proven是什么意思VIA character strengths among U.S. college students and their associations with happiness, well-being, resiliency, academic success and psychopathology 期刊名称: The Journal of Positive Psychology
作者: M. Alexis Karris Bachik,Gregory Carey,W. Edward Craighead
年份: 2020年
期号: 第5期
grinding关键词: Positive psychology;character strengths;VIA-IS;happiness;well-天津南京路
being;resiliency;college students;academic achievement;anxiety;depressionwcd
摘要:This study was not supported or funded by any grants. No financial interest or benefit has arin from the direct application of this rearch. All data for this study are stored at the University of Colorado at Boulder via hardcopies,
SAS and Excel spreadsheets. Character strengths are central to Positive Psychology.
Peterson and Seligman developed a classification of strengths identifying 24
character strengths assumed to be important to well-being. Yet, few studies have comprehensively investigated the implications of posssing the character
untouchablestrengths. In this study 759 college students completed the Values in Action
Inventory of Strengths scale (VIA-IS) to test the relationship between character
唇部遮瑕strengths and various measures of well-being. The well-being measures included: satisfaction with life, happiness, resiliency,