关于USACO Training
∙1 Chapter1-Getting started(入门)
o1.1 Section 1.0
o1.2 Section 1.1
o1.3 Section 1.2
o1.4 Section 1.3
o1.5 Section 1.4
o1.6 Section 1.5
∙2 Chapter2-Bigger Challenges(更大的挑战)
o2.1 Section 2.1
o2.2 Section 2.2
o2.3 Section 2.3
o2.4 Section 2.4
∙3 Chapter3-Techniques more subtle(更微妙的技术)
o3.1 Section 3.1
o3.2 Section 3.2
大学梦o3.3 Section 3.3
o3.4 Section 3.4正常情况下
∙4 Chapter4-Advanced algorithms and difficult drills(高级算法与困难的习题)
o4.1 Section 4.1
o4.2 Section 4.2
o4.3 Section 4.3
o4.4 Section 4.4
∙5 Chapter5-Serious challenges(严峻的挑战)
o5.1 Section 5.1
o5.2 Section 5.2
o5.3 Section 5.3
o5.4 Section 5.4
o5.5 Section 5.5
∙6 Chapter6-Contest Practice(大赛的实践)
o6.1 Section 6.1
o6.2 Section 6.2
o6.3 Section 6.3
o6.4 Section 6.4
o6.5 Section 6.5
Chapter1-Getting started(入门)
Section 1.0
Section 1.1
∙Your Ride Is Here (ride) (翻译)(题解)
∙Greedy Gift Givers (gift1) (翻译)(题解)
∙Friday the Thirteenth (friday) (翻译)(题解)
∙Broken Necklace (beads) (翻译)(题解)
Section 1.2
∙Translate:USACO/Complete Search
∙Milking Cows (milk2)(翻译)(题解)
∙Transformations (transform)(翻译)(题解)
∙Name That Number (namenum)(翻译)(题解)
∙Palindromic Squares (palsquare)(翻译)(题解)
∙Dual Palindromes (dualpal)(翻译)(题解)
Section 1.3
∙Translate:USACO/Greedy Algorithm
∙Translate:USACO/Winning Solutions
∙Mixing Milk (milk)(翻译)(题解) redone
∙Barn Repair (barn1)(翻译)(题解)
∙Prime Cryptarithm (crypt1)(翻译)(题解)
∙Combination Lock (combo)(翻译)(题解)
∙Wormholes (wormhole)(翻译)(题解)
∙Ski Cour Design (skidesign)(翻译)(题解)
Section 1.4
∙Translate:USACO/More Search Techniques
∙Arithmetic Progressions (ariprog)(杭杭翻译)(题解)
∙Mother's Milk (milk3)(翻译)(题解)
Section 1.5
∙Translate:USACO/Binary Numbers
∙Number Triangles (numtri)(翻译)(题解)
∙Prime Palindromes (pprime)(读mba有用吗翻译)(题解)
∙SuperPrime Rib (sprime)(翻译)(题解)
Chapter2-Bigger Challenges(更大的挑战)
Section 2.1
∙Translate:USACO/Graph Theory
∙Translate:USACO/Flood Fill Algorithms
∙The Castle (castle) (翻译)(题解)
∙Ordered Fractions (frac1) (翻译)(题解)
∙Sorting A Three-Valued Sequence (sort3) (翻译)(题解)
∙Healthy Holsteins (holstein) (翻译)(题解)
∙Hamming Codes (hamming) (翻译)(题解)
Section 2.2
∙Translate:USACO/Data Structures
∙Translate:USACO/Dynamic Programming
∙Preface Numbering (preface) (翻译)(题解)
∙Subt Sums (subt) (翻译)(题解)
∙Runaround Numbers (runround) (翻译)(题解)
广州翻译公司∙Party Lamps (lamps) (翻译)(题解)
michael pageSection 2.3
∙The Longest Prefix (prefix) (翻译)(题解)
∙Cow Pedigrees (nocows) (翻译)(题解)
∙Zero Sum (zerosum) (翻译)(题解)
∙Money Systems (money) (翻译)(题解)
∙Controlling Companies (concom) (翻译)(题解)
Section 2.4
∙Translate:USACO/Shortest Paths
∙The Tamworth Two (ttwo) (翻译)(题解)
∙Overfencing (maze1) (翻译)(题解)
∙Cow Tours (cowtour) (翻译)(题解)
∙Bessie Come Home (comehome) (翻译)(题解)
∙Fractions to Decimals (fracdec) (翻译)(题解)
Chapter3-Techniques more subtle(更微妙的技术)
Section 3.1
∙Translate:USACO/Minimal Spanning Trees
∙Agri-Net (agrinet)(翻译)(题解)
∙Score Inflation (inflate) (翻译)(题解)
∙Humble Numbers (humble) (翻译)(题解)
∙Contact (contact) (翻译)(题解)
∙Stamps (stamps) (翻译)(题解)
Section 3.2
∙Translate:USACO/Knapsack Problems
∙Factorials (fact4) (翻译)(题解)
∙Stringsobits (kimbits) (翻译)(题解)
∙Spinning Wheels (spin) (翻译)(题解)
∙Feed Ratios (ratios) (翻译)(题解)
∙Magic Squares (msquare) (翻译)(题解)
∙Sweet Butter (butter) (翻译)(题解)
Section 3.3
∙Translate:USACO/Eulerian Tour
∙Riding The Fences (fence) (翻译)(题解)
∙Shopping Offers (shopping) (翻译)(题解)
亲爱的 法语
∙Camelot (camelot) (翻译)(题解)
∙Home on the Range (range) (翻译)(题解)
∙A Game (game1) (翻译)(题解)
Section 3.4
∙Translate:USACO/Computational Geometry
∙American Heritage (heritage) (翻译)(题解)
∙Electric Fence (fence9) (翻译)(题解)
心理素质差∙Raucous Rockers (rockers) (翻译)(题解)
Chapter4-Advanced algorithms and difficult drills(高级算法与困难的习题)
Section 4.1
∙Beef McNuggets (nuggets) (翻译)(题解)
∙Fence Loops (fence6) (翻译)(题解)
Section 4.2
∙Translate:USACO/Network Flow
∙Drainage Ditches (ditch) (翻译)(题解)
∙The Perfect Stall (stall4) (翻译)(题解)
∙Job Processing (job) (翻译)(题解)
Section 4.3
∙Translate:USACO/Big Number
∙Buy Low, Buy Lower (buylow) (翻译)(题解)
∙Street Race (race3) (翻译)(题解)
∙Letter Game (lgame) (翻译)(题解)
Section 4.4
∙Shuttle Puzzle (shuttle)(翻译)(题解)
∙宁波培训Pollutant Control (milk6) (翻译)(题解)
∙Frame Up (frameup) (翻译)(题解)
Chapter5-Serious challenges(严峻的挑战)
Section 5.1
∙Translate:USACO/Convex Hulls
∙Fencing the Cows (fc) (翻译)(题解)