Lesson 9 The Loons
1. pebble [] n. a small smooth stone found especially on a beach or on
feedback是什么意思the bottom of a river鹅卵石
2. scrub [] v. to rub something hard, especially with a stiff brush, in order
to clean it用力擦洗,刷洗:She was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor.她趴在地上刷洗地板。
3. loon [lu:n] n. any of an order of fish-eating, diving birds, with a sharp bill and
webbed feet, found mainly in subarctic regions, noted for its weird cry潜鸟4. chokecherry [] n. a North American tree that produces
small sour fruit美国稠李
5. shack [] n. a small building that has not been built very well小屋,简陋的小屋
6. chink [] vt. to fill narrow openings in堵塞……的狭窄裂口
7. thigh [] n. the portion of the human leg between the hip and the knee大腿
8. lean-to [] n. a small roughly-made building that is built against
the side of a larger building披屋
9. wrap [] v. bend, curve, or twist out of shape; distort使弯曲,弄弯:wrapped
10. ramshackle []adj. so poorly constructed or kept up that
disintegration is likely; rickety倒塌似的,摇摇欲坠的:a ramshackle cabin
11. strand [] n. a single thin piece of thread, wire, hair etc绳、线之一股:
a strand of hair一缕头发
12. barb wire [] n. strands of wire twisted together, with barbs atcome out
regular, clo intervals, ud for fencing or military barriers带刺铁丝网13. patois []n. a regional dialect, especially one without a literary tradition方言,行话
14. obscenity []n. indecency, lewdness, or offensiveness in
officiallybehavior, expression, or appearance猥亵,淫猥:The spread of
pornography and obscenity is a very crucial issue in the modern
15. herring [] n. a long thin silver a fish that can be eaten青鱼,鲱
16. lard [] n. white fat from pigs that is ud in cooking猪油
17. brui [] n. a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get becau
you have fallen, been hit etc碰伤,青肿
18. brawl [] n. a noisy quarrel or fight争吵,争斗:Did you take part in the
brawl yesterday? 你参与昨天的打斗了吗?
19. sporadic []adj. occurring at irregular intervals; having no
pattern or order in time零星的,时有时无的:You know this better than I.
I received only sporadic news about it. 你们比我更清楚,而我听到的只是
20. rervation [] n. public land t aside for some special
u: an. Indian rervation; a military rervation on保留地
21. tuberculosis []n. a rious infectious
dia that affects many parts of one’s body, especially one’s
22. grimy []adj. covered with dirt污垢的,肮脏的:grimy factory
23. flare [] vi. to become suddenly angry突然发怒:The candidate flared at
the reporter’s question.候选人对记者的提问突然发起火来。
24. dickens [] n. [colloq.] devil; deuce (ud with the in mild oaths)
25. contagious [] adj. easily diffud or spread as from one
person to another有传染性的:a contagious dia传染性疾病
26. nit [] n. the egg or young of a parasitic inct, such as a lou虱卵
27. cameo [] n. a small piece of jewelry with a raid shape, usually a
person’s face, on a flat background of a different co lor浮雕,石雕
28. mauve [] adj. pale purple淡紫色的
29. stifle [] v. to keep in or hold back; repress抑制;憋闷:I am stifling
in this clo room.在这个窄狭的房间里面我感到憋闷。
30. mu [] v. t o be absorbed in one’s thoughts; engage in meditation
沉思,冥想:He mud that it might take longer to drive than walk.他思忖着
31. miraculously [] adv. like a miracle奇迹般地,不可思议地
32. austere [] adj. having no adornment or ornamentation; bare朴素的,
质朴的:We led an austere life in the mountain.我们在山里过着十分简朴的
33. filigree [] n. delicate designs or decorations made of gold or
silver wire细丝工艺
34. spruce [] n. a tree that grows in northern countries and has short
leaves shaped like needles云杉
35. fern [] n. a type of plant with green leaves shaped like large feathers,
but no flowers蕨,蕨类植物
36. raspberry [] n. a soft sweet red berry, or the bush that this
berry grows on悬钩子,覆盆子
37. miniature [] adj. being on a small or greatly reduced scale小型的,微小的
38. squirrel [] n. a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs
trees and eats nuts松鼠
39. tame [] adj. submissive; docile驯服的,柔顺的
40. moo [] n. a large brown animal like a deer that has very large flat
antlers and lives in North America, northern Europe, and parts of Asia驼鹿
41. antler [] n. one of the two horns of a male deer鹿角
42. bleach [] n. & v. to become white or colorless变白,脱色:bleach powder漂白粉
43. fissure [] v. to form a crack or cleft or cau a crack or cleft in(使)裂开
44. meticulously [] adv. extremely careful and preci小心翼翼地
45. tote [] vt. carry or haul, esp. in the arms or on the back手提,肩负,携带,搬运
46. scuff [] v. to scrape with the feet以脚擦地,拖着脚走:scuff one’s feet 拖着脚走
47. bizarre []adj. very unusual or strange; odd古怪的,异乎寻常的:
bizarre clothing奇装异服
48. prophetess [] n. a woman predictor女预言家,女先知
49. impart [] vt. to make known; disclo透露,告知:impart news to
50. whippoorwill []n. an inct-eating nocturnal North
American bird of the goatsucker family, having spotted brown
feathers that blend with its woodland habitat北美夜鹰
51. coyote [] n. a small wild dog that lives in North West America and
52. lore [] n. knowledge acquired through education or experience学问,学识:
I will ek and question him of his lore.我要找到他,向他讨教渊博的学识。
涉水而过53. dogged [] adj. stubbornly pervering; unyielding顽强的,固执的
54. perverance [] n. determination to keep trying to
achieve something in spite of difficulties百折不挠,坚定不移;毅力55. bracken []n. a plant that often grows in forests and becomes
reddish brown in the autumn欧洲蕨
56. amber [] n. a hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; ud
for jewelry琥珀
57. ululate [] vi. to howl, wail, or lament loudly哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭
58. aeon [] n. an extremely long period of time永世,万古;极长的时期:
让客人办会员卡的技巧Aeons pasd before life existed on the earth.经过数不清的年代以后,地球上
59. chipmunk [] n. a small American animal similar to a squirrel
with black lines on its fur花鼠
60. birch [] n. a tree with smooth bark and thin branches桦树
61. pneumonia [] n. a rious illness that affects one’s
lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe肺炎
62. immer [] vt. to engage wholly or deeply; absorb沉浸,全神贯注:
He was so immerd in his work that he did not notice the footstep.他
63. jukebox [] n. a machine in bars, restaurants etc that plays