1. | T F The primary purpo of speechmaking is to gain a desired respon |
from listeners. | |
2. | T F Being audience-centered involves compromising your beliefs to get |
轻松背单词 | a favorable respon. |
3. | T F When you face a speaking situation, do everything you can to |
control the influence of physical tting on your audience. | |
4. | T F There is very little diversity among listeners with similar |
demographic characteristics. | |
5. | T F Your listeners ’ammeter knowledge about your topic will determine what |
you can say in your speech. | |
6. | T F When putting together your own questionnaire, u all three types |
of questions: fixed-alternative, scale, and open-ended. | |
7. linhua | T F The key to effective speaking is how well you u what you know in |
preparing and prenting the speech. | |
9. | T F Reflecting on your audi | ence’s respon is an important part of |
skill development. | ||
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