穿着合适的防滑鞋,虽然能够收到减少意外的成效,但长远稳妥的解决方法,还是要依赖其他风险控制措施。选择合规格的防滑鞋,在参考防滑测试报告时,必须留意测试条件是否切合实际应用情况。最重要的是要求供货商安排实地试用,让员工参与,解决个人的问题。这样雇主既能提供合适的安全鞋,员工又因获得尊重而会乐于采用,人人齐心减少意外,达到双赢局面。 参考数据 1. BS EN ISO 20344: 2004, Personal protective equipment - Test methods for footwear; 2. BS EN ISO 20345: 2004, Personal protective equipment - Safety footwear; 3. BS EN ISO 20346: 2004, Personal protective equipment - Protective footwear; 4. BS EN ISO 20347: 2004, Personal protective equipment - Occupational footwear; 5. BS EN ISO 13287: 2004, Personal protective equipment - Footwear - Test method for slip resistance; 6. ASTM D1894: 2001, Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting; 7. DIN 51097: 1992 Testing of floor coverings; determination of the anti-slip properties; wet-loaded barefoot areas; walking method; ramp test German National Standard 1992; and 8. DIN 51130: 2004 Testing of floor coverings; determination of the anti-slip properties; workrooms and fields of activities with slip danger; walking method; ramp test German National Standard 2004. |