chuck norris1. Yacht captain: a person who is responsible for operating and navigating a yacht.software是什么意思
绕口令英语2. Yoga instructor: a person who teaches yoga pos and techniques to students.
3. Youth worker: a person who works with young people, providing support and guidance on various issues.
在线中译英pastime4. Yield analyst: a financial analyst who specializes in evaluating the yield potential of different investments.
5. Yankee trader: a stock trader who specializes in the New York Stock Exchange.arrayslice
6. Yard supervisor: a person who overes the operation of a yard or warehou facility.
7. Yale lock technician: a locksmith who specializes in repairing and installing Yale brand locks.
8. Yarn spinner: a person who operates spinning machines to create yarns from various fibers.
9. Yeoman sailor: a sailor who holds the rank of yeoman in the Navy.
10. Yellow cab driver: a taxi driver who operates a yellow cab in a specific city or region.