Special Occasion Speeches - 1 Mastering the Toast

更新时间:2023-07-28 16:46:24 阅读:18 评论:0

Objectives l  Recognize the characteristics of a toast.
l  Prent a toast honoring an occasion or a person.
csicTIME: 20-30 Minutes. Special Occasion Speeches
2. Mastering The Toast
What Is a Toast?
Whenever you rai your glass and drink a toast, you are participating in a custom that dates back to the times when citizens of ancient Rome and Greece drank to honor their gods. The concept of the “toast ” in fact, originated with the Romans, who were accustomed to browning their bread in the fire. When the bread became too hard to chew, it was placed at the bottom of wine kegs and tankards to collect the diments. The “toast ” concept
eventually expanded to include the drink in which the bread had been soaked – and even the person in who honor the drink was about to be consumed. Hence the term, “the toast of the town.”
Toasting customs very from country to country. The England gave them on bended knee. Brawny Scots
men, on the other hand, stood on the chairs and put one foot on the table. The French brought civility to the custom with a bow. It is a Western custom to rai one ’s glass and then touch the glass of all others asmbled.
Today toasts are offered for a variety of occasions: engagement parties, weddings, birthday celebrations, going-away parties, anniversaries, retirement banquets and dinner parties, to name but a few. And in keeping with changing mores and customs, toasts do not necessarily involve with wine or other alcoholic drinks; water, tea, coffee, juice and other beverages also are acceptable for toasting.
Toasts generally make reference to the occasion and /or to the person being honored and offer some thought or perspective on the occasion. A typical toast will bestow best wished as well as hopes for health, happiness and good fortune and other positive thoughts. Some offer advice. All can be as rious, witty, ntimental or poetic as the giver wishes.
You are probably most familiar with the simple toast – “Cheers!” or “Here ’s to you!” But a well-done toast requires more thoughts, as illustrated by the toast to friends:
“Here ’s a toast to the fortune, A toast to the past,
And a toast to our friends, far and near . May the future be pleasant; The past a bright dream; May our friends remain faithful and dear .”
Preparing the Toast
Any number of books on toasts may be found in libraries and bookstores; most of them will offer a lection of toasts for a variety of occasions. The nicest toasts are tho that are personalized by the giver for the recipient or for the occasion. Such toasts often include personal stories about the recipient or the occasion and perhaps an appropriate quote. A well-done, personal toast requires careful thought, as in this toast to a bride and groom:
Our bride and groom both are musicians. Elizabeth is an accomplished violinist, and Brian a pianist.
Elizabeth and Brian, we hope your life together will be similar to the music you love. May you both always play in the same key and may your troubles be minor and your joys major. We hope for a harmony, with no sharp words or flat moments. Take turns playing the solo part and occasionally lend the other an accompaniment. Remember to keep your tones balanced properly, so one instrument does not drown out the other. Sometimes a duet can produce harsh notes, but strive with your skills not to play them. Always avoid the shrill and strident chords.
Now let us drink to our two musicians. May Elizabeth and Brian make beautiful music together!
When preparing a toast, remember the following:外贸询盘
n Prepare an opening, body and conclusion. A toast is a speech.
n Make sure it fits the occasion in both mood and language. For formal gathering, the toast should be dignified, although some humor is appropriate. For informal occasions, where guests are likely to be acquainted with one another, toast can be lighter in tone and phrad to fit the
relaxed atmosphere.
n Avoid clichés. Tired expressions such as “Down the hatch!” or “Here’s mud in your eye!” are the last refuge of the uncertain toastmaster.
学习化妆的技巧n Be sincere. The best toasts are heartfelt.
n Don’t embarrass anyone. Be nsitive to your audience and to the occasion.
moralen U vocal variety; the same techniques ud fro a speech are applicable to your toast.
Toasting Etiquette
Timing is important when giving a toast. Generally, the best time is after the chon beverage has been poured for all guests and the room is relatively quiet. For large public occasions such as banquets, stand and look about the room until you have everyone’s attention. If a few people continue to talk, gently tap a glass with a spoon to suggest the sound of a toast. Then, when you have everyone’s attention, say, “I wish to propo a toast to (the person or occasion).” At this time everyone should lift their glass. When all have done so, give the toast, making eye contact with guests around the room. If toasting one or more people, finish your toast as you look at each of them.
For formal occasions, ask the guests to ri with you in drinking the toast. If the toast in being directed to a particular person or to veral people, the individuals remain ated and do not drink with the others; after the toast is drunk, they ri and briefly thank the others. For informal occasions, all remain ated as the toast giver lifts her glass, pronounces the toast and then leads the asmbled company in gently clinking glass together before downing their beverages. Again, if the toast is made to a particular person or to veral people, tho people do not drink with the others; they simply thank them afterwards and then drink.
Your Project Speech烟台英语翻译
international tradeFor this project speech, prepare, rehear and deliver an original two to three minutes toast in honor of the occasion or person of your choice. For example, you could toast the winner of your Club’s membership building contest, or the anniversary of your Club’s formation. Or you could role play the toast. In a role play, you imagine a specific situation involving you and your audience, and then you act out the given situation. For example, you could pretend to toast the Queen of England during a party for her at the palace; for this situation, you would designate one member of your audience to act as Queen and the others to act as royal guests. If you prefer, you could simply toast someone, living or dead, whom you admire. For example, you could toast William Shakespeare. You could also toast a historical occasion, such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Your toast should clearly state the occasion or person being honored and personalized with a relevant story. Remember to consider the guests in attendance as you compo and deliver your toast. If you are role playing a situation, be sure to explain this to your listeners and instruct them in their roles beforehand.
Evaluation Guide for “Mastering The Toast”TITLE_________________________EV ALUATOR_____________________DATE__________
Note to the Evaluator: The purpo of this project is for the speaker to prent a two- to three-minute toast in honor of a person or special occasion. The toast is to be original, and the audience is to rve as the “guests” at the toast. The toast must clearly state the occasion or person being honored and be personalized through stories, anecdotes or quotes relating to the subject. It is suggested you read the entire project before prentation. In addition to your oral evaluation, plea give written respons to the questions below.
l How well did the speaker indicate the occasion or person being honored?
l Describe how effectively the speaker personalized the toast.
l Were stories, anecdotes or quotes ud?
l How effectively did the speaker u vocal variety and eye contact in prenting the toast?
l Was the toast appropriate for the occasion or person being honored?

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