Answer Explanations
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ollege Board. K-5MSA04
Answer Explanations
Section 1: Reading Test
Choice D is the best answer. The passage begins with the main character, Lymie, sitting in a restaurant and reading a history book. The first paragraph describes the book in front of him (“Blank pages front and back were filled in with maps, drawings, dates, comic cartoons, and organs of the body,” lines 11-13). The cond paragraph reveals what Lymie is reading about (the Peace of Paris and the Congress of Vienna) and suggests his inten concentration on the book (“sometimes he swallowed whole the f ood that he had no idea he was eating,” lines 23-24). In the third paragraph, the focus of the passage shifts to a description and discussion of others in the restaurant, namely “A party of four, two men and two women . . . ” (lines 42-43).
Choice A is incorrect becau the passage does not provide obrvations made by other characters, only offering Lymie’s and the narrator’s obrvations. Choice B is incorrect becau the beginning of the passage focus on Lymie as he reads by himlf and the end of the passage focus on the arrival of Lymie’s father, with whom Lymie’s relationship ems somewhat strained. Choice C is incorrect becau the tting is described in the beginning of the first paragraph but is never the main focus of the passage.
Choice C is the best answer. The main purpo of the first paragraph is to establish the passage’s tting by describing a place and an object. The place is the Alcazar Restaurant, which is described as being “long and narrow” and decorated with “art moderne,” murals, and plants (lines 2-6), and the object is the history book Lymie is reading.
Choice A is incorrect becau rather than establishing what Lymie does every night, the first paragraph describes what Lymie is doing on one night. Choice B is incorrect becau nothing in the first paragraph indicates when the passage takes place, as the details provided (such as the restaurant and the book) are not specific to one era. Choice D is incorrect becau nothing in the first paragraph clearly foreshadows a later event.
Choice C is the best answer. The passage states that “when Lymie put down his fork and began to count . . . the waitress, who name was Irma, thought he was through eating and tried to take his plate away” (lines 34-38). It is reasonable to assume that Irma thinks Lymie is finished eating becau he is no longer holding his fork.
Choice A is incorrect becau Lymie has already been reading his book while eating for some time before Irma thinks he is finished eating. Choice B is incorrect becau the passage doesn’t state that Lymie’s plate is empty, and the fact that Lymie stops Irma from taking his plate suggests that it is not empty. Choice D is incorrect becau the passage gives no indication that Lymie asks Irma to clear the table.
Choice A is the best answer. The passage makes it clear that Lymie finds the party of four who enter the restaurant to be loud and bothersome, as their entrance means he is no longer able to concentrate on his book: “They laughed more than there emed any occasion for . . . and their laughter was too loud. But it was the women’s voices . . . which caud Lymie to skim over two whol
e pages without knowing what was on them” (lines 52-59).
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect becau lines 55-59 make clear that Lymie is annoyed by the party of four, not that he finds their prence refreshing (choice B), thinks they remble the people he is reading about (choice C), or thinks they reprent glamour and youth (choice D).
switch up
Choice C is the best answer. The previous question asks about Lymie’s impression of the party of four who enter the restaurant, with the correct answer being that he finds them noisy and distracting. This is supported in lines 55-59: “But it was the women’s voice s, the terrible not quite sober pitch of the women’s voices, which caud Lymie to skim over two whole pages without knowing what was on them.”
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect becau the lines cited do not support the answer to the previous question abo ut Lymie’s impression of the party of four who enter the restaurant. Rather than showing that Lymie finds the group of strangers noisy and distracting, the lines simply describe how two of the four people look (choices A and B) and indicate what Lymie does when his father joins him in the restaurant (choice D).
100教育一对一价格Choice A is the best answer. In the passage, Lymie clos his book only after “a coat that he recognized as his father’s was hung on the hook next to his chair” (lines 67-68). It is Lym ie’s father’s arrival that caus him to clo the book.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect becau lines 67-70 of the passage clearly establish that Lymie clos his book becau his father has arrived, not that he does so becau the party of four is too loud (choice B), becau he has finished reading a ction of the book (choice C), or becau he is getting ready to leave (choice D).
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 74-79, the narrator describes Mr. Peters as “gray” and balding, noting that he has “lost weight” and his color is “poor.” This description suggests Mr. Peters is aging and losing strength and vigor.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect becau the description of Mr. Peters in lines 74-79 suggests he is a person who is wan and losing vitality, not someone who is healthy and in good shape (choice A), angry and intimidating (choice B), or emotionally anxious (choice C).
Choice B is the best answer. In the last paragraph of the passage, Mr. Peters is described as being unaware “that there had been any change” in his appearance since he was younger (lines 80-81). Later in the paragraph, the passage states that “the young man” Mr. Peters once was “had never for one cond derted” him (lines 90-91). The main idea of the last paragraph is that Mr. Peters still thinks of himlf as young, or at least acts as if he is a younger version of
Choice A is incorrect becau Mr. Peters is spending time with Lymie, his son, and there is no indication that he generally does not spend time with his family. Choice C is incorrect becau although there are brief mentions of a diamond ring and manicured fingers, the paragraph focus on Mr. Peters’s overall appearance, not on his awareness of status symbols. Choice D is incorrect becau the last paragraph clearly states that Mr. Peters is “not aware that there had been any change” and thinks of himlf as young.
Choice B is the best answer. In lines 81-85, Mr. Peters is described as having “straightened his tie lf-c onsciously” and gestured with a menu “so that the two women at the next table would notice th
e diamond ring on the fourth finger of his right hand.” Mr. Peters’s actions are tho of someone who wants to attract attention and be noticed.brui
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect becau the lines cited do not support the idea Mr. Peters wants to attract attention to himlf. Choices A and C address Mr. Peters’s view of himlf. Choice D indicates that Mr. Peters’s view of himlf affects his behavior but does not r eveal that he acts in a way meant to draw attention.
Choice B is the best answer. The last ntence of the passage states that Mr. Peters’s mischaracterization of himlf makes him act in ways that are not “becoming” for a man of his age. In this context, “becoming” suggests behavior that is appropriate or fitting.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect becau in the context of describing one’s behavior, “becoming” means appropriate or fitting, not becoming known (choice A), becoming more advanced (choice C), or simply occurring (choice D).
Choice B is the best answer. In Passage 1, Beecher makes the point that even if women in her society are perceived as being inferior to men, they are still able to effect considerable influence on that society: “But while woman holds a subordinate relation in society to the other x, it is not becau it was designed that her duties or her influence should be any the less important, or all-pervading” (lines 6-10).
Choice A is incorrect becau Beecher describes the dynamic between men and women in terms of the way they can change society, not in terms of curity and physical safety. Choice C is incorrect becau even though Beecher implies that women have fewer rights in society than men do, she d oesn’t say that women have fewer responsibilities. Choice D is incorrect becau Beecher does not asrt that women are superior to men.
imf是什么意思Choice A is the best answer. The previous question asks what point Beecher makes regarding the relationship between men and women in her society, with the answer being that women are considered inferior but can still have influence. This is supported in lines 6-10: “But while woman holds a subordinate relation in society to the other x, it is not becau it was designed that her duties or her influence should be any the less important, or all-pervading.”
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect becau the lines cited do not support the answer to the previous question about the point Beecher makes regarding the relationship between men and women in her society. Instead, they describe ways men can affect society (choices B and C) and explain how certain actions undertaken by a woman can be viewed negatively (choice D).
Choice B is the best answer. In the third paragraph (lines 22-37), Beecher suggests that women can be “so much respected, esteemed and loved” by tho around them that men will accede to their wishes: “then, the fathers, the husbands, and the sons, will find an influence thrown around the m, to which they will yield not only willingly but proudly . . . .” The lines show that Beecher believes women can influence society by influencing the men around them; in other words, women have an indirect influence on public life.