Office Lea Agreement (Agent)
Lessor (Party A): Pudong International Airport West Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd.
Address: Hebin Road (West), Pudong Intl. Airport Post code: 201207
Le (Party B):
Address: Post code:
In accordance with “Contract Law of PRC.” and other related regulations, in order to definite rights and duties of the Lessor and the Le, Party A and Party B agree to sign this Office Lea Agreement after negotiation.
ARTICLE 1: Location, Amount, Area of the Room and its Calculation
甲方向乙方提供甲方货运站内楼N o.房间,使用面积平方米,作为其在货运站的操作办公用房。
Party A shall provide Party B with room(s) of No. with the utility area of square meters as Party B’s operation office in PACTL.
ARTICLE 2: Auxiliary Equipment and Service很久以前英语
Party A shall hand over the room(s) at the prent natural condition to Party B, and provide the facilities u and rvices in PACTL as follows:
Illumination power supply
Running water (not including drinking water)
瑞思学科英语招聘Air condition equipment
Public toilets
Cleaning in public area英语下载
Party B agrees to pay electricity fee monthly according to the electricity price regulated by Shanghai Pricing Bureau and the readings of parate ammeter for its office.
第三条 租赁期限
1. 租赁期共 年零 月,出租方从 年 月 日起将出租办公室交付承租方
使用,至 年 月 日收回。 ARTICLE 3: Lea Term Lea Term is (years) (months). Party A shall hand over the rooms to
Party B on and take them back on .
2. 任何一方终止合同或变更合同内容,均需提前60天书面通知对方, 否则, 本合同
Each party has to furnish the other party at least 60 days with prior written notice
for termination or change in this Agreement, otherwi this Agreement shall be deemed to extend automatically.
第四条 权利和义务
1. 租赁期内,乙方应遵守《上海市民用机场地区管理条例》及有关货运区的运行、安
全等管理条例; ARTICLE 4: Rights & Duties
During the term of this Contract, Party B should comply with the bylaw << Shanghai Regional Administration Regulations of Civil Airport >>, the administrative rules and regulations regarding to cargo terminal operation & curity.
2. 乙方对其租赁办公室区域内所有财产实施管理,并对其安全负责。甲方对该区域内
Party B should hold the responsibility for management and curity of all its properties in the office lead by Party B. Party A shall not be liable for any loss of and damage to the properties that belong to Party B, unless such loss or damages are caud due to negligence or willful misconduct of Party A.
ideal3. 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以终止合同、收回办公室:
If any of the situations mentioned below occurs, Party A has the right to terminate the Agreement and take the office back.
(1) 乙方擅自将所租赁办公室转租、转让或转借的;
Party B rents, or lls or lends the office to third party without Party A’s
(2) 乙方利用承租办公室进行非法活动,损害公共利益的;
Party B us the renting office for illegal activities and harms the publicminori
(3) 乙方拖欠租金累计达 3 Party B delays payment for 个月的; 3 months.
(4) 乙方有本合同第六条所涉及的甲方所不允许的行为的。
Party B has activities that Party A does not permit as in Article 6.
4. 合同期满后,如甲方仍继续出租办公室的,乙方享有优先权。如乙方无故逾期不搬
Party B will have priority to lea if Party A continues to rent out the office when this contract expires. If Party B delays to move out at the end of lea term without acceptable reasons, Party B will bear all loss caud to Party A.
第五条 租金、物业管理费、电费以及交纳期限
1. 租金:每平方米ARTICLE 5: Rent, Property management fee, Electricity fee and Payment
220.00元The rent shall be /月,总计 元/月。 CNY 220.00 per square meter per month bad on utility area with the total rent of CNY 2. 物业管理费:每平方米.
5.00元Property management fee is /月,总计 元/月。甲方有权根据市场物
价指数,每年上调该物业管理费不大于15%。 CNY5.00 per square meter per month, totally CNY 3. 租金及物业管理费的交纳期限:乙方同意租金按季度于每季度的第一个月的10日
. Party A has the right bad on the pricing index to increa with certain amount (not surpass 15%).
Payment of rent and property management: Party B agrees to transact the payment to bank account appointed by Party A before 10th 4. 电费的交纳期限:甲乙双方商定,除非另有约定,在每月的最后一天共同核定电表
of the first month for each quarter.
Payment of electricity fee: unless otherwi mutually agreed by the Parties, Party
A and Party
B together confirm the reading of ammeter on the last day of each calendar month, then Party A issue Party B a payment statement. Party B will pay the electricity fee to the bank account appointed by Party A within 7 working days upon the receipt of the statement.
(帐号:上海浦东发展银行空港支行 076389-4135002616)。
(Account No.: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Konggang
Sub-Branch, 076389-4135002616)
第六条 办公室的装修及使用
1. 乙方如对办公室进行装修时,不得擅自改变办公室结构和原有风格,并在装修前
Party B shall not change the structure and original style of the office during decoration without Party A’s written connt. Party B is required prior decoration to render to Party A a statement detailing the office decoration scheme, including design drawing, decoration materials, list of equipment to be ud and so on. Only with written connt from Party A, which shall not be unduly withheld, can the decoration be carried out.
Party B shall not change the power supply and communication lines, pipelines for air-conditioner and sprinkler without permission of Party A during decoration.
However, if some additional power outlets for computers and other office equipment will really be installed, they should be listed in the office decoration scheme, and only with Party A’s permission can the decoration be carried out, which must be checked by Party A after the completion of the decoration. If any damage occurs to tho facilities, Party B should repair the facilities at its own cost and be responsible for any conquence of the damages.
Considering the bearing capacity of the floor, Party B shall not u any heavy materials, such as granite and marble, to decorate the floor.
In order to keep the unity of the architecture and decoration of the whole Cargo Terminal, Party B sh
all not change the doors, windows and their exterior color without permission from Party A during decoration.
Since Party A has provided air-condition equipments to Party B, Party B shall not install any other air-conditioner or heating device when decoration or in duration of the office lead. To ensure the electrical safety of the Cargo Terminal, Party B agrees not to u electric appliances with power consumption surpassing 300W in single, and capacity of each electricity outlet is no larger than 10 A.
Party B agrees that, when Party B terminates the Agreement, no matter whatever reason will be, Party B shall not damage the fixed facilities or equipment owned by Party A and be liable to restore t
he office lead to its original shape and state, normal wear and tear accepted, when withdrawing from the Cargo Terminal.万圣节婚礼
ARTICLE 7: Responsibility of Agreement Violation
Party A shall pay 10%(ten percent) of the annual total rent as compensation to Party B in the event Party A fails to hand over the lea office to Party B at due time specified in Articles hereof or has other performance that violates the Agreement.
Party B shall pay 10%(ten percent) of the annual total rent as compensation to Party A in the event Party B delays payment of rent or has other performance that violates the Agreement.
ARTICLE 8: Liability-Free Condition
办公室如因不可抗力的原因导致毁损和造成承租方损失的,双方互不承担责任。Party A and Party B shall not be responsible for each others’ loss arising from the damage to the office lead and/or property owned by Party B caud by force majeure.
ARTICLE 9: Settlement of Dispute
Any dispute occurring in the term of this Agreement should be ttled through negotiation. If it cannot be ttled after negotiation, either party can, in compliance with the Arbitration Law of PRC, apply for arbitration in Shanghai Arbitration Committee. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both Parties.
ARTICLE 10: Any matters not stipulated in this Agreement shall be ttled in the Addendum after mutual negotiation between Party A and Party B as per the relevant regulations in the “Contract Law of PRC”. The Addendum and the Agreement shall be equally authentic.