santa claus
题目: 矢量力学与分析力学的比较
物理与电子电气工程 丹顶鹤英文学院 应用物理学 (材料物理)专业
学 号 170904002
学生姓名 burstout
六级 作文
必须的英文 指导教师
摘cubicle 要
牛顿在总结前人成果的基础上创立了公理化的矢量力学理论体系。牛顿的这个理论体系以矢量形式为特点,因而被称为矢量力学。随着时间的推移,日益显出其局限性来。拉格朗日,哈密顿等人对发展了牛顿力学,建立起来的以分析数学形式表述的理论框架,称为分析力学。经过人类长期的生产实践活动,经过众多科学家实验和理论的研究,经典力学已经完善并突破了以 F=ma为核心的牛顿力学的理论框架(矢量力学);构建起了现代形式的理论体系(分析力学)。经典力学虽然已经有了长足的发展,有了相当完整的理论体系,但是这决不意味着经典力学已经发展到顶了。经典力学的理论体系与经过高度抽象的数学的公理体系还是有所不同,物理学本质上是一门实验科学,物理理论的直接的深厚基础是丰富的实验事实。
Newton established the vector mechanics theory system that the justice turns in tallying up the foundation of people of the past's achievement.The theory system being Newtonian takes vector form as a characteristics, as a result is called vector mechanics.Along with horary of change, show it to limit day by day.Pull space Lang for day, admire an airtight etc. person to developed Newton's mechanics, build up get up of with analysis mathematics form description of theory frame, be called to analyze mechanics.Fulfillment after long-term production of mankind activity, after numerous experiments of scientist and theoretical rearch, classic mechanics already perfect combine break with F=ma for the theory frame(vector mechanics) of Newton's mechanics of core;Set up the theory system(analysis mechanics) of having the modern form.Although the classic mechanics has already had a substantial development, there is very complete theory system, this will never mean that the classic mechanics has already developed a crest.The theory system and process height abstraction of classic mechanics of mathematics of the justice system still keep having a dissimilarity, the physi
cs is esntially an experiment science, physics theoretical of the directly deep foundation is abundant experiment fact.
Keywords:jstlVector mechanics;Analytical mechanics;Compare;Distinct