D6026Guide for Using Significant Digits in Calculating and Reporting Geotechnical Test Data5
E145Specification for Gravity-Convection And Forced-Ventilation Ovens6
3.1Refer to Terminology D653for standard definitions of terms.
专升本难吗3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1water content(of a material)—the ratio expresd as a percent of the mass of“pore”or“free”water in a given mass of material to the mass of the solid material.A standard temperature of110°65°C is u
d to determine the mass.
4.Summary of Test Method
4.1A test specimen is dried in an oven at a temperature of 110°65°C to a constant mass.The loss of mass due to drying is considered to be water.The water content is calculated using the mass of water and the mass of the dry specimen.
5.Significance and U
5.1For many materials,the water content is one of the most significant index properties ud in establishing a correlation between soil behavior and its index properties.
5.2The water content of a material is ud in expressing the pha relationships of air,water,and solids in a given volume of material.
5.3Infine-grained(cohesive)soils,the consistency of a given soil type depends on its water content.The water content of a soil,along with its liquid and plastic limits as determined by Test Method D4318,is ud to express its relative consis-tency or liquidity index.
6.1Drying Oven,thermostatically-controlled,preferably of the forced-draft type,meeting the requirements of Specifica-tion E145and capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of11065°C throughout the drying chamber.
6.2Balances—All balances must meet the requirements of Specification D4753and this ction.A Class GP1balance of 0.01g readability is required for specimens having a mass of up to200g(excluding mass of specimen container)and a Class GP2balance of0.1g readability is required for specimens having a mass over200g.However,the balance ud may be controlled by the number of significant digits needed(e8.2.1 and12.1.2).
6.3Specimen Containers—Suitable containers made of ma-terial resistant to corrosion and change in mass upon repeated heating,cooling,exposure to materials of varying pH,and cleaning.Unless a dessicator is ud,containers with clo-fitting lids shall be ud for testing specimens having a mass of less than about200g;while for specimens having a mass greater than about200g,containers without lids may be ud (e Note7).One container is needed for each water content determination.
N OTE2—The purpo of clo-fitting lids is to prevent loss of moisture from specimens before initial mass determination and to prevent absorp-tion of moisture from the atmosphere following drying and beforefinal mass determination.
6.4Desiccator—A desiccator cabinet or large desiccator jar of suitable size containing silica gel or anhydrous calcium sulfate.It is preferable to u a desiccant which changes color to indicate it needs reconstitution.See10.5.
N OTE3—Anhydrous calcium sulfate is sold under the trade name Drierite.
6.5Container Handling Apparatus,gloves,tongs,or suit-able holder for moving and handling hot containers after drying.
6.6Miscellaneous,knives,spatulas,scoops,quartering cloth,sample splitters,etc,as required.
7.1Samples shall be prerved and transported in accor-dance with Practice4220Groups B,C,or D soils.Keep the samples that are stored prior to testing in noncorrodible airtight containers at a temperature between approximately3and30°C and in an area that prevents direct contact with sunlight. Disturbed samples in jars or other containers shall be stored in such a way as to prevent or minimize moisture condensation on the insides of the containers.
7.2The water content determination should be done as soon as practicable after sampling,especially
if potentially corrod-ible containers(such as thin-walled steel tubes,paint cans,etc.) or plastic sample bags are ud.
8.Test Specimen
8.1For water contents being determined in conjunction with another ASTM method,the specimen mass requirement stated in that method shall be ud if one is provided.If no minimum specimen mass is provided in that method then the values given below shall apply.See Howard7for background data for the values listed.
salary是什么意思8.2The minimum mass of moist material lected to be reprentative of the total sample shall be in accordance with the following:
Maximum particle
Standard Sieve
minimum mass of
moist test spec-
imen for water
content reported
minimum mass of
moist test spec-
imen for water
content reported
2mm or less No.1020g20g A
carmenelectra4.75mm No.4100g20g A
19.0mm3⁄4-in. 2.5kg250g
A To be reprentative not less than20g shall be ud.
8.2.1The minimum mass ud may have to be incread to obtain the needed significant digits for the mass of water when reporting water contents to the nearest0.1%or as indicated in 12.1.2.
5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol04.09. 6Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol14.02.
7Howard,A.K.,“Minimum Test Specimen Mass for Moisture Content Deter-mination”,Geotechnical Testing Journal,A.S.T.M.,V ol.12,No.1,March1989,pp.
8.3Using a test specimen smaller than the minimum indi-cated in8.2requires discretion,though it may be adequate for the purpos of the test.Any specimen ud not meeting the requirements shall be noted on the test data forms or test data sheets.
8.4When working with a small(less than200g)specimen containing a relatively large gravel particle,it is appropriate not to include this particle in the test specimen.However,any discarded material shall be described and noted on the test data forms or test data sheets.
8.5For tho samples consisting entirely of intact rock,the minimum specimen mass shall be500g.Reprentative portions of the sample may be broken into smaller particles, depending on the sample’s size,the container and balance being ud and to facilitate drying to constant mass,e
10.4. Specimen sizes as small as200g may be tested if water contents of only two significant digits are acceptable.
9.Test Specimen Selection
9.1When the test specimen is a portion of a larger amount of material,the specimen must be lected to be reprentative of the water condition of the entire amount of material.The manner in which the test specimen is lected depends on the purpo and application of the test,type of material being tested,the water condition,and the type of sample(from another test,bag,block,and the likes.)
9.2For disturbed samples such as trimmings,bag samples, and the like,obtain the test specimen by one of the following methods(listed in order of preference):
devotion9.2.1If the material is such that it can be manipulated and handled without significant moisture loss and gregation,the material should be mixed thoroughly and then lect a repre-ntative portion using a scoop of a size that no more than a few scoopfuls are required to obtain the proper size of specimen defined in8.2.
9.2.2If the material is such that it cannot be thoroughly mixed or mixed and sampled by a scoop,form a stockpile of the material,mixing as much as possible.Take at leastfive portions of material at random locations using a sampling tube, shovel,scoop,trowel,or similar device appropriate to the maximum particle size prent in the material.Combine all the portions for the test specimen.kista
9.2.3If the material or conditions are such that a stockpile cannot be formed,take as many portions of the material as practical,using random locations that will best reprent the moisture condition.Combine all the portions for the test specimen.
9.3Intact samples such as block,tube,split barrel,and the like,obtain the test specimen by one of the following methods depending on the purpo and potential u of the sample. 9.3.1Using a knife,wire saw,or other sharp cutting device, trim the outside portion of the sample a sufficient distance to e if the material is layered and to remove material that appears more dry or more wet than the main portion of the sample.If the existence of layering is questionable,slice the sample in half.If the material is layered,e9.3.3.
9.3.2If the material is not layered,obtain the specimen meeting the mass requirements in8.2by:(1)taking all or one-half of the interval being tested;(2)trimming a repren-tative slice from the interv
al being tested;or(3)trimming the expod surface of one-half or from the interval being tested. N OTE4—Migration of moisture in some cohesionless soils may require that the full ction be sampled.
9.3.3If a layered material(or more than one material type is encountered),lect an average specimen,or individual speci-mens,or both.Specimens must be properly identified as to location,or what they reprent,and appropriate remarks entered on the test data forms or test data sheets.
10.1Determine and record the mass of the clean and dry specimen container(and its lid,if ud).
10.2Select reprentative test specimens in accordance with Section9.
10.3Place the moist test specimen in the container and,if ud,t the lid curely in position.Determine the mass of the container and moist material using a balance(e6.2)lected on the basis of the specimen mass.Record this value.
N OTE5—To prevent mixing of specimens and yielding of incorrect results,all containers,and lids if ud,should be numbered and the container numbers shall be recorded on the laboratory data sheet
s.The lid numbers should match the container numbers to eliminate confusion.
N OTE6—To assist in the oven-drying of large test specimens,they should be placed in containers having a large surface area(such as pans) and the material broken up into smaller aggregations.
argue的用法10.4Remove the lid(if ud)and place the container with moist material in the drying oven.Dry the material to a constant mass.Maintain the drying oven at11065°C unless otherwi specified(e 1.4).The time required to obtain constant mass will vary depending on the type of material,size of specimen,oven type and capacity,and other factors.The influence of the factors generally can be established by good judgment,and experience with the materials being tested and the apparatus being ud.
N OTE7—In most cas,drying a test specimen overnight(about12to 16h)is sufficient.In cas where there is doubt concerning the adequacy of drying,drying should be continued until the change in mass after two successive periods(greater than1h)of drying is an insignificant amount (less than about0.1%).Specimens of sand may often be dried to constant mass in a period of about4h,when a forced-draft oven is ud.
N OTE8—Since some dry materials may absorb moisture from moist specimens,dried specimens sh
ould be removed before placing moist specimens in the same oven.However,this would not be applicable if the previously dried specimens will remain in the drying oven for an additional time period of about16h.
10.5After the material has dried to constant mass remove the container from the oven(and replace the lid if ud).Allow the material and container to cool to room temperature or until the container can be handled comfortably with bare hands and the operation of the balance will not be affected by convection currents and/or its being heated.Determine the mass of the container and oven-dried material using the same type/capacity balance ud in10.3.Record this value.Tightfitting lids shall be ud if it appears that the specimen is absorbing moisture from the air prior to determination of its dry mass.
N OTE9—Cooling in a desiccator is acceptable in place of tightfitting lids since it greatly reduces absorption of moisture from the atmosphere during cooling especially for containers without tightfitting
11.1Calculate the water content of the material as follows:
w5@~M cws2M cs!/~M cs2M c!#31005M w
M s
w5water content,%,
M cws5mass of container and wet specimen,g,
M cs5mass of container and oven dry specimen,g,
M c5mass of container,g,
M w5mass of water(M w5M cws−M cds),g,and
M s5mass of solid particles(M s5M cds−M c),g. 12.Report
12.1Test data forms or test data sheets shall include the following:
12.1.1Identification of the sample(material)being tested, such as boring number,sample number,test number,container number etc.
12.1.2Water content of the specimen to the nearest1%or 0.1%,as appropriate bad on the minimum sample ud.If this method is ud in concert with another method,the water content of the specimen should be reported to the value required by the test method for which the water content is being determined.Refer to Guide D6026for guidance con-cerning significant digits,especially if the value obtained from this test method is to be ud to calculate other relationships such as unit weight or density.For instance,if it is desired to express dry unit weight to the nearest0.1lbf/f3(0.02kN/m3),it may be necessary to u a balance with a greater readability or u a larger specimen mass to obtain the required significant digits the mass of water so that the water content can be determined to the required significant digits.Also,the signifi-cant digits in Guide D6026may need to be incread when calculating pha relationships requiring four significant digits.
12.1.3Indicate if test specimen had a mass less than the minimum indicated in8.2.
12.1.4Indicate if test specimen contained more than one material type(layered,etc.).
12.1.5Indicate the temperature of drying if different from 11065°C.
12.1.6Indicate if any material(size and amount)was excluded from the test specimen.
12.2When reporting water content in tables,figures,etc., any data not meeting the requirements of this test method shall be noted,such as not meeting the mass,balance,or temperature requirements or a portion of the material is excluded from the test specimen.
13.Precision and Bias
13.1Statement on Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test method;therefore,bias cannot be deter-mined.
13.2Statements on Precision:
13.2.1Single-Operator Precision(Repeatability)—The single-operator coefficient of variation has bee
n found to be2.7 percent.Therefore,results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator with the same equipment should not be considered suspect unless they differ by more than7.8percent of their mean.8
13.2.2Multilaboratory Precision(Reproducibility)9—The multilaboratory coefficient of variation has been found to be 5.0percent.Therefore,results of two properly conducted tests by different operators using different equipment should not be considered suspect unless they differ by more than14.0percent of their mean.
14.1consistency;index property;laboratory;moisture analysis;moisture content;soil aggregate;water content
Committee D-18has identified the location of lected changes to this standard since the last issue. (D2216-92)that may impact the u of this standard.
(1)Title was changed to emphasize that mass is the basis for the standard.
(2)Section1.1was revid to clarify“similar materials”.
(3)New1.2was added to explain a limitation in scope.The other ctions were renumbered as appropriate.
(4)An information reference was included in1.5.
(5)An information reference was included in1.6
冰河世纪1下载(6)A new ASTM referenced document was included in2.1.
itg(7)New Footnotes2,3,and5were added and identified. Other footnotes were renumbered where necessary for quen-tial identification.
(8)Information concerning balances was added in6.2
(9)Section6.3was revid to clarify the u of clo-fitting lids,and a reference to Note8was added.(10)In6.4,“anhydrous calcium phosphate”was changed to “anyhydrous calcium sulfate”to correct an error and to agree with Note3.
(11)A typo in8.1was corrected from“before”to“below”and
a footnoted reference was added for information.
(12)A portion of8.2was deleted for clarity.
(13)A new8.2.1was added to clarify minimum mass require-ments.
(14)Sections8.3,8.4,9.3.3,and12.1were changed to substitute“test data form/sheet”for“report”.
(15)Footnote ven was identified.
(16)Section9.2.1was revid to improve clarity and intent.
(17)The word“possible”was changed to“practical”in9.2.3.
8The numbers reprent the(1s)and(d2s)limits as described in Practice C 670.
9The numbers reprent the(1s%)and(d2s%)limits as described in Practice C
(18)Section 9.3.1and 9.3.2were revid to improve clarity
and for practicality.
(19)A reference to Guide D 6026was added in 12.1.2.
(20)Footnotes 8and 9were added to 13.2.1and 13.2.2,
respectively.The were inadvertently omitted from the 1992version.The explanations provide clarity and information to the ur.(21)A Summary of Changes was added to reflect D-18’s policy.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asrted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard.Urs of this standard are expressly advid that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be r
eviewed every five years and if not revid,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addresd to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA