在翻译错误中有相当一局部出乎望文生义。如译者仔细严厉对待,很多是可以避开的。例如:white wine 不是“白酒”(白酒应属spirits 这一类)而是“白葡萄酒”;short drink 不是“少量酒”而“浓酒”,相反long drink 不是“大量酒”而是“较淡的酒”。The old parts will no longer be supplied 中的no longer 不是指“时间不长”,而是指“旧零件将不再供给”。That’s not half bad 不是指“那不太好”而是指“那一点也不坏”或“那好极了!”;She did not marry him becau she loved him 不是指“她没有和他结婚,由于她爱他,”而是指“她并不是由于爱他才和他结婚,”如此等等。
再以科技词汇中的top为例 top pressure (压力),top speed (速度),top science (尖端科学),top gear (高速档齿轮)中top的含义,作为修词或形容词,是一目了然的。但是下面复合词中的top并无“高、大”等含义;topmast(中桅)和topsail (中桅帆),在这里top一词不是形容词而是名词(“桅楼”),与另一名词构成一个专用词汇。另外,top overhaul(中修)一词因是overhaul的修饰语,简单以为是“大修”[实际上overhaul与complete, thorough 和general联用时才有全部、彻底、普遍之意,成为“大修”],其实是“初步检修”(见《英华大词典》)。
语中称之为take it for granted ),是翻译者的大忌。其产生的缘由是简单而多方面的,现大致归纳如下
1. Magnetic fields of the former kind are geerally about a million times weaker than the Earth’s field ,whereas tho originating from the traveling signals of nerve cells are even weaker, some hundred million times less than the earth’s field at their strongest.
[原译]前一类磁场通常只有地球磁场的一百万分之一左右,而由神经细胞传播的信号产生的磁场则更弱,的时候也只有地球磁场的几亿分之一。 [分析]此处some 不是形容词(或称determiner限定词),而是副词,常常用在数词之前,相当于about“大约”,如There were some 40 or50 peop0le there.故some hundred million 应译成“约一亿”。约翰特里
2. Now Jeffreys points out that, if a number of obrvations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that next
one will do so whether the law is true or not.
1. For the balance of the ction, let’s speak in straightforward and elementary terms to describe the function and form of the electronic computer.
[分析]在《朗曼当代英语词典》balance词条下可查到money or something el which remains or is left over,又见例句:May I take the balance of my holidays before the end of September ?
2. We have a sales force at prent of twenty-four salesmen of the road, each with his own territory.
[分析]在商业英语中on the road =away from home u,in regular travel on business esp. as a traveling salesman (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language) ,故salesmen on the road 作“外勤推销员”解。北广之星
3. Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm.
[分析]此句 sleeping late误译为“迟睡”即“睡得晚”,“晚睡”),实际上它表示“起得晚”或“睡懒觉”。《从中式英语到英语》的Janet Adams 写道:“Remember that sleep late means to get up late and not go to bed late.
1. By the age of 19 Gauss had discovered for himlf and proved
a remarkable theorem in number theory known as the law of quadratic reciprocity.
[分析]将number theory 误为“数理”,系不了解专业所致,其实它在数学上是指“数论”,与“数理”是两个不同的概念。
2. Designed to predict the motions of hesavenly bodies ,it does its job with unbelievable accuracy——better than one in a hndred million for the motion of the earth around the sun——and it remains in daily u to predict the orbits of moons and planets ,comets and spacecraft.
[分析]原文并无“仅略”的含义,应删去。Better than 修饰accuracy,thisis