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National Readership on the Internet
Recently it has been reported that national readership on the Internet had changed greatly. As is indicated on the media coverage, the percentage of Internet readership grew sharply in the past decade.
结束的英文Two reasons can account for this phenomenon. For a start, the individuals have convenient access to the Internet and the richness of Internet resources. With the rapid development of technology, people nowadays have access to the “enormous databa”almost anytime and anywhere for their free choice. More significantly, reading on the Internet is more cost-effective compared with traditional reading in th
at most of the electronic books are free or very cheap. On the contrary, the price of paper/print books remains relatively higher.
infrastructure翻译In general, such a change will have an impact on people. For one thing, as more and more people read on the Internet for entertainment or amument, their imagination and creativity may be dampened/weakened/devitalized in the long run since/as the online reading is a kind of superficial reading. For another, becau some information on the Internet is unhealthy or untrue full of violence, pornography and prejudice, some readers, especially the teenagers, may be misled as the very victims worryingly.