Third Party Safety Management Rules
1. 本规定适用于在本公司厂区范围内进行施工、安装、维修、检查、测量、调试、运输、服务工作的第三方承包商和服务商。
This regulation applies to all outsourcing contractors for construction, installation, maintenance, inspection, commissioning, transportation and rvice inside plant area.
爱在日出日落时2. 承包商和服务商在本公司厂区内必须严格遵守我公司的安全生产管理规定和制度。
Outsourcing contractors must obrve沃顿英语 the work safety management regulations and rules when work inside Clariant Pigment Preparations (ppcoTianjin) Ltd..
3. 或应本公司的任何部门与承包商和服务商签订涉及本规定第1条的工作合约后,必须签订安环卫规则同意书,方可进厂工作。
Any 3rd party clau1—related activities should sign EHS Agreement before further proc
4. 承招部门在签定安环卫规则同意书前,应对承包商和服务商的人员完成以下内容的安环卫教育:
∙ 工作地域的特点、可能的危险因素、注意事项和要求;
∙ 承包商和服务商遵守安环卫规则同意书及其附件内容。
Before signing the EHS agreement, the 3rd party should be trained英语听力视频 by the involved department upon:
∙ Work environment description, potential dangerous factors, attention matters and regulations.
∙ Outsource/contractor EHS Agreement.
5. 安环卫规则同意书签订一式三份,一份由安环卫存档,一份由承招部门存档,一份交承包商和服务商保留。
The EHS Agreement should be signed in three originals. One will be kept by EHS, one by the involved department and one by outsource/contractor.
doblo6. 根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》等法律法规,对于因作业人员违章操作发生的安全事故将会追究其法律责任,承包商和服务商必须规范其现场作业人员的行为,否则由此导致的安全事故由承包商和服务商负责。
Outsource/contractor should be responsible for any accident resulting from violating related regulations and rules.
7. 承包商和服务商必须将工作内容、时间、地点、人员情况向安环卫、承招部门和工作区域负责人通报。
Outsource/contractor should notify the work content, time, location and personnel to ESH, involved department and working area responsible广岛大学.
Outsource/ Contractor EHS Agreement
一、 外包/服务工作内容Outsourcing/Contractor work content
发包人Owner: 科莱恩渤海颜料制品(天津)有限公司(Clariant Bohai Pigment Preparations (TianJin) Ltd., refer to CBPPT herein after)
工作(项目)名称Work definition:
开工日期 Commencement Date:
预计完工日期 Estimated Completion Date:
二、安环卫规定EHS regulation
1. 外单位/承包商的人员必须参加承招部门组织的安环卫教育,工期中新加入的作业人员由承包商进行安环卫教育。承包商严格遵守安环卫规定,严格按安全标准组织管理施工/作业,采取必要的安全、卫生防护措施,消除事故隐患,否则由此造成的事故责任和费用由承包商承担。
Outsource / contractor should receive EHS training from CBPPT related department, the contractor should guarantee the EHS training for the new comer during the construction period. The contractor should strictly follow the EHS regulation comply with safety standard and meanwhile take necessary safety and sanitation protection actions to avoid potential accident, otherwi any accident arising from this should be responsible by the contractor.
2. 进入厂门,每人须领取并佩戴临时工作证,在厂区内将此证戴在身上显眼处。
The temporary work card should be taken after entering. And it should be tied on the clothes during working inside plant area.
3. 因工作需要进入厂区的车辆,须依交通标志的要求行驶,并依保安指示停在指定地点。 停车后必须关闭发动机。
The vehicles which need to enter plant area should drive according to traffic sign and stop at parking area instructed by the guide. Clo the engine when stop.
4. 只准在专设的吸烟点内吸烟,其余任何地方不准吸烟。不准随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾、便溺。
No Smoking, spit. No litter and shit everywhere. Smoking is permitted only for
泰语翻译报价5. 进厂不准饮用含酒精饮料,不得在车间、仓库内饮食,指定地方除外。
No alcohol drink permitted in ca entering plant area. No food inside workshop and warehou.
6. 承包商应自备劳动防护用品, 所带机电设备、工具设备要符合安全要求,安全附件齐全、可靠,特种作业人员要持证上岗。
The contractor should prepare PPE themlves; the mechanical and electrical tools should comply with safety requirement with completed, reliable safety accessories. Special work need provide the qualification certificate.
7. 工作期间应佩带相应的防护用品;进入生产车间必须依该地区要求戴安全帽、防护镜。
The operator should wear adequate PPE during work. Safety helmet is a must before entering workshop.
8. 工作中涉及到动火、动土、登高、进入限制空间作业,需要开具《动火安全作业证》,《动土安全作业证》,《高处安全作业证》和《设备内安全作业证》并严格遵守各作业证中的规定。
For the work including hot/open fire, ground opening, high place working and confined place working, the work permits are needed and strictly obrve the requirements in it.
9. 工作中涉及到接临时电必须预先向维修部门申请并在维修部的监督下使用。
The temporary electricity cable’s laying and temporary electricity’s usage must get approval from and supervid by maintenance department.
10. 电源线应使用专用插头,不准将裸线头直接插入电源插座。布线不得危及人员安全或影响生产活动或车辆行驶。每日用电结束必须断掉电源,将电线盘好。
Power supply wire should u plug and socket, naked wire being inrted directly to the power supply socket is strictly forbidden. Wire route should not lead to any harm. The power supply should be cut off after work and wires be coiled in proper way.