sqwThe greatest achievement of human in its long evolution from ancient hominoid ancestor to its prent status is the acquisition and accumulation of a vast body of knowledge about itlf,the worldgraco,and the univer. The products of this knowledge are all tho things that, in the aggregate, we call “civilization”, including language, science, literature, art, all the physical mechanisms, instruments,and structures we u,and the physical infrastructures on which society relies. Most of us assume that in modern society knowledge of all kinds is continually increasing and the aggregation of new information into the corpus of our social or collective knowledge is steadily reducing the area of ignorance about ourlves,the world儿童歌曲 mp3,and the univer. But continuing reminders of the numerous areas of our prent ignorance invite a critical analysis of this assumption.
Moreover,bandbefore lamenting modularization ,日文转换器it is necessary to ask ourlves whether we really would prefer to return to the traditional condition of man in which each individual presumably related to the whole personality of a few people rather than to the personality modules of many. Traditional man has been so ntimentalized,so cloyingly romanticized,that we frequently overlook the conquences of such a return. The very same writers who lament fragmentation also demand freedom—yet overlook the un-freedom of people bound together in totalistic relationship. For any relationship implies mutual demands and expectations. The more intimately involved a relationship,the greater the pressure the parties exert on one another to fulfill the expectations. The tighter and more totalistic the relationship,the more modules,so to speak功夫熊猫2 台词,are brought into play,and the more numerous are the demands we make.
In a modular relationship, the demands are strictly bounded. So long as the shoe salesman performs his rather limited rvice for us, thereby fulfilling our limited expectations, we do not insist that he believe in our god, or that he be tidy at home, or share our political values, or enjoy the same kind of food or music that we do. We leave him free in all other matters—as he leaves us free to be atheist or Jew, heteroxual or homoxual, john Bircher or communist. This is not true of total relationship and cannot be. To a certain point, fragmentation and freedom go together.
That there are significant differences between modern and traditional cultures is beyond dispute. A world in which some societies highly modern and others still traditional will obviously be less homogeneous than a world in which all societies are comparably modern. It do not necessarily follow, however, that societies with modern cultures should be any more similar than are societies with traditional cultures. Only a few hundred years ago all societies were traditional. Was that world any less homogeneous than a future world of universal modernity is likely to be? Probably not. “Ming china was assuredly clor to the France of the Valois,” Fernand Braudel obrves, “than the China
of Mao T-tung is to the France of the Fifth Republic.” Modern societies have much in common, but they do not necessarily merge into homogeneity. The argument that they do rests on the assumption that modern society must approximate a single type, the western type; that modern civilization is western civilization, and western civilization is modern civilization. This, however, is a fal identification. Virtually all scholars of civilization agree that western civilization emerged in the eighth and ninth centuries and developed its distinctive characteristic in the centuries that followed. It did not begin to modernize until the eighteenth century. The West, in short, was Western long before it was modern.
现代文化与传统文化之间存在显著的差异是无可争议的事实。一个同时拥有高度现代化的社会与传统社会的世界明显地比各个社会都同等现代化的世界缺乏相似性。然而,没必要遵循拥有现代文化的社会就应当比拥有传统文化的社会更相似这一结论。只是在几百年前,所有的社会都是传统文化社会。那样一个世界会比将来的全面现代化的世界具有较少的类似吗?答案也许是否定的。Fernand Braudel 研究发现:明朝中国与法国Valois王朝的相似度比毛泽东时代的中国与第五次共和时期法国的相似度更高。现代社会拥有诸多的共同点,但他们没必要迈向同质化。他们所依据的论据是假设现代社会必须趋同于单一类型,
Interaction and borrowing between civilizations have always taken place, and with modern means of translation and communication they are much more extensive. Most of the worlds great civilization, however, have existed for at least one millennium and in some cas for veral. The civilizations have a demonstrated record of borrowing from other civilizations in ways that enhance their own chances of survival. Chinas absorption of Buddhism from India, scholars agree, failed to produce the “indianization” of china; it instead caud the sinification of Buddhism. The Chine adapted Buddhism to their purpos and needs. The Chine have to date consistently defeated inten western efforts to Christianize them. If at some point they do import Christianity, it is more than likely that it will be absorbed and adapted in such a manner as to strengthen the continuing core of Chine culture.