讲课教师 | 班级 | 八年级05freehand班 | 讲课时间 | 5 的重要性英语月13日第 3节 | |
教授科目 | 英语 | 课题、章节 | Module 9 unit 1 | ||
听课记录: | 听课评议: brigade1,话题导入新课接近生活,引起学生兴趣,符合教学生活化要求。老师很好的调动学生积极性发言,练习学生口语。 2,板书与PPT结合,并且有扩展,例如:cartoon---cartoonist 3,本课为听说课,很好的把握住了课本要求,但是可能外研版的课本较难,词汇量较多,单词有些偏难。 4,充分利用教学资源,计算机辅助教学模式,有效的提升了课堂效率。 5,应用三种不同听力方式,首先合书本带着一个问题听,第二次打开书本多个问题带着听,第三次跟录音机边听边读,层层深入,逐步加深学生对课文理解。特别是跟读,能够纠正学生语音语调,提升口语水平。 6,四人小组讨论,不但能够拂去阅读时的沉闷,同时能够调动学生积极性,活跃课堂气氛,开阔学生思维,启发学生自主思考问题水平。 7,男女生背诵小竞赛,并要分角色背诵,不但能够在课上检查出学生学习效果,充分调动学生积极性,充分展示学生风采和老师驾驭课堂水平的表现,这节课精彩之处一。而且能够促动学生预习课文,但不会影响素质教育减负的要求,这个形式能够推广 8,这个课是一次精品课,教师过硬的专业知识和基本功,不但扩展学生知识,也完成教学任务 | ||||
Step1:Lead-in icpoFree talk: ask 2 groups of students to answer “what’s your favorite carton story?” by turns. (7minutes) breatheagain | |||||
Step2:Speaking | |||||
Task1: show 6 pictures by PPT and ask students to answer what they can e in the pictures quickly .(2minutes ) | |||||
Task2:learn new words and ask students to u the words to make ntences .(5minutes) | |||||
Step 3:While -listening | |||||
Task1: ask students to clo the book and listen to the tape with a question. (2minutes) | |||||
Task2: ask students to listen to the tape again and answer the question. (2minutes) | |||||
Task3:ask students to answer the 7 questions shown on the PPT.(3minutes) | |||||
Task4: ask students to read ntence by ntence follow the radio. (3minutes) | |||||
Task5: ask some students to answer the 7 questions on PPT .(3minutes) | |||||
Step4:Post-listening 童子鸡英文 | |||||
Task 1:Discussion Ask students to read text and role playing (3minutes) | |||||
Task 2:consolidation After reading loudly, ask students to recite the text in different roles and make a competition between boys and girls.( 6minutes) | |||||
Task3: ask students to answer the questions in part4 (3minutes) | |||||
复兴中学Step 7: Homework Ask students to finish the rest of questions in part4 and part5 after class | |||||
学前培训 | 剑桥大学在哪个国家 |
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