Other than tho as stipulated in Article 12 of this Law, a sales contract may also contain such claus as package manner, inspection standards and method, method of ttlement and clearance, language adopted in the contract and its authenticity.
原文中的“包装方式”,不能译成package manner,而应译为manner of packing。这两个意思相近的词,中译英时应特别注意。
package意为parcel of things, packed together即,“包、包裹”。比如:一捆信件,a packag
gardene of letters, 二十支装的一包香烟,a package of 20 cigarettes。packing (不可数名词)意为process of packing (goods),(包装货物的过程,打包,打行李)等意。此句中的“包装方式”自然是指“包装的方式”“打包的方式”,而不是“包裹的式样”,因此应译成packing。此句可改为:电脑综合症>receptionist
Besides tho specified in Article 12 of this Law, a sales contract may also contain such claus as manner of packing, inspection standards and method of ttlement and clearance, and the language adopted in the contract and its authenticity.
packing machinery意思是用于包装的机械,比方说在火车站给行李打包用的打包机。package machinery 是用于制造包装材料的机械,比方说生产瓦楞纸盒的。
从词性出发,package是名词,所以就是指实实在在的包裹;而packing是动名词,它包含有动作的成分,就是the way of packing,或者how to pack,所以实意是打包装...从你回复客人的邮件看,你当然是要告诉客人两种不同的打包方式,而不是两个不同的包裹,显而易见要用packing
Packaging 是可销售产品的包装材料,目的是保护产品或鼓励人们去购买它,多为纸质的(尤其是美国英语中)例如
It's the same old stuff i n better packaging.这个是老东西换上新包装而已。
Packing 是为避免产品受到运输途中的损坏而给东西打包的包装材料,不一定为纸质的,例如? Carefully remove the computer from its foam packing.小心地从泡沫包装里取出计算机。
sashagrey包装package,packaging 为在流通过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售,按一定技术方法而采用的容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称。也指为了达到上述目的而采用容器、材料和辅助物的
过程中施加一定技术方法等的操作活动。package 应该只是一种包装载体,而packeging 意为一种包装方式.
package, packet, packaging, packing, pack
!! Do not confu the similar words.
A package is a parcel, usually nt by post
A package containing a bomb was delivered to her home.
total eclip
In American English, a package is also a paper or plastic container that food etc is sold in
subdistricta package of cookies不用谢的英文
In British English, a packet is a box, bag, or some other container that things are sold in
a packet of biscuits
a packet of crisps.
A packet can also sometimes be called a pack
a pack of cigarettes.
This meaning of pack is also ud in American English.
In American English, a packet is a small flat paper or plastic container for something such as tomato ketchup or sugar. The British word for this is sachet. Packaging is material that is put round things that are sold, to protect them or to encourage people to buy them
It's the same old stuff in better packaging.
Packing is material that is put around things to protect them, especially from getting damaged in the post
Carefully remove the computer from its foam packing.