肌萎缩和肌病两个大
Muscle Atrophy. At the outt we should distinguish between muscle atrophy and dystrophy, both of which may be associated with regressive changes in muscles. Muscle atrophy, is an acquired lesion condary to some well-defined predisposing cau; muscular dystrophy, on the other hand, refers to a variety of genetically determined primary disorders of muscles to be discusd later.
Atrophic shrinkage, death and disappearance of muscle cells occur under a variety of circumstances, some generalized and some local. Among the systemic disorders are chronic malnutrition, panhypopituitarism, SLE, dermatomyositis and advanced age, which presumably lead to muscle atrophy on the basis of diffu ischemia. In the disorders, entire muscles are a
ffected uniformly.
Localized muscle atrophy results from interference with the innervation and may be caud by traumatic denervation or neuromuscular disorders, such as polio, the peripheral neuritis and a variety of fortunately rare degenerative neuropathies. Obviously, the distribution of the muscle atrophy depends upon the pattern of involvement of the nerves. Whole muscles, bundles of cells or only a single neuromuscular unit may be affected.局部性肌萎缩是由神经支配障碍所致,也可能因创伤而失去神经支配或神经肌肉疾病引起(如脊髓灰质炎,外周神经炎和各种幸好较少见的退行性神经病变)o很明显,肌萎缩的程度取决于神经受累的情况,整块肌肉、某个肌束、单个神经肌肉单位都可能受累。
Muscle dystrophy. This term refers to a group of genetically determined myopathies characterized by progressive atrophy or degeneration of increasing numbers of individual muscle cells. The histologic changes in the various types of muscular dystrophies are basically the same. However, the distributi
on of the affected muscles is quite distinctive. This, along with the mode of inheritance, forms the basic of the classification discusd below. Muscular dystrophies must be distinguished from congenital myopathies, which are characterized by fairly specific distinctive morphologic changes. The pathogenesis of muscular dystrophies remains unknown. There is no lack of theories, but supporting evidence is scanty. Recent evidence suggests the existence of a generalized membrane defect, which also involves cells other than myofibers. 肌营养不良本术语指以逐渐加重的肌萎缩或单个肌细胞增速退变为特点的一组遗传性肌肉病变。各种类型的肌营养不良的组织学改变基本相同,但受累肌肉的分布却完全不同。这些不同的分布和遗传模式是我们将要讨论的该病分类之基础。肌营养不良必须与先天性肌病相区别,后者呈鲜明的形态学改变。肌营养不良的发病机理尚不清楚。尽管有不少学说,但证据不足,最新的证据提示全身性的膜缺陷存在,但这种缺陷不仅波及肌纤维,也涉及了细胞。
常见肌肉疾患(Passage Two)
与杜兴氏肌营养不良相比,其假性肌肥大并不明显,预后也不尽相同,大部分病人可带病存活20 - 30年。
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